Dragon Ball’s Strongest Training Chapter 71


Chapter 71 Testimonials on the shelves

It has been written for 43 days and will be read on QQ tomorrow. First of all, thank you readers for your great support, and secondly thank you My editor is great, Young Lady Yong Ye, I am very excited to be on the shelves at the first time.

It's so sad, I've written it for so long and I haven't seen what it looks like... wu wu wu

If you like it, you can ask for your support, read the first order on qq A wave of support may cost more than 20 cents a day. The support of readers is my biggest motivation, haha, no more to say, thank you.

Although the data is not very good-looking, Xiaoci will write this book carefully.

Created a q group: 1045758554

(end of this chapter)

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