Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1444: The taste of conspiracy

Just like this?

A strong man at the Profound Sky Clan was once glorious for a while and turned into dust in an instant. How could this make them believe?

He died just under their noses.

Chu Qianye put all his Qiankun Ring and Naling Ring into the Qiankun Ring.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

But they didn't say anything.

At this time, Tang Feng was pale. He didn't expect that Chu Qianye would really kill Gu Wanqing when he said that he killed Gu Wanqing. The strength of this guy was too strong.

Chu Qianye moved in his heart and retracted his clone into his body.

He raised his head and looked at Tang Feng.

Tang Feng's face changed slightly.

Since Gu Wanqing was dead, he was next.

"I said, you are not worthy of me to take action." Chu Qianye spit out lightly: "Let my swordsman take action."

Zhou Ruolan stared at Tang Feng.

Now that there were no other elders from the Sky Profound Clan to stop him, Tang Feng could no longer retreat.


Zhou Ruolan stepped out, and the war sword in her palm burst out with brilliant light, and slashed straight towards Tang Feng.

The overwhelming Jian Qi made Tang Feng's expression slightly change.

Zhou Ruolan is close to his strength, but more importantly, Zhou Ruolan has cultivated "The Sword of the Endless Heaven", obviously the combat power is better, he can't find the slightest flaw at all, and what makes him feel the scalp numb the most. Once there were some flaws in his defense, he would suffer an injury inside his body. It was the blood and sword energy from the inside out, violently breaking through his defense, causing him huge injuries.


With a loud noise, Tang Feng's body shape was severely cut off by Zhou Ruolan. Before his figure fell, Zhou Ruolan's figure was pasted up, and the sword in his palm burst out with a strong dazzling light in vain. , The light makes my heart shudder.

This feeling is very strong.

Tang Feng was secretly surprised, he didn't expect this kind of combat power to be so majestic.


With a loud noise, he was slashed out by Zhou Ruolan with a single sword, and his whole figure was extremely embarrassed.

The light in his eyes flickered, and he was already timid at this time, and he didn't dare to continue fighting with Zhou Ruolan. If this continued, he would die in Zhou Ruolan's hands sooner or later. This was very clear in his heart.

So he now has the thought of running away.

Chu Qianye naturally knew what this guy thought.

But can you escape?

With the passage of time, Tang Feng began to be stained with blood, and the whole person looked very embarrassed, losing his previous demeanor.

"call out!"

He mobilized the power of the stars in his body, teleported, and swept toward the area directly in front, trying to escape from here.

"Huh, can you escape?"

Chu Qianye stared at the streamer flying away, and suddenly snorted heavily and vomited lightly.

When the words were over, violent power followed.


A sword slashed out fiercely.

Tang Feng, who was teleporting, was full of shock.


The sword fiercely chopped down from behind him, and the whole person vomited blood, still trying to swoop towards the area directly in front, but Chu Qianye let out a cold snort, and the Heavenly Sword Lotus chopped out.

"Boom! Boom!"

Tang Feng, who was escaping in front of him, trembled suddenly. Then he found out in horror that his body was no longer conscious. He looked down at his chest, and suddenly his body was shaken. He was horrified to find , Blood is constantly spitting out from his chest...

But he didn't die there, he still had a little breath.

He felt that he still had hope of alive.

"Please, please... please, no, no, kill me." Tang Feng said intermittently.

"I...I... I can tell, you, you, a secret."

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and he was immediately interested in the secrets Tang Feng said. At this time, he was surprised. He became very interested in the secrets that the other party said.

"Oh, let me listen to you, I will consider it as appropriate." Chu Qianye said lightly: "It depends on the secret value you mentioned to decide."

"I, okay, okay, tell, tell you some secrets of the senior Wushi." Tang Feng said intermittently.

Hearing this, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly flickered.

He may not be interested in anything else, but this mysterious Wushi high-level man has to understand that it can be said that all this is caused by the ghost of the Wushi high-level behind.

Look (A genuine chapter V) $ section g@上;\'

Seeing that he was tired from talking, Chu Qianye immediately took out a pill, shattered it and put it in his mouth.

With the medicinal power dissolved in his body, Tang Feng felt a little better, his speech was not so intermittent, and his expression gradually improved.

"That high-level man, the Soul Hunting Hall, and the Fallen Temple have..."

Suddenly at this moment, Chu Qianye felt a huge sense of crisis in his heart.

No, withdraw quickly!

Chu Qianye teleported. He had just left Tang Feng, Tang Feng's body exploded violently, and the self-detonation of the Six-Star Saint was still terrifying. That power rose to the sky, and everything was shocked from a hundred-mile radius. It collapsed and shattered, and huge energy vortices and cracks suddenly appeared above that area.

Thinking of the scene just now, Chu Qianye suddenly broke into cold sweat.

If it hadn't been for him to evacuate in time, Tang Feng had just blew himself up, and he would most likely be blown to death.

It's terrible.

This thing is weird!

According to reason, Tang Feng would not blew himself up. After all, he still wanted to live, so I begged him, but when he was about to tell him the secret of the high-ranking martial artist, he actually blew himself up. How weird it was.

Chu Qianye looked at that area, lost in thought.

At this time, Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan also flickered, swooping to this void position.

The other people in the distance didn't even know about this. They only knew that Chu Qianye gave Tang Feng a pill, and then the next scene happened.

"What's going on? My lord, are you not hurt?" Zhou Ruolan asked in surprise.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Hao Juan also cast a surprised look.

"This is not a place to talk." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

The two of them looked startled, and they didn't know what happened.

It can be stopped when Tang Feng is about to tell the secret of the high-level Wu Shi.

The strength of this person is terrible.

Who the **** is it? What kind of means?

The last sentence he couldn't finish saying, what is the relationship between the Wushi high-level man and the Hunting Soul Palace and the Fallen Temple?

Various questions surfaced, and Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

This matter is probably not that simple!

Since his master was not killed by Tang Feng and others, then who killed him?

Is that senior in Takeshi related to this matter?

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

He has smelled conspiracy!

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