Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 242: Join the Lingxiao Palace

The national teacher looked at the emperor with questioning eyes.

Liu Batian nodded gently.

"Four university palace competition, leader----" The national teacher's voice sounded clear and clear on the battle platform.

"Jianhou Mansion, Chu Qianye!"

Concubine Xian's face became very ugly.

Finally, the unyielding boy won the top spot,...

The eyes of countless people have become a little moist, especially Bai Qiuye and others. They have been waiting for a long time, from the knockout round to the ring competition, and then enter the top 20, then beat the siege, enter the top ten, the top five, and finally Standing on this ring, a dazzling light burst out!

Jianhou Mansion has been silent for ten years, and finally someone wins!

The disciples of Jianhou Mansion were all excited. The head teacher also showed a faint smile.

Wen Ren Muyue showed a shallow smile. The first person in the foreign palace that year finally stood on the biggest stage and became the leader of the competition.

"Smelly boy." Jian Batian smiled faintly, "My apprentice, Chu Qianye."

Zhangjiao Tang's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the person who won the first prize in the end would be Chu Qianye, not the Seventh Prince.

At this moment, the black-clothed boy stood on the ring, ventilating with the wind, under the sunlight, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a beautiful arc.

A handsome, unruly, enchanting martial arts genius,...

Everyone stared at Chu Qianye, and they couldn't help but have such thoughts in their minds.

"This guy, really handsome, I am afraid that many women in Chishui County will be fascinated by him." Wu Ying smiled faintly.

"Who said no. But after Chu Qianye became famous in the first battle, the sect of the Chiyun Dynasty will inevitably throw out an olive branch. His time in Chishui County is probably only a short two months." Wu Pingqing Nodding lightly.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, the guide of the Scarlet Cloud Sect began to act...

"Chu Qianye, my Lingxiao Palace invites you, you can choose from the ground-level exercises and martial skills, and you can enter my Lingxiao Palace to see the pictures of the high gods."


Everyone was stunned, the map of the gods of Lingxiao, this is a visual map that many warriors dream of, even if they look at it for a few seconds, they are satisfied. What's more, there are martial arts techniques of the ground level?

"Chu Qianye, the Reincarnation Sect invites you to join. No matter what kind of sect, the conditions they give, our reincarnation gate, can give it, and it is twice. Entering the reincarnation gate, you can get personal guidance from the sect master."

"Chu Qianye, as long as you join our Lingwu Sect, all cultivation will not be a problem, and we can help you solve any problems in the secular world."

"Chu Qianye, Scarlet Cloud Sect invites you to join."


The Scarlet Cloud Sect, the prince of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, and the sect founded by himself, is a veritable large sect, and other sect forces can only be subordinated to it.

There are expressions of admiration in everyone's eyes.

Scarlet Cloud Sect, what an honor is this. People like them have pursued martial arts for so long to enter Scarlet Cloud Sect?

However, it is not easy to join the Scarlet Cloud Sect. You have to participate in the assessment of their sect. Only true martial arts geniuses can enter this sect.

Of course, there is still the current situation of Chu Qianye, who is directly invited by the guide to join, which does not need to participate in various assessments.

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Qingyun Avenue opened to Chu Qianye in the blink of an eye.

The four sects, the Scarlet Cloud Sect, the Lingxiao Palace, the Reincarnation Gate, and the Lingwu Sect, were all first-class forces of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty. As for the second-rate forces, at this moment, they don't even have the courage to throw an olive branch.

Liuyunzong is just a second-rate force.

Chu Qianye's eyes flickered. He was thinking about choosing to join a sect. For him, it might not be realistic. After all, after becoming a sect disciple, the constraints were too great.

He looked for his father, and then figured out why he left in a hurry back then, and where his mother is now.

For these problems, if he joined the sect, he would not be so free. Only Ke Qing would be his best choice.

The Chiyun Sect was a sect founded by the Lord himself. Although the rest of the sects are under his control, it is like a son and a godson. The Scarlet Cloud Sect is the son of the Lord.

Therefore, if he chooses from this level, Scarlet Cloud Sect is indeed his best place to go.

Chu Qianye's divine voice gave the guide, and that person's face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

There is a big gap between the disciple and Ke Qing. For the disciple, the sect will give most of the resources, while Ke Qing has only a few resources for cultivation.

Therefore, choosing Ke Qing almost gave up the opportunity and future of rising.

But it does not rule out the real powerhouse, the kind of martial arts genius, if they become the guest Qing, they will naturally welcome the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

It's a pity, Chu Qianye, the martial arts talent in Chishui County may be astonishing, but if it is placed in the Chiyun Dynasty, it will only be slightly brilliant.

"Sorry, then you can only choose another sect." The Scarlet Cloud Sect's guide said.

Then he turned his head to look at the Seventh Prince.

"Seventh Prince, are you willing to join Scarlet Cloud Sect?"

The seventh prince was already embarrassed, his eyes revealed a look of despair, but he didn't expect to understand this sentence, and he was overjoyed.

"I am willing." The Seventh Prince said.

Many warriors on the battlefield were surprised. They were obviously surprised that Chu Qianye gave up joining the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

The guide of the Lingxiao Palace seemed to see what Chu Qianye was thinking.

"Chu Qianye, do you want to join the clan as Keqing?"

Chu Qianye was taken aback.

"I am Mo Shang, the guide of the Lingxiao Palace."

In my mind, the voice of that person resounded again.

"You join my High Heaven Palace, even if you enter the sect as a guest, the promise you gave you earlier is still valid. This is the palace owner's personal consent." Mo Shang said, "However, if you leave the sect, you cannot join another The three major sects, otherwise they will be punished as treason."

"That's all?" Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

"Lingxiao Palace will no longer provide the resources for later cultivation, you can only rely on yourself." Mo Shang added.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

In fact, for him, such conditions are already earned. After all, he is just entering the clan as a guest.

As for future training resources?

Lao Tzu has money, which can always be piled up.

Chu Qianye gave Jian Batian his thoughts and sounds, Jian Batian was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile.

His disciples seem to have grown up, and they don't need to worry about them at all, and most of them are people with high ambitions when they enter the clan as a guest.

"Okay, I am willing to join the Lingxiao Palace as Keqing." Chu Qianye responded to Mo Shang.

Mo Shang showed a faint smile.

"This is the magic talisman of my High Heaven Palace. When you enter the dynasty, I will be able to sense your existence, and then I will lead you into the sect."

When the words were over, when the stranger flicked his fingers, a magic talisman shot at Chu Qianye.

Seeing Chu Qianye's final choice, the other sects secretly sighed.

The other sects quickly set their sights on the Eighth Prince and the fourth and fifth places.

The Eighth Prince joined the Lingwu Sect.

The top 20 warriors all have sects throwing olive branches.

"Daughter, you choose Lingxiao Palace. As Keqing, after the family affairs are arranged, I will pick you up to the clan." Father Li said.

Li Ling nodded slightly.

The tenth place, plus the appointment of the Lord, Mo Shang did not dare to neglect, and agreed.

As for Ruan Kui, he finally joined the Temple of Heaven, a second-rate sect force.

The competition for hegemony finally came to an end, and the corresponding rewards, three days later, the palace lord will be given uniformly after the top three enter the blood pool.

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