Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 273: Three-year agreement

"Master Chu." Wang Yuyan smiled slightly.

She speaks softly, with bright eyes and white teeth, and a fair complexion. She is really an outstanding beauty.

"I have seen the three princesses." Chu Qianye said in a hurried manner.


Wang Yuyan couldn't help but smiled beautifully.

"Mr. Chu, this is not like your grandeur, I prefer you that day, a man with seven feet of passion, love and hatred." Wang Yuyan said.

Hearing this, Chu Qianye's expression was startled.

Like me that day?

A seven-foot man, who loves and hates clearly?

He did not expect that in the eyes of the third princess, he would have such a high evaluation.

"Why did you come to Qingyun County?" Wang Yuyan asked.

This is actually a side attack. What she really wants to ask is, why do you want to participate in the contest.

"It's a gentleman's promise," Chu Qianye said.

"It's related to the dispute of the prince of Chishui County." Wang Yuyan smiled lightly, revealing a small dimple.

I have to say that Wang Yuyan is indeed beautiful. Unlike Li Ling's girl, Meizhong has a trace of inviolability.

Li Ling girl, beautiful and approachable.

Both are beautiful, but they seem to be bipolar.

"Yeah." Chu Qianye nodded slightly, "I promised a noble man to assist the Eighth Prince in the upper ranks."

Wang Yuyan nodded gently.

"Do you regret it?" She looked at Chu Qianye and asked.

"No regrets."

Chu Qianye shook his head and responded.

In a seven-foot man's body, something must be done, something not done, and he does not regret it if he fulfills his promise.

"You know, I have done a lot of investigations." Wang Yuyan said, "you should have a favorite girl too."

Do you like the girl?

A figure emerged in his mind, Li Ling, would he be the woman he likes? That should be the case. Among the opposite **** with him, only Li Ling can give him a strange feeling.

Seeing Chu Qianye's silence, Wang Yuyan had a sense of it.

"I think it's normal for a strong man to have three wives and four concubines," Wang Yuyan said lightly. "In the secular world, princes and nobles have three wives and four concubines, even some small wealthy businessmen."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, but he didn't expect this third princess to have such a big heart.

"Mr. Chu, in the vast world, you and I met because of great fate." Wang Yuyan said, "I don't force you to make a decision now. You have three years to think about it, and let Heaven to test our marriage. Will it continue after three years? If there is a chance, then we will become martial arts partners."

"The affairs of Chishui County, you solve it yourself."

Suddenly Wang Yuyan stretched out her white jade hand, making a request.

"Aren't you going to give me a visual map?"

Chu Qianye was startled. It should be Wang Yucheng and Wang Yuming who had revealed the news. There were only a few of them in the city lord's mansion that day, and it was unlikely that Wen Zhenbei and Wang Shu would leak the secrets.

He took out the visualization map from Qiankun Ring and handed it to Wang Yuyan.

"Thank you." Wang Yuyan showed a shallow smile and handed a jade pendant to Chu Qianye's hand.

When the two hands touched, Chu Qianye suddenly felt that the other's small hands were soft and cold, causing ripples in his heart.

"This is the princess's token, if you dare to lose it, I will settle the account with you then!"

Chu Qianye looked at the jade pendant in his hand, secretly surprised.

Is this a token of love?

Chu Qianye held the jade pendant in his hand, because he had just removed it from the other party, there was still a trace of temperature, and his face was slightly red.

He didn't have much contact with the opposite sex. It was the first time he met someone who exchanged tokens like Wang Yuyan, and he had just removed it from the other party.

Chu Qianye felt that his face was slightly hot.

The last time Wen Ren Muyue was in the Wuxue Pavilion, I also had close contact. At that time, I seemed to have fled in panic.

Wen Ren Muyue is her senior sister, but she is only one or two years older than herself.

What is the relationship between myself and her?

Woman in life encounter.

He shook his head gently, his mother asked him to follow his heart, but Chu Qianye didn't know what his heart was like, he was completely blank in terms of emotions.

No more, I don’t think about these things anymore. The three-year test, just like Wang Yuyan said, the opportunity of martial arts is what it is like, and there is no need to change anything. It should be your own, it's your own. .

"Thank you." Wang Yuyan smiled, "I like this visualization very much."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"When do you plan to leave Qingyun County? When do you enter the Lingxiao Palace?" Wang Yuyan asked casually.

"Leaving in the past two days, if it's a little bit late, I still have something to deal with. It's probably two months from now." Chu Qianye said without hesitation.

Wang Yuyan nodded and said, "Okay."

it is good?

Chu Qianye's face was speechless. This woman seemed to speak a bit like his style, and she was also nonsensical at first.

"You don't need to come to me, and I don't have to deliberately go to see you. Everything happens. After three years, if we still meet, but there is no emotional fluctuation between each other, then we don't have to form martial arts partners." Wang Yuyan added Said.

Three years?

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"I'll send you out." Wang Yuyan said, taking the initiative.

Chu Qianye didn't refuse, and nodded gently.

"By the way, this time the recruitment test is not open to the public, so it is only circulated among you people. Qingyun County will not issue an order to announce this matter. The agreement between you and me, I hope It’s our personal knowledge.” Wang Yuyan said, seeming to have regained her strong female side.

"Yes." Chu Qianye said.

Wang Yuyan kept Chu Qianye to the door.

"Hmph, I want to see, which **** actually makes my third sister so enamored."

Look at the "n Cool Craftsman & Net" on chapter M of the positive x

As soon as I arrived at the door, a cold snort came.

Immediately, a man in a python robe, and a man in white, walked over here violently.

"That's your kid?"

The man in the python robe stared at Chu Qianye and said disdainfully, "Father, I won’t say anything. After all, you are the leader of the Qingyun County Tournament and a disciple of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. When did you become like this? No vision? To choose a son-in-law, at least you have to go to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, where the strong are like clouds, and you are too willful."

Wang Yuyan frowned Liu's eyebrows.

Which prince is this? It's too uncontrollable to speak, pointing at Sang Huai, which made Chu Qianye feel very baffled.

"Go away, you are not worthy of the third princess." said the man in python.

"Sanmei, let me introduce you to you. This is Master Feng." The man in python introduced the warrior beside him to Wang Yuyan, and said to himself, "Master Feng is the real genius. He entered with a proud record. After the Scarlet Cloud Sect, he is still the strong man on the second tier on the Profound Ranking. The so-called geniuses of the county are nothing but waste."

The eighth prince's face also showed a stunned look, obviously he did not expect such a thing to happen.

Chu Qianye showed a gentle smile, but his eyes were already narrowed.

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