Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 533: Divine catastrophe

Chu Qianye began to comprehend the **** pattern and then practiced.

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This **** pattern, called Divine Movement Catastrophe, belongs to a kind of **** pattern with powerful explosive power. When it is cultivated, it has the power to shake the sky and can be attached to other things, such as profound soldiers, pill, formation,...

As for this so-called sky-shaking energy, it is the fission of power. Chu Qianye smashed it out with a single punch. Originally there was only a hundred ding ding power. If he possessed this supernatural catastrophe, his power would increase exponentially, splitting into two hundred ding ding, four hundred ding ding, eight hundred ding ding,... there is no upper limit. The higher the **** pattern master level, the stronger the martial arts cultivation base, the more complete the **** pattern, the stronger the explosive power!

Chu Qianye was secretly stunned, this supernatural catastrophe was really terrible, it was capable of fissioning power, and there was no upper limit. Such a **** pattern was really ancient!

He was secretly surprised in his heart, took a deep breath, eliminated all the distractions in his heart, and began to comprehend the **** pattern.

With the help of Wu Hun, Chu Qianye quickly realized his **** pattern.

With a move in his heart, he took out the spirit pen and spirit paper, and then urged his martial soul. The golden light gushes out little by little, and then condenses on the spirit pen, and the surrounding profound energy, energy, and spiritual power of heaven and earth begin to condense.

"Chiff chick."

A sharp voice came, and the spirit pen began to slowly move on the spirit paper. With the passage of time, the complex divine pattern, a little condensed energy, the pattern gradually became clear.

The **** pattern is inspired by the spirit of martial arts, and the nib is gathered to outline the **** pattern. Each stroke uses the spirit of the spirit as the ink to absorb the energy between the heaven and the earth. Only then can the **** pattern that arouse the profound energy of the heaven and the earth be cast.

The last time Chu Qianye engraved the blood-devouring **** pattern, spear, and profound weapon, invisibly increased a lot of power, which made him more and more convinced that the explosive power possessed by the **** pattern is actually not weaker than the aid of the pill. effect.

Martial Dao is the fundamental, and Shen Wen and Dan Dao are both auxiliary, so all of this is just to enhance the martial arts strength and envelop the ancient Divine Mark in front of you-Divine Movement Catastrophe.

The **** pattern master is extremely demanding and must have a powerful martial spirit, because when carving the **** pattern, he must use the **** pattern pen as the medium to integrate his own soul power into it, blend the energy and profound energy between heaven and earth, and engrave it Trampled lines.

It is also extremely difficult for the **** pattern masters of the Profound Qi Continent to upgrade their level. It will take at least half a year to upgrade from entry to beginning. Many people with extraordinary talents are also quite helpless. The improvement of the pattern requires continuous inscription of the **** pattern, accumulation of experience, and improvement of the martial spirit before it can reach the initial stage.

As for the beginning to the minor, the time required is even longer, ranging from two years to one year. The promotion of Xiaocheng to Dacheng requires not only accumulation, but also chance, which is more difficult than martial arts breakthrough.

On the whole of the Profound Qi Continent, Consummation and Transcendental Stage are one of the few, especially Transcendental Stage, only three people reach!

"Beginning." Chu Qianye smiled secretly, no longer thinking about it, and continued to inscribe the next **** pattern.

I don’t know how long it has passed, Chu Qianye only felt that his head was dizzy, and the energy condensed around him made him feel thrilling, especially the martial soul pouring out of the spirit pen, began to combine the condensed energy, and then With Wuhun, through the spirit paper, make it form a complete **** pattern.

Chu Qianye’s forehead was covered with big beads of sweat, and the clothes behind him began to get soaked. The huge consumption made him feel quite strenuous, and even the spirit pen gradually became heavier. , And even encountered the embarrassment that the spirit pen could not produce the ink of Wuhun several times.

Must hold on!

In Chu Qianye's eyes, light flickered.

He continued to move the spirit pen, and then rustled sharply.

Divine movement catastrophe, such divine patterns are too complicated, and the martial arts contained in them are even more terrifying. As he inscribes deeply, those divine patterns become more and more difficult to form. That kind of feeling, he has never encountered been.

Chu Qianye secretly felt a bitter smile in her heart. His **** pattern talent should be considered good, but the level of refining patterns is too low. If he enters the initial stage, even if he has this kind of embarrassment, I am afraid it will not be so. many.

Half a day passed in the blink of an eye. Chu Qianye still didn't inscribe the divine movement and catastrophe pattern. He understood quickly, but it was actually quite difficult to inscribe.

Fortunately, the space he was in was the Secret Scripture space, so in terms of time, he didn't care about it. Even if he stayed here for a whole day, only one day had passed outside.

He took a deep breath, continued with a peaceful mind, and began to inscribe the **** pattern again. At the beginning of this process, he bumped several times.


The spiritual paper is broken!

Chu Qianye frowned and failed to condense the Shen Wen.

He was quite surprised. The method he used to teach the old man Huo didn't work. This ancient **** pattern was really enchanting, and even his level was helpless.

carry on!

Chu Qianye gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and continued to take out the second spiritual paper. After swallowing a profound energy pill, he continued to condense the marks of the gods, and the spirit pen rustled again, condensing the gods for the second time. .


The spiritual paper shattered again!

"Your uncle."

Chu Qianye was also angry, he didn't believe it, this ancient **** pattern is really so difficult to cultivate?

The third time, failed;

The fourth time, failed;

The fifth time, fail;


Chu Qianye has failed several times in a row, but his speed and proficiency in condensing patterns have become better and better. That kind of complex **** pattern, under his spirit pen and martial spirit, has become even better. It became more and more rounded, and the power radiated by the **** pattern became more and more solid.

He had forgotten the failure. There were only divine patterns in his eyes, and more and more divine patterns appeared in his mind over and over again. The spirit pen in Chu Qianye's palm became more and more fluid.

Twentieth condensing lines!

Chu Qianye condensed the lines this time and became surprisingly relaxed.

As his martial soul power condenses, more and more energy is condensed.


At this moment, Chu Qianye's body shook suddenly, and the spiritual paper in front of him burst out in vain with a brilliant golden light, a breath that seemed like nothing, from the spiritual paper, connected with his martial soul. together.


Between the heaven and the earth, the energy quivered, accompanied by the twinkling of light, a catastrophe like the coming of the gods, shaking between the heaven and the earth.

In Chu Qianye's eyes, a sharp glow suddenly shot out.

Great catastrophe, success!

He quickly left the Secret Scripture space and came to the power test hall.

At this moment, the power test hall of the High Heaven Palace is full of people coming and going, and everyone is testing their power on different power stones.

Chu Qianye's purpose was very clear, and he went straight to the Wanding Juli Stone.

When everyone saw Chu Qianye's figure, there was a hint of surprise on their faces, and some sneered.

"Hehe, that stone is said to be the black iron stone used by the elders to test their strength. This kid is too big."

"I want to attract the attention of a certain girl. This kind of thing happens from time to time."

"Wan Ding? Let alone him, even the elders may not have such power."

Chu Qianye turned a deaf ear to these voices.

He took out the spiritual paper, and then activated Divine Motion Catastrophe.

With terrifying power, Chu Qianye stepped on the sole of his foot, and immediately slammed a simple and rude punch.

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