Chen Yi stands up straight, looks around and finds the position of the medicine box.

When he opened the medicine box, there were two bottles of unsealed liquor. Chen Yi quickly opened the package of the liquor and said, "it may hurt a little. You can bear it a little."

Yu Jing has a flattered smile on her face. Unexpectedly, Chen Yi is going to help her with the medicine.

"No, I'll do it myself." Her reserved refusal, the girl's feet can not easily give people bang.

Chen Yi pulled down his face and said, "if you come by yourself, it will hurt your muscles and bones for a hundred days. If you don't have a hundred days, your feet won't be good."

Hearing this, Yu Jing was worried for a moment and said anxiously, "what should I do? Don't you have to take so long to apply the medicine for me? "


Chen Yi nodded his head irrefutably. He didn't cheat Yu Jing and hurt his muscles and bones for 100 days. This sentence was left by his ancestors.

"Then help me." Yu Jing hesitates and decides to ask Chen Yi to help her.

Chen Yi doesn't speak any more. He uses his internal power to apply medicinal wine to Yu Jing's feet.

Yu Jing doesn't feel any pain. On the contrary, she feels a little warm. She can't help making a comfortable cry, like a kitten.

Hearing her voice, Yu Jing wants to kill herself with a piece of tofu. Her old face! It's all gone!

Chen Yi didn't know Yu Jing's inner activities. She put down her feet and said seriously, "don't touch the water these days. It will be fine in two or three days."

Yu Jing nodded like a chicken pecking rice and said, "thank you, Chen Yi."

"You're welcome."

In the middle of the night, Chen Yi leaves Yu Jing's house quickly without staying any longer. However, as soon as he walks out of Yu Jing's house, Zhao Li sees his back foot.

Zhao Li, like a ghost, opened his mouth wide and said in surprise: "boss, you You "

can't say why for a long time. Chen Yi turns his eyes and says in silence," what am I, me? "

"In the middle of the night, how can you come out from sister Jing? You..."

Zhao Li smiles like a cheap face. He didn't expect that Chen Yi would have made a great success if he didn't know!

Chen Yi suddenly has a feeling that he can't wash his way into the Yellow River. He can't help laughing and scolding: "it's not what you think. Don't think too much."

"Yes? Don't lie to me, boss. " Zhao Li had a dubious face.

In the middle of the night, it's really imaginative to have a single man and a few women in the same room.

"It's not what you think. By the way, why are you here?"

Zhao Li just thought of the business, and the slothfulness on his face disappeared in an instant. Instead, he was also very serious.

"Boss, I find that Hong Zhenfeng has been crowned king. He is now planning the alliance of five families to fight with us."

Smell speech, Chen Yi disdain of smile, Feng Wang how? The royal family is divided into five classes: the lower class king, the middle class king, the upper class king, the special class king and the supreme king.

Only inferior king, not enough for all!

Two people slowly came to the main hall of the villa, Zhao Li gave Chen Yi a cup of tea, and then sat on the opposite sofa.

"Boss, the Hong family has always regarded us as a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the eye. He will fight against us sooner or later! This time, he took advantage of the opportunity of being king to unite the five families. The purpose is self-evident! "

Chen Yi took a sip of the teacup and a sneer came from the corner of his mouth.

"I know what you mean, but they're all in the same boat. I'm thinking about who's safer to get rid of first!"

As soon as Zhao Li's eyes brightened, he whispered back: "now in the whole Yingjiang River, the only one who dares to fight against us is the Hong family. As the saying goes, if you kill the Hong family, the other five families will have no backbone..."

Yingjiang has always been based on the Hong family. Hong Zhenfeng is inextricably related to the death of Chen Yi's parents. Now Chen Yi has enough strength to take revenge. After so long in Yingjiang, it's time to close the net.

As long as Hong Zhenfeng is out, the so-called five families are not afraid, let alone Chen Yi. Even Zhao Li can easily solve them.

But before he finished, Chen Yi shook his head and said, "it's easy to get rid of the Hong family, but Hong Zhenfeng is not the only one behind my parents!"

Chen Yi's eyes twinkle with fierce color. The flame of revenge is rising in his chest, and a fierce sense of killing spreads on his body

Previously, Chen Yi thought that Hong Zhenfeng and several other families were responsible for the death of his parents, but now with the emergence of the phantom organization, Chen Yi feels that things are not as simple as he thought before.

"Are we waiting for them to come?" Zhao Li doesn't quite understand Chen Yi's meaning. He frowns tightly and asks in a low voice.

"If the enemy does not move, I will not! Since the Hong family has become the king, he should also be eager to attack me! " Chen Yi raised his head and said that he had drunk all the tea in his cup. He got up and came to the French window."Keep a close watch on every move of the Hong family recently. It's time for my parents to move their graves too..."

Three days later, in the reception room of Hong's villa, the leaders of the five families gathered together, and Hong Zhenfeng sat on the throne.

But Hong Zhenfeng, who has just been crowned king, has a dignified face. The quiet needles in the reception room can be heard, and the atmosphere is extremely depressed.

All the masters of the five families are watching Hong Zhenfeng closely

"Here comes Mr. Qin!"

Outside the closed door of the reception room, there was a sound of footwork. The door was pushed open, and the king of Qin Guang came in with a cold face.

Seeing the appearance of King Qin Guang, the spirits of the five families were shocked, and Hong Zhenfeng, who was sitting on the throne, raised a smile.

"I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting!"

With a smile and clasping his fists, Qin Guangwang came to the chair on Hong Zhenfeng's right and sat down steadily.

"Mr. Hong, aren't we all here? Should we discuss how to deal with Chen Yi? "

Qin Guang Wang, who had just sat down for a short time, saw that Hong Zhenfeng still didn't speak. He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice.

Hong Zhenfeng gave a smile, waved his hand and said, "Mr. Qin, there's another distinguished guest who hasn't come!"

People in the five families are confused. They look at each other in doubt. Zheng Yan takes the lead in asking, "Mr. Hong, is there anyone else who wants to help us solve Chen Yi?"

"The neutrino gate is destroyed. Is it the people of Taihe gate coming?"

"There are countless experts in Taihe. With their help, we have more chances to win!"

"Chen Yi, who has been in the limelight in Yingjiang recently, doesn't pay attention to us at all. It's said that taihemen also has a problem with him. This time, he will be broken to pieces to vent his hatred!"

Hong Zhenfeng smiles and doesn't answer. More than ten minutes later, the door of the room is suddenly pushed open from the outside. Everyone looks at it and finds that the person who comes here is actually dressed in a black robe, which is not the costume of Taihe gate.

Just now when King Qin Guang came, Hong Zhenfeng just nodded slightly, but after the black robed man appeared, Hong Zhenfeng stood up and welcomed him with a smile

The five families and the king of Qin Guang didn't know the identity of the black robed man, but when Hong Zhenfeng got up, they stood up in a hurry.

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