
Zhou Zhilong uttered a terrible roar, a stream of blood gushed out of his mouth, and his eyes were red as if they were about to bleed!


More than 20000 people behind him also pulled out bright long knives and were murderous!

The reason why they have been forbearing just now is that Zhou Jie is still in their hands.

Now, there are no worries!

"Why! Why!"

"If anything, just come to me. Why kill my two sons!"

Zhou Zhilong is almost crazy. He has only these two sons under his knees, and he usually dotes on them. From small to large, he is reluctant to touch his fingers.

Now they have been killed by cruel means one after another. This feeling is far from being able to describe.

"Do you know the pain of losing relatives now?"

Ye Wuji smiled coldly, "your two sons have committed crimes. I don't know how many people have suffered the pain of losing their loved ones. Now they just deserve it!"


Zhou Zhilong roared angrily, "can the lives of those Untouchables be compared with those of my two sons? Today, I will beat your bones and ashes and cut you thousands of times!"

Ye Wuji smiled and was drunk with this double labeled dog.

It seems that in this world, only the people of his Zhou family are human, but other people's lives are like grass mustard. Those who are harmed by them deserve it?


At this time, a dark wind moving like bone marrow suddenly blew, accompanied by an extremely depressed breath.

"A thousand cuts? Good idea. I'm worried about too much meat."

A soft voice sounded, and a round fat man came from the dark.

This person is at least 1.9 meters tall, and the fat on his body is high and swollen. The whole person is like a large leather ball. According to visual inspection, his weight must be at least 600 kilograms!

Even Shi Nanbei can only be regarded as a small Witch in front of this man.

"Yes, hurry to lose weight for this fat man, or you'll always snore when you sleep."

At this time, another voice sounded.

A little dwarf less than one meter two tall and bony like a straw also followed. On his back, a very exaggerated giant ox horn bow was slung.

Next to the little dwarf, there was a big monk with thin skin and tender flesh, dressed in yellow fir and smiling kindly. He looked like a Maitreya Buddha.

But the eight ring scars on the top of the monk's head are blood red and look frightening.

Then, several people came out of the dark one after another.

Among them, there are old men with hoes, hunchback old women with vegetable baskets, and ugly people with bumps on their faces as long as donkey faces

These people add up to nine. They all have one common feature: strange shapes. None of them looks a little human.

"The nine earth gods of the Dragon Temple, see the Lord of the temple!"

The nine people saluted Ye Wuji together. Except that the great monk Huang Shan was smiling, everyone's expression was extremely respectful.

"What a mess, go to hell!"

The owner of the he family didn't know whether he was eager to ask for credit or became restless because of the pressure. He gave a loud cry, pulled out his long knife and was ready to take someone to rush over.


The nine earth gods suddenly turned around and locked their eyes on each other at the same time.

The next moment


The owner of he family suddenly spewed a mouthful of blood from his mouth, stared wide and fell to the ground, then there was no breath!

Everyone took a breath because they didn't see how these people did it!

In fact, the nine earth gods did not make a move.

However, their hostility was too heavy. The eyes of the nine people were locked on the owner of he family at the same time, which damaged the original spirit of he family, split their hearts and died on the spot!

At the same time, a strong anger suddenly spread from the nine earth gods.

More than 20000 people across the street felt a strong depression at the same time. They couldn't help but start to retreat. Some even threw up uncontrollably on the spot!


Zhou Zhilong is worthy of being the owner of the Zhou family. He quickly settled down and stared at Ye Wuji angrily. "You do have two brushes, but do you think you can beat more than 20000 of us!"

Then he waved with one hand and said in a harsh voice, "where is the guard!"


With an order, hundreds of people in black rushed out of the crowd. What they held in their hands was not a long knife, but a standard hot weapon with black light!

Hundreds of muzzle, black hole aimed at Ye Wuji!

Then the owners of the other dozen owners took a breath!

Unexpectedly, the strength of the Zhou family is still far beyond their imagination!

They are even equipped with hundreds of heat weapons, and they are still standard continuous firing!

If you fire together, no matter what kind of shit master you are, you will have to be sieved in an instant!

As soon as everyone came down, they also reflected that although these ugly monsters infiltrated people, there were more than 20000 people here. One mouthful of saliva had to drown these ugly monsters!

"Do you have any last words to say now!"

Zhou Zhilong did not directly order to start.

It's easy to kill each other, but he thinks it's too easy.

He wants to see the panic and despair of the other party before he dies, and he also wants to see the other party kneel down, kowtow and beg for mercy!

However, Zhou Zhilong suddenly found a very strange thing.

The ugly faces of the other party not only didn't have the slightest fear, but stared at him with a particularly strange look, which seemed like... Ridicule?

Standing next to Shi Nanbei, he yawned directly, looking very boring.

For this group of people who have experienced countless smoke, war and blood, this little news is not even a family, and they really can't lift their spirits.

Ye Wuji looked more relaxed, raised his eyelids slowly and said faintly, "I can give you three seconds. As long as you break your legs within these three seconds, I can no longer pursue this matter."

Then he slowly stretched out a finger, "one!"

"Ha ha, ha ha, you've been kicked by a donkey!"

The owner of the Wang family suddenly laughed, "haven't you seen the current form?"

"There are more than 20000 people here, and there are a hundred black guns pointing at you. They are still installed here!"

The others burst out a burst of laughter and felt that the man in front of them was pretending.


Ye Wuji ignored it and slowly stretched out a finger again.

"Hahaha, don't move. I'll see what he can do after counting, hahaha!"

A group of people opposite didn't take it seriously at all. They covered their stomachs and laughed wildly.

Ye Wuji was still expressionless. He glanced at the group of people opposite, then smiled coldly and stretched out his last finger, "three!"

"Hahaha, did you forget to count 2:5? I'm so scared..."

The group of people opposite laughed even more happily.


However, just then, there was a loud noise all around!

With this loud noise, the surrounding vegetation broke one after another. Then, dozens of armored vehicles suddenly hit the trees and drove out!

The people across the street were stunned.

But before they could react, there was a loud rumble again!

The sky is full of dark things roaring towards this side!

When I saw what it was, the crotch of the group who just laughed wildly was suddenly wet!

Hundreds of armed helicopters!

But that's just the beginning.

With a burst of dense footsteps, suddenly a group of special soldiers dressed in black heavy armor and holding standard weapons rushed from all directions!

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The killing sound across the mountains and fields is shocking, and the number is far more than 20000!

"Inform the hall Lord that 100000 Dragon God troops have assembled in the Dragon God hall. Please give instructions!"

A burly man in a black cloak shouted.

Ye Wuji slowly dropped his eyes on Zhou Zhilong, and his mouth stirred up a touch of fun. He said faintly, "do you have any last words to explain?"

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