Ye Wuji never had any concept of money.

He never knew how much money he had. For him, money was just a string of numbers.

Shi Nanbei is a very careful man, although he laughs and doesn't do anything right on weekdays. He is in charge of all logistics and financial power in the Dragon Temple.

Ye Wuji always gave him his money to take care of.

"Boss, I can't tell. Your money goes faster than tap water. It's harder to help you manage money than war. I can't tell the specific figures. Anyway, it's soaring every day. Well, someone will come to you in the afternoon. I'll give her all your money. You'll ask her at that time."

Shi Nanbei answered at the other end of the phone.

"Your uncle!"

Ye Wuji scolded angrily and hung up the phone.

Shi Nanbei is more and more lazy now. The task given to him is good. He directly handed it over again.

When he returned to the room, he saw Xia Wanxin still sobbing in a low voice. Ye Wuji hurriedly went up and smiled and comforted, "don't worry, what a big thing, I can hold it for you when the sky falls."

Then he found some relaxed and interesting topics, which gradually relieved Xia Wan's mood.

"By the way, when I was shopping just now, I saw you always looking at the wedding dress shop. Do you like the wedding dress there?"

Ye Wuji asked with a smile.

Xia Wanxin nodded gently, flashing a touch of longing and bitterness in his eyes, sighed, "that day I really thought I was dying. In addition to feeling sorry for you and Xiaocao, the only regret is that I didn't wear a wedding dress in my life."

For a woman, it is perfect to wear a wedding dress once in her life.

Ye Wuji took Xia Wanxin's hand, "Wanxin, let's get married!"

Xia Wanxin was stunned, and ye Wuji added, "although we already have grass, I hope to give you a grand wedding so that you can wear a wedding dress and become the happiest bride in the world!"

Xia Wan's heart was red with eyes and a bitter face. "Let's forget the wedding. We don't have to spend that money. Now we just have to live a good life."

For Xia Wanxin, whether it's a wedding or a wedding dress, it's out of reach.

Her greatest extravagance now is that the family of three can live together, eat three meals a day, and live a peaceful life.

"No, the wedding must be done. It's up to me. It's so decided!"

Ye Wuji said firmly, "I promise, I will give you an incomparably grand wedding and let you be the happiest bride in the world!"

Xia Wanxin looked at Ye Wuji with a serious face. He was particularly moved, but he just smiled and didn't speak.

She thought Ye Wuji was just trying to make her happy.

In the afternoon, Xia Wanxin cooked at home. Ye Wuji went to the kindergarten to pick up the grass.

Xia Wanxin has had a hard time in recent years, so Xiaocao reads a semi public welfare kindergarten, and the conditions are naturally far inferior to most kindergartens.


Ye Xiaocao came out of the door with a small schoolbag on her back. Seeing ye Wuji, she quickly opened her arms and ran towards Ye Wuji like a small fireball.

"My good daughter, Dad hug!"

Ye Wuji picked up ye Xiaocao and felt that this moment was the happiest moment in his life.

"Are you naughty at school today?"

Ye Wuji fondly pinches the pink face of the grass.

"Xiaocao is good today. She got little safflower. The teacher rewarded Xiaocao with candy."

Xiaocao took out several sweets from his pocket, peeled one and stuffed it into Ye Wuji's mouth, "Dad, is it sweet?"

"Well, it's sweet, especially sweet. This is the best thing dad has ever eaten..."

Candy melts in Ye Wuji's mouth, sweet and sweet to his heart.

"Dad, I left one for my mother, and I want to give the rest to other children, okay?"

The grass asked with her big flickering eyes.

"Well, the grass is so good. It's your own thing. You can divide it whatever you want."

Ye Wuji put the grass down with a smile.

Xiaocao hurriedly ran to a little boy next to him, "Taotao, here, this is the candy rewarded by the teacher. Give you one."

"I don't eat!"

But unexpectedly, the little boy despised the candy in the grass's hand and hit it on the ground. He squinted, "who wants to eat the little wild thing!"

"I'm not a little wild..."

The grass was so wronged that his eyes turned red.

"Fart, you have no father, you are a little wild seed!"

The little boy pointed to the grass's nose and shouted, "little wild seed, little wild seed..."

"Who says Xiaocao has no father?"

Ye Wuji walked over, gently hugged the grass in his arms and said faintly, "I'm ye Xiaocao's father, children. It's wrong to swear."

"Why, how to talk to my children!"

At this time, a man dressed like selling insurance came over, pulled the little boy aside, glared at Ye Wuji and said, "who are you? Why are you cruel to my son?"

Ye Wuji glanced at the man and explained, "I didn't hurt him. I just told him that swearing is wrong. I'm ye Xiaocao's father."

"Oh, so what?"

The insurance man disdained, "let your daughter stay away from my children in the future, but don't bring my son bad!"


Ye Wuji frowned slightly, "how did the grass spoil your child?"

The insurance man sneered, "what's your identity? What's my identity?"

"Look at your goods. Can you add up to 100 yuan? My monthly salary is more than 8000. Can you compare with me?"

"What kind of children can a family like you educate? Let your daughter stay away from my son in the future!"

Ye Wuji suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes.

But it soon melted away. If it weren't for the children, ye Wuji really wanted to slap him.

What is the theory that the children of the poor are not human?

"Dad, did Xiaocao do something wrong..."

Xiao Cao's eyes were red and he looked at Ye Wuji with a guilty face.

"Good, Xiaocao didn't do anything wrong. Xiaocao is the best child!"

Ye Wuji smiled and gently wiped the tears on Xiaocao's face, "go, dad will take you home."

Just as I was about to leave, I heard the bear child in the back shouting, "little wild seed, little wild seed, little wild seed..."


Ye Wuji suddenly turned his head and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

The bear child trembled and cried with a cry.

"Who are you staring at?"

The insurance man angrily came forward, pointed to Ye Wuji's nose and said angrily, "I now order you to apologize to my son immediately!"

Ye Wuji's wrist trembled slightly for a moment, suddenly raised his head, and a violent explosion burst out of his eyes!

The insurance man instinctively staggered back for two steps and shivered, "what do you... What do you want? I warn you not to mess..."


Just then, the grass suddenly pulled Ye Wuji's arm with tears, "Dad, shall we stop quarreling..."

Hearing the sound of the grass, ye Wuji took back his extremely arrogant anger.

"You should be grateful. This is the gate of the kindergarten."

Ye Wuji said faintly.

He did kill just now. If he hadn't worried that there were so many children at the gate of the kindergarten, the other party would have been unable to breathe at this time.

"Who the fuck are you scaring!"

The insurance man calmed down and said angrily, "let your children stay away from my son in the future, and then know yourself a little. People like you are never worthy to deal with elites like us!"


At this time, the sound of an engine suddenly came to mind.

"Look, Rolls Royce!"

There was a cry of surprise in the crowd.

A black and gold Rolls Royce came this way and pulled over.

"Dad, what kind of car is this? It's so beautiful!"

The bear child said and was ready to touch it.

The insurance man trembled, hurriedly dragged the bear child back, and said nervously, "don't touch, stay away!"

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