Ye Wuji frowned.

Of course, he won't fight with a few children. He is angry with the parents next to the bear children.

Seeing their children do such an uncivilized thing, these parents seem to be all right next to them!

There were even two parents with a gloating expression.

"What are you doing? Don't bully the grass!"

At this time, a chubby little boy with a small split hair rushed from the side.

"Grass, don't be afraid, I'll save you!"

The little boy stood in front of the grass, raised his fist at the bear children and said, "I order you to apologize to ye Xiaocao immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Iron egg, she is a little wild seed. Don't play with him in the future!"

A bear child said indifferently.

"Fart, grass is not a small wild seed!"

The little boy called iron egg was so angry that he squeezed his small fist and punched the bear child in the eye.

"Wow -"

The bear child's eye was instantly beaten into a panda's eye, covered his eyes and cried loudly.

But iron egg didn't stop and continued to punch other bear children.

Although the little fat man is young, he is very aggressive and looks good at fighting. Each punch is either in the other's eyes or in the nose.

Those bear children are rivals. They don't even have the power to fight back. After a few punches, either their eyes swell or their noses bleed.

A group of bear children burst into tears.

"Why, what family's child is this!"

The parents of the bear children rushed up and saw that their children were very distressed.

"You little thing, who let you beat people, apologize to my children immediately!"

Faced with the abuse of a group of adults, iron egg looked fearless, raised his chin and said, "they bullied the grass first. This time it's just a lesson. Next time they dare to bully the grass, I beat them all over the ground looking for teeth!"

The parents of the bear children blew up at once.

"Little bastard, your father doesn't care about you, let's take care of it!"

Some people even raised their hands and pulled them directly at iron egg's face.

Ye Wuji took a step forward, grabbed each other's wrist and said faintly, "it's a little inappropriate for adults to intervene in the affairs between children."

"Who are you? Mind your own business and let go!"

The man angrily said, "this little bastard beat my child. Shouldn't I call back? What if I leave a psychological shadow on my child?"

Ye Wuji was particularly speechless about these remarks.

When their children scold others, why don't they think it will cause psychological shadow to other children?

Perhaps in the eyes of these people, only their children are the most precious.


At this time, a Wuling van suddenly drove over.

A strong man in a vest and a big gold chain walked down from the car. His arms and back were full of tattoos. He almost wrote "I'm dangerous" on his forehead.


Iron egg saw the strong man, ran over quickly, turned his head and pointed to the parents of the bear children.


The strong man scolded angrily, then found a mace from the car, walked here with big steps, and whispered to the bear parents, "who bullied my child just now!"

The parents of the bears were terrified.

Just now, the man who was going to raise his hand to beat the iron egg quickly apologized and said, "misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's normal for children to fight and make noise."

"You fucking know it's a child fighting?"

The strong man raised his mace, pointed to the tip of the man's nose and said, "I warn you, look after your children in the future. If you can't manage them well in the future, I'll help you manage them!"

After that, he turned his head and glared at the bear children, pointed to the leaf grass and said, "warn you, this is my daughter. Whoever dares to provoke him again in the future, I'll throw you into the forest and feed the bear!"

The bear children and bear parents were frightened and hurried away with a small face.

"Grass! A bunch of shriveled calves!"

The strong man scolded the back of the gang, then turned his head and said to the iron egg, "you little shriveled calf. I've taught you many times. You have to find something first in a fight."

"You can't use so many bricks on the ground. How painful it can be to hit people with fists. Remember next time. If those shriveled calves dare to bully your friends again, you'll open the ladle for them with bricks!"

Iron egg nodded and said, "remember, Dad, I just had an impulse and didn't have time to pick up things. I'll remember it next time!"

Ye Wuji couldn't cry or laugh next to him, thinking how to educate his children.

"Brother, I'm sorry to trouble you. I'm ye Xiaocao's father."

Ye Wuji took out a cigarette and handed it to the strong man. Then he leaned down and pinched it on the iron egg's chubby face and smiled, "thank you just now, little friend."

"What's that!"

Iron egg raised his chin and said, "grass is my best friend. He gave me candy last time. My father usually takes revenge on me!"

Ye Wuji:???

"You little shriveled calf, let you study hard. You don't listen. It's called gratitude and revenge. There will be revenge for everything. If people treat you well, you have to find someone to revenge. What's the matter?"

The strong man quickly scolded nearby.

Iron egg patted his head, "I forgot. Yes, it's gratitude for revenge. If there is revenge, it's for the enemy."

After saying that, he took ye Xiaocao's hand and said, "Xiaocao, don't be sad. If those shriveled calves dare to bully you again in the future, I have to let them look for teeth everywhere!"

"Your birthday next Friday, isn't it? If they don't go, I'll go. Then I'll ask me to call more brothers and I'll support you!"

The strong man echoed, "daughter, don't worry, next Friday, right? I'll be there with my son and promise to hold up the scene for you!"

"Thank you, iron egg. Thank you, uncle."

Xiaocao politely apologized to them and said, "next Friday is not only Xiaocao's birthday, but also my father's and mother's wedding."

The strong man was stunned. He looked at ye Xiaocao, then turned to Ye Wuji and said, "brother, are you getting married?"

Ye Wuji couldn't cry or laugh. "No, this is the first marriage. When she was young, she didn't hold a wedding with her mother. It's a make-up one."

"Grass, really special, man!"

The strong man gave Ye Wuji a thumbs up, "just this. I recognize you. When I go to 18th Street, I will mention my name. My name is Ouyang. I cover all the fields over there!"

"OK, Ouyang, good name."

Ye Wuji smiled.

The strong man seemed to be very proud of his surname, "my ancestors were aristocrats, and this compound surname was personally given by the emperor."

"My full name is Ouyang Shuanzhu, and my son's name is Ouyang Tiedan. In the future, as long as you get to 18th Street, you can play as you want!"


Ye Wuji suddenly felt that the compound surname had been ruined.

Ouyang Tiedan also said to ye Xiaocao, "Xiaocao, if you want to wash your hair in the future, you must come to 18th Street to find me. My father has opened a lot of shampoo rooms over there. At night, the lights are pink, which is good-looking."

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