This violent air is extremely strong, like essence, and even a faint black fog is filled in the air.

The students who helped open the door nearby just smelled the smell and felt a tumult in their stomach. Their whole body couldn't help shaking violently, and even someone peed directly on the spot!

Even Hedong lion himself took several deep breaths in a row before he managed to stabilize his mood.

"Master lion, I'm hungry."

There was a muffled sound in the car.

The speaker was a fat man of incomparable size.

How big is he?

Intuitively, if this person sits on a flat ground and looks at it from a distance, he will think it is a hill!

He squatted in the bus carriage alone, and even seemed a little crowded.

His limbs were locked with large chains made of special metal, his head was bare, his stomach was huge, and his saliva kept coming out along the corners of his mouth.

A pair of eyes are full of the most primitive ferocity, which looks very frightening!

This man is the strongest trump card in the hand of Hedong lion, the legendary frightening monster Taishan!

"Didn't I prepare a hundred roast chickens for you just before I came out?"

Hedong lion glanced at the carriage, "where's the bone? They didn't give it to you?"

"No, here you are."

Taishan shook his head, and the chain tied to his neck clattered, "I've eaten all of it. The whole one I swallowed has no bones, but I'm still hungry."

Hedong lion gently rubbed his temples and tried to keep his voice delicate and gentle. "Tarzan, go and do something for me. After that, I'll give you 100 roast chickens and 100 roast suckling pigs."

"Ah, what's up!"

As soon as Taishan heard the words such as roast chicken and roast suckling pig, the saliva at the corners of his mouth immediately flowed like tap water.

"Go and kill some people for me. I'll roast chicken and suckling pig for you right away."

Hedong lion said with a smile.

Cruel and tyrannical, he can only be so gentle and delicate in front of Mount Tai.

It's not that he gives Taishan green eyes, but because he knows that although Taishan is nominally his person, he can't call at will and has to talk to each other in a consultative tone.

Otherwise, if this guy goes crazy, he may even have to fall into it.

"It's such a small thing. Where are the people? By the way, we need to add another 100 Jin of rice."

Taishan stretched out his arm and wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he had seen roast chicken, suckling pig and stabbed rice flying towards him.

"No problem. You can have as many as you want."

Hedong lion smiled and said, "but this time, you can kill whoever I ask you to kill, but you can't come with your temper."

"You know, let me out!"

Tarzan can't wait.

At this time, beside the boundary monument opposite, Qin Feng and others worshipped Shi Nanbei, which was called a five body throw to the ground.

"Instructor, instructor Shi, you are not human!"


"You are a god!"

Qin Feng looked at Shi Nanbei road with admiration on his face. "Lying in the trough, the car has to have at least five or six tons. If you throw seven or eight meters, you can hit things accurately. Instructor Shi, you might as well take part in the Olympic Games. Javelin and shot put must break the world record!"

Mi long also stared round at the beads, "Oh, fuck me, oh, fuck instructor Shi, you're too good to break. Oh, lie in the slot..."

Although the swallowtail butterfly didn't speak, she looked at Shi Nanbei's expression with a look of worship.

Shi Nanbei especially enjoyed this feeling. He straightened up and said proudly, "it's a little fun. It's not worth mentioning..."


When Shi Nanbei was ready to be forced, ye Wuji kicked him on his ass.

"What you mean, you lost your fucking car. How can we go back later? Walk back, shit!"

Ye Wuji was speechless to this guy. Let's not say how to go back if there was no car later. Just say that the off-road vehicle plus the modification fee would have to be $3 or 4 million. Just to pretend to be lost?

"Boss, can you save me some face?"

Shi Nanbei rubbed his ass and wanted to cry without tears. Although Ye Wuji usually kicked him in private, his glorious image collapsed in front of several students.

The two are fighting here. Qin Feng and others feel very interesting watching this scene. Unexpectedly, ye Ge and instructor Shi, who are high in their hearts, also have such a childish side.

But there is one person who can't relax all the time.

Even if he had just witnessed Ye Wuji's killing with flying cards, the powerful power of Shi Nanjun calmed his mood a lot.

But then it tightened again!

This person is Fang Yiming!

It's not that Fang Yiming is emotionally unstable. On the contrary, he is just a person with particularly stable emotions. His happiness and anger don't take shape in color. Many people of the older generation lament that they are inferior in this regard.

But what he saw at this time made him unable to maintain emotional stability.

He saw a small hillside, slowly approaching this side.

As the hillside moved, it was accompanied by the clatter of iron chains dragging on the ground.

To be exact, it was a man, a man of great size!

Although Fang Yiming has never seen him before, it is not difficult to guess who this man is with his toes at this time!

Monster - Mount Tai!

There are too many rumors about this person in the Jianghu. There are all kinds of versions. I don't know which version is true and which version is fabricated.

But one thing is absolutely certain - Mount Tai is a powerful and unimaginable terrorist existence!

"Brother ye, he's coming."

Fang Yiming's voice trembled.


Ye Wuji turned his head, looked at Fang Yiming's line of sight, and immediately exclaimed, "lying in the groove, what a fat man, historical things, look, this man is fatter than you!"

Shi Nanbei was shocked at the first sight when he saw Mount Tai. "I'm fat enough. This person is bigger than my five combined!"

"Grass, how could such a monster grow like this."

Ye Wuji frowned.

"Who knows, there are many wonders in the world. Maybe I drank too much poisonous milk powder when I was a child. I heard gophers say that once when he was on a mission in America, he saw an octagonal man."

Shi Nanbei replied.

"Lying trough, octagonal, so awesome?"

Ye Wuji was very surprised.

"That's not right. Ah, boss, you say that this man is so fat that he has to spoil how much food a day?"

"Who knows, but it must be."

"Hey, it's a waste of food for such people to live. Why don't we do something good and save some food for everyone?"

"Well, good idea. I still have three cards here. I don't know if they are enough."

"Don't... you've been playing for a long time. Let me have this."

"No, I haven't played these three cards yet."

"Boss, why don't you let me once, scissors, stone cloth?"

"Lying trough, come on, you when you win me?"

Ye Wuji and Shi Nanbei fight for this, blushing and neck thick, just like fighting for another vacation quota.

But their behavior directly angered Taishan's crazy heart to the extreme!


With the roar of ancient wild animals, the whole earth began to tremble and the surrounding vegetation shook one after another!

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