Chen Guang took a deep breath. Although he had many doubts in his heart, his eyes were full of excitement and excitement.

He even doubted whether all this was true.

Before that, he had always regarded the champion Hou he had never met as his idol. Then, he had the opportunity to witness the champion Hou's action with his own eyes.

Now, he can compete face to face with champion Hou, which is worth his life!

"Wait, I'll start first!"

Chen Guang took back his excitement, took several deep breaths in a row, took a half step backward with one leg, and arched his waist gently.


A few seconds later, with a dull noise, Chen Guang's body suddenly shot forward, and then the whole person hit Ye Wuji like an out of chamber shell!

"Chen Guang's explosive power has improved a lot."

Seeing this scene, Ren Tianyuan couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Well, he has made great progress recently."

Li Fei is also very satisfied with Chen Guang's subordinates. "His physical quality is very good. Coupled with this man's special twist, he has the idea of not admitting defeat in everything he does."

"Now his comprehensive combat power can at least rank among the top 100 in the lightning team, but I believe that if he continues to develop at this growth rate, he will reach the top 50 or even the top 10 in half a day!"

Ren Tianyuan was also very satisfied. "It's a good seedling. Don't spoil it."

This conversation between the two people will certainly feel very incomprehensible to an uninformed person.

What is commendable about a small soldier whose strength has just been ranked in the top 100?

However, the actual situation is that this is not an ordinary war zone, but the sky sea war zone, one of the five ace war zones of longxia!

And Chen Guang's establishment is the first elite in the sky sea battle area and a member of the sky sea iron guard!

Just pick up one person here. They are the best of the best people in a hundred. They are the best of the best after thousands of tempering and screening!

Chen Guang also has a special situation. He is the one who has joined the team for the shortest time. It has just been more than three months since he joined the lightning team.

Before that, he was just a rich boy who only knew how to eat, drink and play, and never even received any professional combat training.

From an ordinary person to the top 100 elite of Tianhai Tiewei, he only took three months!

And the growth rate is still advancing by leaps and bounds. Just this is worth adding Ren Tianyuan and Li Fei to him!


When he sprinted forward for about ten meters, Chen Guang suddenly gave a loud drink. He was already extremely fast. Suddenly, he seemed to explode for a moment. He accelerated again and hit Ye Wuji hard!

Seven meters left!

Seven meters to win!

Chen Guang doesn't care whether such a game is fair or not. His opponent is the champion. Even if he is unfair again, he can win the other party once. For him, even if he dies immediately, it's worth his life!

And he also believes that even if champion Hou Zaiqiang doesn't use any equipment, how can he prevent himself from getting close?

The rest of the crowd also closed their lips and couldn't figure out what the champion Hou wanted to do.

Five meters!

At this time, Chen Guang has rushed to a distance of five meters in front of Ye Wuji. He will win another two meters!

At his current speed, two meters away, that's just an arrow step!


However, at the moment when Chen Guanggang began to prepare for the celebration, ye Wuji suddenly moved!

The left knee jerked up and stamped hard on the ground!

This seemingly simple action suddenly made the whole ground vibrate for a moment.

I saw a wave of air visible to the naked eye, shooting straight forward from the soles of Ye Wuji's feet, like a football condensed from the air.

Where the air waves went, there was a scratch as deep as half a foot on the ground!

Chen Guang almost didn't even have reaction time, so he was severely thrown back by the air wave, flew back seven or eight meters, and then fell heavily to the ground with a bang.

The whole training ground was dead silent.

The air is frozen.

Everyone had stiff faces, dull eyes and wide mouths.

Ren Tianyuan is a little better, not completely lost his mind, but the corners of his mouth also have uncontrollable slight convulsions.

If the scene that ye Wuji shot Li Fei's bullet just now can only be described as horror to them.

Then the scene in front of us can only be described as completely speechless.

Is this a movie?

"Chen Guang!"

Ye Wuji completely ignored the expressions of the people around him and suddenly shouted.


Chen Guang was blown out for several meters by the air wave, but he was not materially hurt. He hurried to get up on the ground and instinctively responded loudly.

But his whole body was obviously too weak, and the cold sweat ran down his cheeks.

Even as the most direct party to this scene, the only one who clearly felt the impact of that wave was still unable to believe that the scene just happened was true.

If it weren't for the half foot deep scratch on the ground, Chen Guang would even doubt whether the other party had cheated.

It's hard to see this scene even in the film.

"Tell me what you saw just now!"

Ye Wuji's vocal tract.

"I saw... I saw..."

Chen Guang suddenly didn't know how to answer this question.

"And you?"

Ye Wuji turned his head and looked at Li Fei and a group of people.

They looked at each other and opened their mouths, but they didn't know what to say.

Ye Wuji waited for a few seconds, then showed a particularly playful smile, and then turned and walked forward without looking back.

Looking at Ye Wuji's back, everyone was confused and didn't understand what was going on.

"Didn't you just ask how junhou did it?"

Ren Tianyuan said this as if to Chen Guang and everyone, "you have given the answer just now."

Everyone was stunned.

Has the answer been given?

"I see!"

At this time, Li Fei suddenly said, "junhou wants to tell us that if you want to be a real strong man, you must first destroy your inherent cognitive concept!"

"Only in this way can we come out of our inherent ideas and see more things outside our ideas!"

"It's like a frog at the bottom of a well. If you want to learn to fly, the first thing to do is jump out of the wellhead to see the outside world!"

"Only when you see the sky can you really learn to fly!"

After listening to Li Fei's words, everyone looked solemn and turned to the direction Ye Wuji left without anyone's order. At the same time, they respected the most standard etiquette.

Only then did they understand the good intentions of Jun Hou.

With this behavior, Jun Hou is expressing a truth to them: if you want to be strong, the first thing to do is to understand what is the real strong!

And tell them that the really powerful power in the world has always been outside their cognitive range.

Only by breaking their own inherent cognitive scope can they reach a higher and broader world!

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