"Come on, look at my hair. It's a great thing!"

Xia Zhicai was so excited that he turned red. Unexpectedly, even the media were shocked. Maybe tomorrow, they will have to make a front page headline. Then Xia's group really has to show off!

After a while, a group of reporters carrying cameras came in.

"Who is the legal representative of today's industrial park project? We are from Jiangbei TV station and want to interview."

A reporter asked.

"I am!"

Xia Zhicai stepped forward with great strides. The reporter quickly pointed the camera at Xia Zhicai and asked, "Hello, Mr. Xia, we are from Jiangbei TV station. Do you have anything to say about this bidding activity and the result of winning the bid?"

Xia Zhicai straightened his waist and stroked his hair. Lang said, "the bidding activity of the industrial park project is fair and fair, the whole process is open and transparent, and everyone is convinced of the winning result."

"As the legal representative of the winning bidder, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the organizers, relevant units and colleagues."

"It is well deserved that our Xia group can become the final bid winner, because we have made great efforts and efforts for this bid, and our Xia group has always been......"

"Sorry, I'll interrupt first."

When the reporter heard this, he suddenly frowned and asked Xia Zhicai, "Mr. Xia, which company did you say you were just now?"

Xia Zhicai said, "of course it's Xia's group. Is there any problem?"

The reporter was stunned and hurriedly asked the photographer to turn off the machine, then smiled at Xia Zhicai, "I'm sorry, this time we're here to interview the winning bidder."

Xia Zhicai felt a little confused. "Yes, I'm the legal representative of the bid winning unit. How can you turn off the machine, open it quickly and continue the interview? I still have a lot to say."

The reporter smiled politely, "sorry, Mr. Xia, you may have misunderstood. The winning bidder this time is not Xia group."


As soon as the words came out, the whole hall became quiet.

Xia Xueqin came forward with high heels and said to the reporter in a sharp voice, "I said, is there something wrong with you? Don't you see today's announcement of winning the bid?"

"It's clearly written above. Although the system fails, it doesn't show the name of our Xia group, but the legal representative's surname is Xia. Is there another person here today besides our surname Xia?"

Now it's the reporter's turn to be confused.

They also just got the wind that the legal representative of the bid winning unit will have dinner here. Although they don't know which unit won the bid because of system failure, they can be sure that it is definitely not Xia group.

Because the information they got first is that Xia group did not even rank in the top 20 in this bidding activity, so it is absolutely impossible for them to win the bid.

But who would it be if it wasn't Xia group?

The reporter quickly took out the phone and dialed a number to verify, "Hello, director, there seems to be something wrong with the news. There is only Xia group here. Is there a mistake..... MMM..... MMM..... OK, I see!"

After hanging up, the reporter asked Xia Zhicai, "sorry, Mr. Xia, what's your full name?"

Xia Zhicai raised his chin and said, "Xia Zhicai! I'm the only legal representative of so many construction companies here. My surname is Xia, so you must have made a mistake!"

The reporter was sorry and said with a smile, "that's right. I'm very sorry, Mr. Xia. Although the legal representative of the bid winning unit is surnamed Xia, he is not Xia Zhicai."

Xia Xueqin blew her hair next to her and said angrily, "I said if you are sick. Is there anyone else here who is also surnamed Xia besides our surname Xia?"

The reporter also ignored it. Just now he has checked with the director. First, the legal representative of the winning bidder is definitely not Xia Zhicai, so it is even less likely to be Xia's group.

Second, the real legal representative of the bid winning unit does eat on site at this time.

"I would like to ask, do you have Xia Wanxin?"

The reporter asked the crowd. Just now the director told him that the legal representative of the bid winning unit was Xia Wanxin, not Xia Zhicai.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience immediately quieted down.

Xia Wanxin, who was dining in the corner, was suddenly stunned and seemed at a loss.

"Call you, daughter-in-law."

Ye Wuji smiled at Xia Wanxin, then suddenly raised his hand and said in a loud voice, "Hey, Xia Wanxin is here!"

The reporter heard the speech and hurriedly walked over, "excuse me, are you Ms. Xia Wanxin?"

Xia Wanxin looked blankly and nodded, "I am. What can I do for you?"

The reporter was happy, but he just had an oolong. At this time, he had a long heart and asked, "what's your company's name?"

"Wanxin construction."

Xia Wan's heart answered in a daze.

"Great, it's you!"

The reporter was so happy that he quickly asked the photographer to turn on the machine. For a time, all kinds of long and short lenses were instantly aimed at Xia Wanxin.

"Hello, Miss Xia Wanxin. I'm from Jiangbei TV station. I'd like to ask, as the legal representative of the bid winner of the industrial park project, what do you want to say?"

The reporter handed the microphone to Xia Wanxin.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared from the side.

"It's impossible. You must have made a mistake. The winning bidder is our Xia group. It can't be them. You must have made a mistake!"

Xia Zhicai was like crazy at this time. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The reporter frowned in disgust, but said patiently, "Mr. Xia, I'm very sorry. We've verified that your Xia group didn't even go in the first 30 in this bidding activity."

"So please leave now and don't interfere with our interview. Otherwise, we have to report to the official."

"No, absolutely not. You must have made a mistake!"

Xia Zhicai blushed and danced like crazy. "Please check again. It must have been made. The winning bidder must be our Xia group!"

Xia Xueqin also rushed up, pointed to the reporter's nose and angrily said, "I said whether you are mentally retarded. Wanxin construction, a broken company, has just been established for less than a month. How can it be them!"

"This lady, please pay attention to your words!"

The reporter was also angered and said in a deep voice, "we have verified the results of the winning bidder. If you don't believe it, you can check it on the official website. It has been released there!"

As the reporter spoke, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on the bid winning bulletin board of the bidding website, "see, it is very clear that the bid winning unit is indeed Wanxin construction, and your Xia group has not even ranked in the top 30!"

Seeing the words "Wanxin construction" on the bulletin board, if the Xia family was struck by lightning, they opened their mouths and stood in place, just like they were hit by the fixed body curse.

"No, it must not be true!"

Xia Zhicai roared with red eyes, just like a crazy mad dog. He shouted, "we sold two subsidiaries directly at a low price for this bid!"

"And Cheng Fei, the interviewer in the interview of this bidding activity, is my granddaughter's boyfriend. We entrusted the relationship!"

"Not only that, but for this bid, we also spent millions of up and down. The winning bidder must be us. You must have made a mistake!"

As soon as these words came out, several media staff were stunned. The reporter in charge of the interview was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "aim the camera at them!"

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