Ye Wuji could guess each other's thoughts and said with a smile, "don't think too much. I don't blame you for this, and it's not your favor."

"Mr. Ye, I'm really sorry to trouble you again and again."

Chen Xiaozui feels particularly guilty, but at the same time, he feels more and more that Mr. Ye is unfathomable.

It's not just because he just finished what Interpol can't do with a phone call.

What's more, ye Wuji's wrist towards Tang Wenyuan and Liu Dahai can be described as a combination of kindness and power. You don't have to think about it. They have to be devastated by Ye Wuji all their lives.

Ye Wuji's age seems to be twenty-five or six. It's rare to have such means at such an age.

Facing a person like Mr. Ye, Chen Xiaozui felt great respect and shuddered at the same time.


At this time, ye Wuji's phone suddenly rang. It was Xia Wanxin.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, I've just been with my friends, and now I'm going home... What are you talking about? These grandchildren, don't worry, I'll come right away!"

Ye Wuji was angry. Xia Wanxin just called and said that there were people making trouble on the construction site, which directly smashed the project department and injured many people.

"Mr. Ye."

Just as ye Wuji was about to rush to the construction site, Chen Xiaozui suddenly said, "I heard what my sister-in-law just said on the phone. Why don't I follow me to have a look? I'm familiar with that side."

"OK, then get in the car!"

Ye Wuji drove the car at a high speed. When he arrived at the project, he saw that the construction site was in a mess and there were many wet blood stains on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Ye Wuji looked at Xia Wan's heart from head to foot. When he saw that the other party had nothing to do, he relaxed a little, "where's the troublemaker?"

Xia Wanxin said in distress, "let's go. Just now we were preparing for construction. Unexpectedly, a group of people suddenly came and said that our workers stole their things and wanted to come over for inspection."

"The security guard refused, and then they did it directly. More than a dozen workers were injured and many machines were damaged."

Ye Wuji frowned, "think about it. Have you offended anyone during this time?"

Xia Wan thought for a while, shook his head and said, "since the establishment of the company, I have hardly contacted others, let alone offended people."

At this time, Chen Xiaozui said, "there are good and bad people in the construction area. This time, Miss Su won the industrial park project, which will inevitably violate the interests of some people."

Ye Wuji clenched his fist and said fiercely, "these dogs, it seems that I am still too kind to them. Don't worry, daughter-in-law. When I dig out these grandchildren, I won't let them go easily!"

"Mr. Ye, it must not be that simple."

Chen Xiaozui shook her head gently. She is a businessman, so she knows the way here better.

"This kind of thing is very common and difficult in the construction industry. Even if you find those people, it won't help."

"They will drive them away like flies. You can't stay on the construction site 24 hours a day."

Ye Wuji frowned and thought it was true.

If the other party is hard steel with him, he must have to eat a pot, but these gangsters are like flies. They come to harass them every three or five times, and no one can take them.

"What should I do about it? Should I really take out some money to settle things?"

The project manager also looks sad.

"It won't work."

Chen Xiaozui said, "that's a bottomless pit. If you give it once, there will be a second time. This pit will never be filled."

"Generally, in this case, the best way is to find a local snake with enough weight to reconcile."

"Do you know any local snakes here?"

Ye Wuji frowned and asked.

Chen Xiaozui thought and said, "I know a man here. He has great influence in this area."

"But I usually have little contact with people in the Jianghu, and I can only be regarded as a nodding friend."

"But I can only ask him out for dinner at most, but I'm not sure if he's willing to help."

Ye Wuji nodded and said, "then you should contact him quickly."

Chen Xiaozui went aside, took out his cell phone, dialed a phone, said a few words, and said to Ye Wuji, "I have an appointment with him. He just has time now. Let's go and find him."

"OK, let's go now."

Ye Wuji said hello to Xia Wanxin, and then drove away with Chen Xiaozui.

Chen Xiaozui said something about this man in the car. "This man's name is Qin Longxiang. He is known as the king of the south of the border. He monopolizes the mineral veins in the south of the border."

"Although his territory is mainly in the suburbs, his strength can't be underestimated. Even those Jianghu brothers in the urban area have to give him some face."

"He has a hot personality and is a cruel character. He started with two open-ended kitchen knives and climbed to today's position step by step. He has absolute authority in Bian Nan."

Ye Wuji nodded gently after listening, "Qin Longxiang, this name is very special."

Biannan district is located in the east of Jiangbei and belongs to the suburb. Almost one-third of the minerals in the whole Jiangbei come from here.

At the foot of a beautiful mountain, a huge manor villa with large floor area and antique decoration is built.

At the door stood several bodyguards in black with straight backs, and many people patrolled around.

It took five minutes to walk along a green stone road with ornamental bamboo on both sides to reach the center of the building.

"Hello, Miss Chen. President Qin is reading in his study. Let you have a rest here now."

The young maid in maid's clothes led Ye Wuji and Chen Xiaozui into the reception room and soaked two cups of fragrant tea soup.

"Mr. Ye, he usually has this character. Please don't take it to heart."

Chen Xiaozui is worried that ye Wuji will be unhappy.

"It's all right. We're here to ask someone to do something. It's okay to wait a little longer."

Ye Wuji was very calm and tasted tea soup slowly.

After at least an hour, the tea was added several times. A maid came in and said politely, "Miss Chen, President Qin asks you to go to the study."

The first sight of Qin Longxiang surprised Ye Wuji.

The man is tall, wearing a straight Zhongshan suit, neatly combed hair and a pair of gold wire glasses.

If you meet him on the street, you will definitely think that this person must be a gentle teacher, and you will never guess that this person is a Jianghu big man with blood on his hands and ruthlessness.

"Miss Chen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was a little fascinated by reading just now. Please forgive me."

Qin Longxiang sat on a rattan chair with a Book of Zizhi Tongjian in his hand. He spoke in a very calm tone with a polite smile on his face.

But even so, it's hard to hide his anger.

"Who is this?"

Qin Longxiang looked at Ye Wuji.

"This is Mr. Ye, my good friend. I have encountered some trouble recently. Please give me more advice."

Chen Xiaozui quickly introduced that she was a particularly smart woman. Without Ye Wuji's permission, she would never reveal the true identity of Ye Wuji.

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