
Standing next to Qin Longxiang, a bodyguard was immediately angry. With a Shua, he took out a pistol from his arms and said angrily to Ye Wuji's forehead, "do you think you can fight very well? Believe it or not, I'll explode your head immediately!"

Chen Xiaozui's heart mentioned to her throat. She knew that the other party really dared to shoot.

Even if ye Wuji can fight again, can he be faster than bullets?

Qin Longxiang didn't respond, just looked at Ye Wuji with a playful look, as if to say, boy, you're still a little tender.

However, ye Wuji's performance is still beyond everyone's expectation.

Being pointed at his head with a pistol makes anyone tremble.

But ye Wuji looked indifferent, as if the man in his hand was not a pistol, but a childish toy.

"Do you know the consequences of pointing a gun at me?"

Ye Wuji's eyes fell on the man, his tone was indifferent and there was no emotion.

I don't know why, the bodyguard was stared at by Ye Wuji, and felt a panic for no reason in his heart.

But he still clenched his teeth and said fiercely, "I only know that as long as my fingers move, your head will blossom immediately!"

"Don't get down on your knees!"

The bodyguard burst into a drink.


Ye Wuji suddenly calmed down.

As soon as the words came out, the air around him suddenly calmed down.

Everyone wondered if they had heard wrong.

"Mr. Ye......"

Chen Xiaozui was shocked into a cold sweat. He didn't know what Mr. Ye wanted to do.

The bodyguard with a gun turned red. He had seen someone who was not afraid of death, but he had never seen someone who didn't take his life seriously.

"Don't dare to open with a gun. It's better to go back and get the bottle."

Ye Wuji smiled coldly and said to Qin Longxiang, "is this the man you brought out? As weak as you?"

The veins on Qin Longxiang's forehead burst!

In fact, he doesn't intend to kill Ye Wuji at all today. He just wants to make the other party yield in this way.

But this man is not afraid of death, but challenges his authority again and again.

No one has dared to talk to him like this for many years, not to mention in front of so many younger brothers.

"Brother, take a soft suit quickly. What's there to discuss!"

Qin he is also very nervous.

Although Ye Wuji once hurt him, he never hated him at all. Instead, he worshipped each other's hand.

So he didn't want to see ye Wuji's head shot.

Ye Wuji smiled coldly and looked at Qin Longxiang and said contemptuously, "if you don't dare to shoot, kneel down and call me Grandpa three times, maybe I can take your grandson."


Qin Longxiang's anger was finally completely ignited, and his two round eyes thought they were going to spit out Mars.

For years, who hasn't seen him respectfully?

Even the owners of the three giants in Jiangbei have to give themselves three points of face.

On the boundary of Jiangbei, who can't respectfully call Lord Qin when mentioning his name of Qin Longxiang?

Deceive people too much, just deceive people too much!


Qin Longxiang gave an order with a loud drink.


The bodyguard pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Mr. Ye!"

Chen Xiaozui exclaimed. She didn't know why. She wanted to rush forward instinctively and wanted to help Ye Wuji stop the bullet.

However, the distance between the two sides was no more than five meters, and the bullet speed was so fast that she had no time to respond.

At this moment, she only felt her heart shrink hard, like being stabbed by something.

She even closed her eyes because she couldn't face what she saw next.

However, the next second, Chen Xiaozui suddenly heard a voice that should never appear!

"Don't shake your hands. Hit it accurately."

Ye Wuji's voice is still so indifferent.

Chen Xiaozui was slightly stunned. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw that ye Wuji was safe and sound!

In front of Qin Longxiang, Qin he and hundreds of bodyguards in black, they opened their mouths and eyes.

Their eyes are full of horror and inconceivable. Staring at Ye Wuji is like staring at an alien!

Chen Xiaozui didn't know where he was, but Qin Longxiang and others saw it really just now!

It was not that the bodyguard shook his hand and missed the bullet, but at the moment of shooting, ye Wuji gently turned his head and avoided the bullet!

Less than five meters away, avoid a loaded bullet!

This scene simply refreshed their understanding. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that someone in the world could avoid bullets!

"Aim a little and continue."

Ye Wuji put his hands around his chest, his expression was very relaxed, and the corners of his mouth evoked a faint smile.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The bodyguard didn't know whether it was because he was nervous or angry. He hit Ye Wuji in the head.

Maybe it was just luck!

But he soon didn't think so.

After a series of bullets, the bodyguard's body began to tremble violently. The bullet free pistol fell to the ground with a slap, and his legs were like chaff.

The eyes are full of horror and endless panic!

The air around is dead silent!

Because just now, they saw a scene that they could never believe in in their life!

A living man, within a distance of less than five meters, easily escaped the continuous attack of bullets for several minutes!

What's more frightening is that the other party didn't even blink from beginning to end, as if this scene was a matter of course for him!

"Didn't you really want to know the consequences of pointing a gun at me just now?"

Ye Wuji stared at the man and smiled. Suddenly, his body flashed. Everyone only felt a flower in front of him!

When the reaction came, ye Wuji's body shape had been forced to the man's eyes, and one hand had been stuck on the man's neck.

Apply slight force

Click wipe??????

The bodyguard's eyes still stared round until he breathed out. He didn't even see how the other party shot.

This scene made everyone take another breath.

This kind of body method is almost instantaneous movement!

No one saw how he did it!

From the movement of the body method to the breaking of the other party's neck, the whole process is zero point one second!

Is this still human?

After the shock, there was more endless fear.

Qin Longxiang took the lead in responding. Just ready to respond, ye Wuji's hand has been gently put on his shoulder.

When a group of younger brothers were about to rush forward, Qin Longxiang suddenly shouted, "don't move!"

Ye Wuji put one hand on Qin Longxiang's shoulder and said with a faint smile, "what I just said is really from my heart. I really dislike you. If you think your life is long, you are welcome to come to me at any time."

After saying that, he turned around, pulled Chen Xiaozui into the car, and then started the car to get rid of the dust.

"Lord Qin, I'll call all my brothers now!"

A bodyguard said in a deep voice, "even if he can fight again, I don't believe so many of us......"

"Shut up!"

Qin Longxiang's mouth twitched, his forehead was full of bean sweat, and his eyes were full of horror and endless fear.

Only he himself knows what he has just experienced!

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