Dragon Blood Warrior

Chapter 663: Mujahideen, Big Bee Begins, Wolf Falls!

“Boom...! ”

The vast void space is vast, full of violent space forces everywhere, the environment is extremely harsh, the main emphasis here is eternal silence, there is no anger, and at this time, somewhere in the void space, suddenly an astonishing huge fluctuation erupts, like opening an ancient world portal, the ancient fluctuations fluctuate everywhere, even those very violent space forces are pushed around by this sudden and astonishing fluctuation.

“Boong Lung Lung...”

A rock-breaking roar shook the void in all directions as if it were a picture roll. The vast waves of heavenly and earth tides impacted apart. Some of the deserted islands floating in the vain sky were shattered and extinct in darkness. Looking at the source of the fluctuations, you will find a frightening volume, it seems that the dark shadow of the heavens and the earth will rise slowly from there, accompanied by the burst of landslides, the scene is very magnificent, the momentum is pounding.

The volume of this black shadow alone has a kind of pounding pressure that shook down the heavens and the world. Looking closely, this is actually a building. The pitch-black exterior is like a mountain of demons standing there, rising high, like a roof over the sky. This black building gradually decreases in size from bottom to top, in the shape of a cone. The body does not know what material it is made of. It is pitch-black as ink, but it is full of strange black light.

The void in the vicinity of the black building is overwhelmed with distortion, bursting loudly, and the vast building body is constantly pulled upwards, as if it were spanning from another space.

“Boom...! ”

“Boom...! ”

“Boom -! ”

Suddenly, a huge palm was detected from each of the three directions, gently imprinted on the black building, and the three giant palms swung up hard, and a few breathing efforts were pulled out of the space completely by birth.

“Boom...! ”

After the vast black building was completely disengaged, the appalling body swayed slightly, causing an alarming burst of rock.


At this time, a heptagonal star array suddenly emerged at the bottom of the black building, three low drinks coming from three different directions, the direction of the extraterritorial three major wars islands, the previous three major hands were probed from within the three wars islands, the surrounding sky and earth rules trajectory fluctuated for it, obviously the superexistence of the Nirvana Realm.

The formation of the Heptagonal Star Array was apparently from the hands of the Heptagonal Magic Master in the Three Wars Island, and the pale and luminous archaeological codification converged in a stream, rushing fast, spinning and printed on the Heptagonal Star Array, so that the light emitted by it grew brighter and brighter, the complex array lines crossed and staggered, and the boulevard airplane flowed.




Finally, the three smaller heptagonal star arrays were struck from within the three islands of war, stamped sequentially in the center of the heptagonal star arrays beneath the black buildings, spreading in a circle of ripples, connecting that archaeological body, and the huge heptagonal star arrays suddenly magnified brightly, holding the huge black buildings steady there.


The vast black building finally made a loud noise, landing steadily on the heptagonal star ray, the appalling body slowly calmed down, leaving only that naturally exuded vast fluctuation to whistle in the surrounding nothingness space.

“Extraterritorial Jihad has been opened, Big Bee! Don't you two have a problem with that? ”

A strong and majestic voice came from the depths of the Divine World War Islands, including the trajectories of heaven and earth rules within the nothingness of the space in which the two islands of war were situated, all fluctuated with this magnificent sound wave.

“Let's do it! ”

“Let's do it! ”

Deep inside the Beast God War Island and the Original War Island were silenced for a moment, whirling simultaneously, thick sound waves scattered towards the Quartet, the frequency of tremors in the trajectory of heavenly and earth rules in the nearby void suddenly changed, coinciding with the sound waves of the two. The superexistence of the three great Nirvana Realms, though calm between words, has long fought in secret to seize control of the heavenly and earth rules in the void of the region.

“Hey! I can't believe I touched that level first! ”

Deep in the original battle island, there was a helpless sigh in the central cave, because the owner of that voice on the Divine World War Island had mastered half the rules of heaven and earth in the area, and the Beast World War Island, together with the two presidents, barely grabbed a quarter of their rules of heaven and earth.

In the three directions of the black building, the men and horses of the three sides have been here long ago. On the side of the Yuanzhijima Island, the Grand Elder, Dragon Emperor and Yang Huitian led the team. The master of the Seven Jedi Array is mainly responsible for the huge heptagonal star array under the black building in order to avoid accidents. The other two sides, too, each have a master of the Seven Jedi Array sitting in town.

Among them, the Seven Jedi Master on the side of the Divine World War Island is an elderly man in white robe, but on the side of the Beast God World is a fairly small elderly man, a pair of eyes light, such shape is rare on the Beast God World War Island.

In addition, the Isle of War of the Beast God leads the team in front of the clouds and tigers, and there is also a terrifying atmosphere, the strong man with the back of the tiger, the peak of the Nine-Star Half-God, and likewise, the Isle of War of the Divine World, a man in gold standing in front of everyone, with a pale face and a deep sense of sea in his eyes.

“Still the same rule, five men from each side in the war! And it has to be the youngest! On the jihadist stage, life or death! ”

Deep in the Isle of Divine Warfare, that thick and majestic voice rang again, the indifferent tone, without a hint of emotion, the rules of heaven and earth moved with it, merely a plain word, to give a avenue of cruelty.

“What a terrible power, in a word, to draw the power of Heaven and Earth! ”

The Grand Old Soul's strange pupils tightened for a moment, secretly murmuring to himself. He also set foot in Nirvana, but compared to each other, there is still a sense of great disparity between the fireworks and the moon.

“Which one of you goes first? ”

That majestic voice had just fallen, and a tall young man in white jumped onto the jihad platform on one side of the Divine World War Island, standing in his hands and staring at the other two sides.

Eight stars down! The Isle of War of the Divine Realm came up to send such a powerful young progeny player to make the other two parties feel prickly.

“Humph! I'll fight you--! ”

The young man's voice had just fallen, and one side of the Beast God War Island jumped out of a tall figure like a tiger. Cold snorted and jumped up. His muscles wrapped around him like dragons. He wore only a revealed red vest. A pair of fierce beastly eyes coldly stared at the young man of the Divine God War Island, and his fierce qi was released unreservedly. It was also an eight-star youth-strong man. Though the young man is estimated to be hundreds of years old in terms of the real life of the animal, he is a fairly young genius in the realm of beast gods.

“Get down! ”

The white man's face was steep and cold, a golden sword erupted without signs, the horrible killing intent emerged as a tidal wave, the out-of-town ratio was definitely not at all on the same level as that of the war god continent, the white man's opening was a harsh killing technique, make sure to kill one blow, the golden god armor is fast, between winks is about to point to the red vest man's throat.

“Ohh...! ”

The pupils of the red vest men suddenly shrunk, the emergency juncture suddenly burst into a long sky wolf whistle, while the white man's golden sword passed through his throat, but the anticipated blood splatter did not appear on the spot, it was a phantom, while on the other side of the jihad platform, a giant wolf of fifty or sixty lengths in size, a red hair roots up, doped with a few strands of golden hair, a pair of red eyes staring fiercely at the white man, deep in the eyes flashed a trace of fear, the previous white man's unexpected sword was really too fast, if he did not reflect in time, change the phantom body, the speed surge, I fear blood splattered on the spot.

“Hey! Interesting... a heavenly wolf! ”

The man in white glanced at the phantom that had gradually dispersed in front of him and looked at the giant wolf on the other side of the jihadist platform with amazement. He laughed low. The Wolf in white was a powerful beast, long at speed, and the man in white coincidentally excelled at speed, so he did not take advantage.

“Hoo--! Sirius! ”

The heavenly wolf who came out of the main body roared angrily, spitting his mouth out, the jihad stage suddenly wind, countless signs of heavenly wolf coming from all sides against the white man, but for a moment, the white man burst out a string of blood flowers, terrifying.

“Ah--! ”

The man in white growled like an injured beast. The white figure suddenly became blurred. The white shadow laying on the sky and the wolf shadow shaking on the sky and the earth shivered. This is a speedy battle. Whose speed is slightly slower, that is the end of the blood arrow here, with little chance of exiting.

Generally speaking, if one party feels incapable of enemies, it can jump out of the jihad quickly, but all three islands of war are hostile, slightly slower is the fate of death, so this is also quite cruel.

The huge jihad platform was covered by the illusions of both sides, powerful fluctuations emerged, from time to time, the sound of divine soldiers fighting each other, the scene was extraordinarily dangerous, even people outside the field tightened their nerves for them, this speed is more than spelling, every moment is very dangerous, slightly inadvertent is the chance to be caught by each other at that moment to kill them on the spot.

“Ohh...! ”

Such tremors lasted almost half an hour, and at last, an awesome wolf burst from the jihad platform, and the shadow of the heavenly wolf dissipated like smoke. A giant wolf fell heavily on the jihad platform, and his head was pierced directly.

And that covered white coat was a sudden stiffness, revealing the body of the white man, a bloodstained white coat, with a shallow claw marks on the brow heart, obviously the previous tremor was very dangerous, although he succeeded in killing the Wolf, he was almost pierced by the sharp claw hole of the Wolf.

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