Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 11 Contempt from Red Dragon Berry

Chapter 011 Contempt from Red Dragon Berry

Yunfei didn't know the impending danger at all, but the system knew it and issued a new task to Yunfei.

"Ding, trigger the survival mission: escape, ask the host to work hard to stay alive, the task reward is alive, and the failure penalty is none."

Yunfei was taking a nap after enjoying the delicious food, when he suddenly heard a system prompt that startled him.

"Escape? The mission reward is to stay alive? Damn it, the system, I am just a little guy in the newborn body, are you going to torment me like this?"

No wonder Yunfei would complain. It had only been three days since he had been eating and waiting to die, and the system had come out to act like a monster again.

And this mission sounds particularly dangerous, because the name of the mission says it all, escape, what does this mean?

This is telling myself that I have to escape and survive. If I can't escape, it goes without saying that I will definitely die.

The system did not answer Yunfei's question. In fact, the system came with good intentions. It was an early warning to Yunfei, so that Yunfei would not be in a hurry when danger came.

Yunfei will not ignore the system. Although he complains, he will also be prepared.

However, Red Dragon Beili didn't give Yunfei much time to prepare, and descended over the dragon cave that evening.

When the adult dragon descended, all the creatures in the jungle lay on the ground and shivered. No one dared to resist, and no one even dared to look up.

The only one who dared to look up was Yun Fei. He was also a giant dragon, so the pressure of the red dragon was not that great for him. Besides, as a young man in a modernist society, an adult dragon could scare him to the ground. Yunfei?

The answer is really yes.

Although he got what a giant dragon should know from the inherited dragon ball, this was the first time Yunfei had seen an adult dragon.

"So big, so red, so domineering." Yunfei muttered with a slightly elongated mouth.

The red dragon Beili was hovering in the sky. Its huge dragon head was several times larger than Yunfei's entire body. Its eyes were full of contempt: "You actually ran out?"

"Who are you?" Yunfei was confused. Do you know him? Then who is it?

"I am the great red dragon Berry. My father killed your weak mother. Now, you will die at my feet." Berry held his head high.

Although things were a little unexpected, they were still under control. Originally, Berry thought Yunfei would not be born, but if he came out, he would come out. Just kill him.

Of course, the red dragon Berry would not do anything himself. The dragon clan is extremely powerful. It is also because of their power that the fertility rate of the giant dragon clan is low. A giant dragon can only give birth to 3-5 offspring in a lifetime. Therefore, Zulong made a rule that no one of the same clan should kill those below the age of adults.

If you kill it, congratulations, you will get a BUFF. The Curse of the Ancestral Dragon will not only prevent the owner from improving at all, but also any dragon that kills a dragon with the Curse of the Ancestral Dragon will get a huge bonus. the benefits of.

Therefore, when Yunfei faced the dragon, he was still in the novice protection period.

But this doesn't bother Berry. He can't do it himself, but he can let other creatures do it. If Yunfei is a young body, it will be a bit tricky, but Yunfei is just a newborn body, and any beast can do it. Kill him.

"You mean, your dad, kill my mom?" The manic instinct is brewing in Yunfei's body. Yunfei has no feelings for the mother he has never met, but his body is very honest, that kind of mania , Yunfei couldn't control it at all.

"Yes, now, the great red dragon orders you to kill it." The red dragon Bailey spoke, and the beasts that were trembling in the jungle went berserk.

It is the instinct of beasts to prey on the weak and follow the strong. Although Yunfei was their boss a few minutes ago, this does not affect them at all from attacking Yunfei.

The beasts swarmed up, and as they ran, it was as if the heaven and earth were shaking. At this moment, no matter whether they were carnivores or herbivores, they were all rushing up the mountain.

"You can't kill me." Yunfei looked up at Berry. He remembered Berry's appearance and breath. The memory at this moment was not because of looking up, but because of hatred.

Berry didn't even bother to look at Yunfei. A black dragon that was about to die was not worthy of its attention.

Although Yunfei had been prepared for it, this situation was unexpected for him. No wonder the system used the word "escape". It turned out that things would really develop like this.

Yunfei let out dragon roars from his mouth. He was threatening the beast that was charging at him, but it had no effect. Yunfei also had no mercy in his heart. He waved his dragon claws at the beast that was charging at him.

Until Yunfei is exhausted, the beasts here cannot harm him at all.

"Huh? So powerful?" The red dragon Beili originally thought that Yunfei would be instantly buried by the beast. It had also grown from a newborn body to the present, so it naturally knew what a black dragon about one meter long could do.

But what Yunfei showed was not the ability that a one-meter-long newborn black dragon should have.

Berry didn't know that Yunfei's bloodline had evolved twice and he still had talents. Yunfei's true combat effectiveness was no different than that of a 5-meter-long larval black dragon.

The giant dragon family, whether it is a black dragon, a magic dragon or even a golden holy dragon, has a unified judgment standard. Those with a length of less than 5 meters are newborns, those with a length of 5 to 10 meters are juveniles, and those with a length of 10 to 20 meters are adults. Only in the adult body will different changes occur according to different bloodlines.

"This is unscientific." Berry muttered. Yes, it is unscientific. There are human races and mechanical races in this world. The mechanical race is a race that relies entirely on science, and its technological power is very powerful.

Yunfei doesn't care what's scientific or not, he has a system by his side, he's just so unreasonable.

Yun Fei won't get blood points from killing those herbivorous beasts because they are too weak.

However, you can still get bloodline points by killing carnivorous beasts with certain attack power, but the amount you get is not much.

Yun Fei can also understand this. Bloodline evolution is definitely not that simple. Once a bloodline reaches a certain level, low-level bloodlines are useless. This is like playing a game to kill monsters. If the level is too high, you will not get it if you kill low-level monsters. This is the truth from experience.

The jungle where the Dragon Cave is located occupies a large area. Although there are no monsters, there are many carnivorous beasts. As long as there are enough, even if the bloodline value obtained by killing one is not much, the accumulated value can increase the level of one's bloodline. elevated.

"Ding, kill a beast, bloodline value +0.08"

"Ding, kill a beast, bloodline value +0.1"

System prompts kept ringing, proving how quickly Yunfei killed those beasts.

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