Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1213 The right to choose

Chapter 1213 The right to choose

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Tie Xiaomei couldn't stand it anymore.

She stood in front of Tu Qin.

Her man doesn't allow others to blame him.

"This is my business, why do you care so much?"

Tie Xiaomei is very strong, like an old hen protecting her calf, she won't give in even when faced with an eagle.

Tie Laosan's eyes were full of disappointment.

Not to Tie Xiaomei, he knew what kind of character his sister was.

He was disappointed with Tu Qin, once again.

"Hey, look, it's always been like this."

"Perhaps you misjudged him."

Yunfei suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention, even Tu Qin, who was blushing, looked over.

"You probably haven't thought about how a little person survives, right? You haven't considered this issue from his perspective, and you don't know how much pressure he will be under. Maybe you, as an older brother, are kind-hearted and want to help. They went one step further, but this is just your idea. If your family knew about their relationship, would your family agree?"

They are a perfect match. This statement is correct anywhere.

Take the love between a poor boy and a rich girl as an example. I’m not saying that I don’t agree with such a beautiful love. Of course it’s okay to fall in love, but it’s not okay to talk about marriage.

Because the values ​​and consumption concepts of both parties are different.

Can a poor boy understand what it means for a rich lady to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a bag?

In the eyes of a poor boy, wouldn't it be delicious to buy and eat meat worth tens of thousands of dollars?

Tie Laosan was slightly stunned after hearing Yunfei's words.

"But that's not a reason for him to escape."

"Perhaps he wants to make his little sister more beautiful? Maybe he just doesn't want others to point fingers at her? In my opinion, this is a man's responsibility. He wants others to identify with his little sister. , rather than thinking of a flower stuck in cow dung.”


Now Tie Laosan fell into deep thought.

Tu Qinze was extremely excited. Yes, yes, that's what he was thinking, but he was stupid and never said it out loud.


A very dull sound appeared.

While everyone was deep in thought, Yun Fei actually kicked Tu Qin away.

This was a real kick, the kind that didn't contain any water. Yunfei even burned his essence and blood. This kick directly kicked Tu Qin away, and even flew away from the platform where the Tie family was.

Such behavior is not just a matter of Tie Xiaomei's family.

Someone dares to cause trouble in the Tie family. This is it.

In an instant, the auras of many strong men appeared.

"Elders, it's okay, the kid is having a tantrum."

Tie Laosan quickly stepped forward.

After the elders of the Tie family found out that the one who was kicked away was not the Tie family, they cursed and left.

"Yunfei, how dare you do this?"

Tie Xiaomei is really a protective person. She was calling her brother just now. After this kick, she directly called him by name and questioned him.

"He deserves to be kicked."

Yunfei was very calm.

Tie Lao San was confused.

Mud, the rhetoric you just said has already impressed me. I really believed it. I was about to be moved and even praised. You are so good that you just kicked him away.

Tell the truth, who are you with?

Tie Xiaomei is going to explode.

Should be kicked?

who do you think You Are?

Even if you are the heir of the Yin clan, you are not qualified to kick my little sister Tie's man.

I'm so sorry that I still want to entertain you. With your behavior, are you worthy of my meal?

Just when Tie Xiaomei was about to get angry, Tu Qin came back with blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Little sister, don't be rude."

The first thing Tu Qin did when he came back was to stop Tie Xiaomei.

Not because he needs Yunfei's blood, but because he sincerely stops him.

"You? Are you still helping him?"

At this moment, Tie Xiaomei felt a little chilled.

I am here to protect you, but you are helping outsiders. Is this ridiculous?

Yunfei nodded slightly at Tu Qin's behavior.

This man is not hopeless yet, but he is still sensible.

"You are sensible. If I kick you, will you be convinced?"

Yunfei looked up slightly and stared at Tu Qin like a big brother in society.

Tu Qin lowered his head and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't speak, but he showed everything with his actions. He was convinced.

Tears welled up in Tie Xiaomei's eyes.

I was about to cry.

Tu Qin was mean to her, but she wouldn't be so sad. Men, who hasn't lost their temper yet?

But Tu Qin gave in in front of Yunfei like this. This was the real reason why she shed tears. What woman would like a soft-hearted boyfriend?

If a bad guy teases him on the street, will this man be so submissive?

How can such a man provide a woman with a sense of security?

"Sister, don't cry, you are watching."

Xiaomo stepped forward and grabbed Tie Xiaomei.

"How can you still be considered a man if you step back when trouble comes and let your woman take the lead? Everything you think about is for your own face. Have you ever thought about Tie Xiaomei's situation? If you were her, what would you think? What do you think? Put away the humbleness in your heart. The more cautious you are, the more others will look down on you. If you want others to look up to you, then show them your skills and use your skills to shut them up. I I believe Tie Xiaomei is willing to face all this with you, right?"

Yunfei turned to look at Tie Xiaomei.

These words really touched Tie Xiaomei's heart.

Yes, so true.

That's it, she is willing to face everything with Tu Qin. As long as the two of them are together, what can't they face?

RVs can be used... ahem, they can create the future together, as long as they are together.

"I, Yunfei, also came from a small place. The world I live in is not even as good as yours. Can you tell me who I have bowed to? You can also ask about my deeds. Let alone someone of the same generation, even if you meet me I have never bowed to the Lord of the Nine Realms. If you think you can give her a future, then bravely hold her hand and move forward together. You must enjoy the scenery with her on your way to becoming stronger. If you cannot give her a future, Then get away and don't mess with her."

Yunfei didn't forget to praise himself when he guest-starred as a spiritual mentor.

However, it was precisely because of such a compliment that Tu Qin gained confidence.

These days, the power of role models is powerful.

Of course Tu Qin knew how awesome Yunfei was. He didn't know why he wouldn't bow down when faced with the Nine Realms of Dominance, but he knew that Yunfei was truly awesome at the same level.

"Really? Brother Yunfei really came from a small place?"

"Of course it's true. I don't even bother to tell such lies. Now the choice is yours. Do you want to hold her hand or give up on her?"

Tie Laosan admired Yunfei very much. He was so eloquent. If he had such eloquence, how could such an embarrassing situation happen.

So, what would Tu Qin choose?

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