Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1230 Don’t worry

Chapter 1230 Don’t worry

After making an appointment with several other people, Yun Fei saw the other four people returning not long after waiting.

There is no such thing as good news.

Tianyu and Tie Laosan even went to the sect area to find two sects that specialized in light system rules. Unfortunately, they still could not find the special light system material that Yunfei needed.

"You won't capsize in this little gutter, will you?"

After Yunfei learned the news, he couldn't feel happy anymore.

A special substance of the light system is quite popular. Why is it so difficult to find a special substance?

In fact, it is precisely because the light is relatively popular that it is difficult to find.

Among the seven supreme rules, space is the easiest to understand, followed by light.

The most difficult thing is reincarnation, followed by destruction.

Darkness, Life, and Creation are in the middle.

Well, this one is easier to understand and control, but it’s embarrassing.

There must be a lot of special light-based substances born in each small world, but they were used when they were discovered.

Special light substances are not that bad after all. There are not as many basic rules as there are, and there is the danger of being used at any time. It is normal that they are hard to find.

"It doesn't matter, this is only the first day, the transaction has not officially started yet, don't worry, you can always find it."

Tu Qin opened his mouth to comfort Yunfei. In fact, he himself was very optimistic about this.

Because it’s really not that hard to find.

"Well, let's keep looking. Xiaomo and I rented a stall in the Qizhen District and want to buy some things. Do you have anything to collect?"

Yunfei asked.

Anyway, when setting up a stall, you only need to collect one thing. It doesn’t matter if you collect more.

"No, we who make alchemy and weapon refining have too many things to collect. If you really need it, go to the spiritual materials area and buy a lot of them. Brother, please do your work. We will notify you as soon as we find the special light attribute substance."

Tu Qin rejected Yunfei's proposal.

He's not pretending, it's true.

Yunfei doesn't know how to refine weapons and elixirs, so asking him to help with the acquisition would be very troublesome. Moreover, they are also afraid that Yunfei will be deceived and receive fake goods. Even if they don't care about the resources, it will be very bad, right?

"Okay, then let's go separate ways for the time being, and we'll contact you when the world is auctioned."

Yunfei couldn't ask everyone to follow him. After finally coming here, who wouldn't spend some money to buy something?

As for how easy it is to make contact, they still have the communication stone.

"fair enough."

Tie Laosan and Tianyu both agreed, and they really wanted to wander around the Pingzhou Trading City by themselves.

After they parted ways again, when Yunfei returned to the stall he rented, he found that there were more people here than when he left, and even the stall next to him was fully rented.


These stall owners are all here to gain popularity.

There are so many people here at Yunfei's stall, so it's certainly easier to sell things here.

While they were waiting for Yunfei, why didn't they take a look at the stalls around them out of boredom?

"Get out of the way, Nei...ahem, he's coming."

People with sharp eyes have already discovered Yunfei.

Originally, the man wanted to shout that fool is here, but he swallowed the words when he reached his lips.

If you really curse out, what will happen if people don't accept your things?

The crowd moved out of the way.

Yunfei didn't look at the expressions of the people around him. After sitting at the stall, he waited for people to trade.

"Kid, look at what price you can give me for this special substance. If possible, I hope to trade it with the source of the world."

A special substance can rise to the origin of the world for trade, which shows that this special substance is definitely very special.

Yun Feidao had no objection to what this man called him. At first glance, he looked like an old man. He was older and stronger, and he was in the realm of dominance.

"Oh? Let me take a look."

What the master brought out was a plant.

When Yunfei looked closer, the plant driver suddenly opened one eye.

Revealed from these eyes is a look called fear.

"This is a special substance with life attributes, and it also gave birth to spiritual intelligence?"

Yunfei was a little moved.

Of course Yunfei has the special substance with the attribute of life, but what he possesses is not birth intelligence.

The special substance that gave birth to spiritual intelligence is much stronger than the one that was not born.

Take An for example. Darkness controlled by An can lead Yunfei to jump between his brother's darkness, but without An's control, Yunfei needs to control it himself, and he cannot do what An does.

"Yes, a special substance with the life attribute of spiritual intelligence was born."

"I have never received anything like this, but it is possible to trade it with the source of the world. How much do you want?"

Yunfei didn't give an arbitrary price. He liked this thing very much, but he didn't show how much he liked it. If he really wanted to show it, he would just wait to be ripped off.

No one who can come to Pingzhou Trading City is a fool.

"My heart is moved, something I have never seen in the world."

Xie Xuan muttered secretly.

This special substance with the life attribute that opened up spiritual intelligence was what he used to drain Yunfei's wealth.

"Fifty beads of original mist, how about it?"

Fifty beads, the beads here refer to the carrier that carries the power of the origin. This kind of beads is specially made and can carry a certain amount of the power of the origin.

This allows people to more clearly measure the amount of source power. However, the cost of this kind of beads is not low, and most people don't use them. Most of them are rough calculations.

The source mist is a kind of source power, and it is also the lowest level. On top of the source mist, there are also the source liquid and the source crystal.

Although the origin mist is the lowest origin-level transaction currency, the master's price of fifty is really a big deal.

"Do you really think I'm a fool? Let's go. I won't send you away."

Yunfei doesn't care if he uses the innate treasure to raise the price, because he still has a lot of it, and he can't use it himself.

But the original mist is different.

Yunfei can absorb this source of mist, and his spiritual space will not refuse the power of the source, and he will absorb as much as he can.

Just like the dragon bone can absorb other treasures, it is basically a bottomless pit that cannot be filled.

Yunfei doesn't have much source mist in his hand, he got it while doing the Hidden Clan mission in Lingping City.

If you want so much of this special substance with life attributes, what will you do if others come to trade?

Can't you sell blood on the spot?

Although Yunfei had already decided to sell his blood, he didn't intend to sell it openly, he wanted to sell it secretly.

"Hey, hey, don't worry, of course you can negotiate for this deal. It would be wrong for me to just kick people out."

This master of the domination realm was quite thick-skinned. When he saw Yun Fei chasing people away, he immediately changed his face and called him little friend instead of little brother.

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