Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1248 Why did you change your routine again?

Chapter 1248 Why did you change your routine again?

This time Yunfei didn't let anyone speak, he directly quoted the price of three hundred origin beads.

The people who were originally going to bid shut up when they saw that Yunfei was still bidding.

They also wanted to see if the troublemaker would jump out again.

Xie Xuan did not disappoint the spectators, he jumped out again.

The voice is very unhurried, the price increase is not much, and the original bead is still added every time.

The roots of Tu Qin's raised teeth were itching, and he clenched his fists with both hands, making constant popping noises like fried beans.

In the end, Yunfei still won this small abandoned world at a high price of 400 Origin Beads.

"Tch, fight with me?"

Xie Xuan grinned and felt very happy.

However, the whole room of people in Yunfei's side were very unhappy, including Xiao Mo Tie, who was also angry.

"This guy is really bad."

Xiaomo opened her mouth to complain about Yunfei's injustice.

However, Yunfei remained indifferent.

"Don't worry, let's see who has the last laugh."

Yunfei is still not in a hurry.

The next situation seems to have become a battlefield between Yunfei and Xie Xuan. Yunfei is actually playing with the Origin Bead, while Xie Xuan has been playing with Yunfei.

The method is very simple, which is to increase the price to 400 Origin Beads and then let it go.

Soon, the auction of the small abandoned world was completed.

There are thirty small abandoned worlds taken by Yunfei alone.

Yunfei was very satisfied, but Tu Qin and others were not so comfortable.

In their opinion, Yunfei spent a lot more on the Origin Beads by auctioning these abandoned worlds.

In fact, Yunfei didn't think so. If the guy across from him hadn't made trouble and let everyone bid together, he might not have spent less than what he spent now.

Of course, thank you or anything like that is definitely not possible, Yun Fei is digging a hole for Xie Xuan.

"Next, the medium-sized abandoned world, the starting bid is 300."

Before anyone else could say anything, Yunfei made a quote.

"400 Origin Beads, on the opposite side, continue, don't stop."

When Yunfei quoted the price, he even stimulated Xie Xuan.

Of course Xie Xuan will not be timid.

But now Xie Xuan can no longer laugh.

"Four hundred and one."

Mad, how many Origin Beads does this bastard have?

Xie Xuan admitted that he was sore.


Yunfei spent a total of 12,000 Origin Beads to buy the abandoned small world. How much wealth is this?

Xie Xuan's total wealth is only a fraction of other people's. Isn't this sad?

The envy of clearly marked prices.

"five hundred."

Yunfei was too lazy to add it bit by bit, so he just added a hundred.

Not only Xie Xuan was stunned, but the spectators and even those who were ready to leave were also stunned.

This wave of strength persuaded them to retreat, and those who were originally prepared to give up retreated again.

Looking at this situation, the price increase is definitely not over yet.

"Five hundred and one."

Xie Xuan continued to increase the price. The medium-sized abandoned world was only worth its current value. If auctioned here, the price would be a little higher, but not too much. To put it bluntly, it has not reached its peak yet.

"Six hundred."

The price of six hundred is much more than the value of the medium-sized abandoned world itself.

Xie Xuan was a little panicked.

Continue to add?

Although he is here to cause trouble, if the bidding is successful, he will also get the Origin Pearl. He is only a student of Tiandao Academy and is not qualified to fight with Ping Zong.

"Six hundred and one."

Xie Xuan gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to bid.

Although I don’t know what Yunfei wants to do by purchasing the abandoned world, I think it must be very important to Yunfei, because he bought thirty small abandoned worlds in succession, which already shows how big Yunfei’s demand is.

Therefore, Xie Xuan believed that Yunfei would still follow.

This time Yunfei hesitated.

But the price still increased.

"Six hundred and five, if you add more, I won't want it."

Although the price had been increased, Yunfei did not increase it all at once, and reminded Xie Xuan kindly.

"A gentleman doesn't take away someone's love and gives it to you."

Xie Xuan spoke magnanimously and shamelessly said that he was a gentleman.

Tu Qin has transformed into a beast that chooses and devours people, and he wants to pounce on Xie Xuan and tear Xie Xuan into pieces.

Who would buy it at a price as high as 650? In the end, the transaction price was 650.

Not only did Yunfei not get angry, but he also smiled.

Tu Qin wanted to ask Yunfei why he could still laugh.

But in the end there was no question.

The auction continues.

In the blink of an eye, the price was raised to 600.

This time Xie Xuan did not hesitate. With experience in auctioning small abandoned worlds, Xie Xuan had figured out Yunfei's tricks. If this guy identified the price of 650, he would definitely continue to increase it to this price.

Therefore, when Yun Fei said six hundred, Xie Xuan followed the price without hesitation and added an Origin Bead.

"Six hundred and one, does anyone want to increase the price?"

The person hosting the auction also reminded Yunfei that he could continue to increase the price.

Others are waiting too.

Unfortunately, Yunfei remained silent.

"Six hundred and one, once, twice."

Xie Xuan couldn't sit still anymore. He stood up and looked at the box where Yun Fei was. Unfortunately, he couldn't see clearly.

If he could see clearly, he would find that Yunfei was smiling happily at this time.

Six hundred and one Origin Beads, this is not a small number.

Although it may not be possible to injure one's muscles and bones, it will definitely hurt the guy on the opposite side, right?

"Three times, six hundred and one, deal done."

Xie Xuan's head was buzzing.

How could the deal be concluded after just scolding him?

Why would I spend 600 Origin Beads to buy an abandoned world that has no use for birds? To destroy it?

Destroying a medium-sized world can only be exchanged for fifty Origin Beads at Tiandao Academy. How much did you lose inside and out?

"Asshole, are you cheating on me?"

Xie Xuan was furious. He felt that he was being played by Yun Fei.

He probably even forgot that he had been deceiving Yunfei for a long time.

As for Yun Fei, he only tricked him once.

"Come on, continue."

Can Yunfei afford it?

That's really embarrassing. Lao Neng is so good at it. King Mengyi gave him a lot more Origin Beads. He took out tens of thousands of them and didn't see any less. He was so overbearing.

Therefore, Yunfei can have a good time with Xie Xuan. He is not afraid of making mistakes because he has strong capital.

So, is Xie Xuan afraid?

"Okay, continue."

The third medium-sized abandoned world is still a competition between Yun Fei and Xie Xuan. Others originally had no interest in high-risk investments such as abandoned worlds, but now they can watch the excitement, isn't it a good thing?

Let's trick them and see who can trick whom to death. Anyway, they will all be happy if they are tricked to death.

"five hundred."

"Five hundred and one."

"Five hundred and five."

Damn it?

Xie Xuan did not follow up immediately.

Why did this bastard change his tactics again?

Yunfei suddenly changed his tactics and immediately defeated Xie Xuan.

Follow or not?

Just when Xie Xuan hesitated, the auctioneer counted the seconds three times and the auction ended.

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