Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1253. Am I tough enough?

Chapter 1253. Am I tough enough?

Xie Xuan's speed was very fast, but his movements still couldn't escape Yun Fei's eyes. In Yun Fei's eyes, Xie Xuan's speed was only average, much worse than his own.

"Since you want to kill me, I won't be polite to you."

Yunfei's power of rules also began to explode.

He followed suit and also attached the power of rules to his fists, but Yunfei of Life and Destruction did not use them.

The degree of control of these two rules has not reached 100, and using them will destroy the balance.

But it is enough to use others.

The light of the power of the eight rules shone brightly, blinding Xie Xuan's eyes.

"Eight kinds?"

Xie Xuan couldn't believe it.

According to the intelligence, aren't there four or five types of rules that Yunfei controls? And apart from space, there is no high-end power.

What now?

Eight kinds?

Damn it.

However, no matter how bad Xie Xuan was, there was no turning back from the beginning. Once done, it must be done to the end.

And it's not like he has no chance of winning. Among Yunfei's eight types of regular powers, the only seven supreme ones are darkness and space. That thunder has some characteristics, but it doesn't matter. The seven supreme powers controlled by Xie Xuan There are three types of rules: destruction, space, and light.

Controlling one more of the seven supreme rules is enough to make up for the gap in the number of rules.

Anyway, I don’t know whether to make up for it or not. Xie Xuan himself thinks so, which is enough.

"Crush you."

Yunfei spit out these three words, and then the power of rules in his body exploded again. As his fist rushed forward, the light of rules on his fist became bigger and bigger.

The eight regular powers seemed to be burning in the sky, forming a flaming regular energy group.

The same is true for Xie Xuan. He also wants to use this kind of frontal impact to directly defeat Yun Fei.

It's useless to say anything at this time, strength is the key to see who can laugh in the end.

The two regular energy groups are getting stronger and stronger in space. It can be seen with the naked eye that Yunfei's regular energy group is larger.

This is like eight air pipes pumping air into a tire, which will definitely be faster than six air pipes pumping together.

As for the quality of the trachea, this is a matter of hindsight. The seven supreme rules mean that the air produced by the trachea is of a higher quality and the amount is the same.

In fact, there is also a difference in inflating speed. God-level air tubes and fairy-level air tubes are definitely different. However, Xie Xuan and Yun Fei control both god-level rules, and the inflation speeds are almost the same.

"Two guys with hot tempers, risking their lives when they start fighting?"

Mo Fei's figure appeared in this abandoned world.

In fact, he had already arrived here.

He was just like watching a play, waiting for the final result to come out with a smile on his face, without any intention of stopping it.

"But this little dragon cub has hidden himself quite well. I didn't expect that he has mastered so many rules."

Mo Fei said that he was also surprised.

Sin Blood back then didn't have such a growth rate.

"It seems like it's a showdown with the dragon cub afterwards."

While Mo Fei was thinking about it secretly, Yun Fei had already made contact with Xie Xuan.

The two of them collided like two huge snowballs rolling down from the top of the snow-capped mountains.

When the two of them collided, the violent force of rules escaped and impacted everywhere. There was no explosion sound, only the collision, annihilation and impact of rules.

The two big snowballs refused to give in to each other, and Xie Xuan was frightened.

As a snowball controller, his feelings are clearest.

He could clearly feel that his snowball was retreating and being destroyed by Yunfei's snowball.

Although it seems that Yunfei's snowball is also being destroyed, its collapse speed is definitely not as fast as his own.

Such a large lead is not what Xie Xuan wants.

what to do?

Just increase the power.

If you can't control the number of rules, you can only increase the output.

"Crush it for me!"

The power of rules in Xie Xuan's body started to go berserk as if it was free of money. He wanted to kill Yunfei with great force, and he wanted to crush Yunfei with his own rule energy group.

"If shouting is helpful, I don't know how many times I have died."

Compared with Xie Xuan's excitement, Yunfei was much calmer.

No rush at all.

Xie Xuan increased his output, and Yun Fei also increased his output.

I'm really not bragging. In this abandoned world, Xie Xuan couldn't get any replenishment of the power of rules in his body, because the power of rules in this world was too chaotic. He could barely absorb and recover, and the speed of recovery was also very touching.

But Yunfei is different. The power of rules in his mental space can be quickly restored in any environment. The mental space is like a huge filter. No matter who you are, the power has been separated by the mental space before entering. Once opened, these powers will automatically fall into the rules and auspicious clouds.

Those rules that Yunfei has not yet controlled will disappear on their own. As for where they disappear, Yunfei doesn't know.

Therefore, Yunfei is not afraid of the environment, and the speed of recovery has nothing to do with the rules themselves. The speed is directly related to the mental space.

The faster the mental space swallows up external energy, the faster it will naturally recover.

It is actually very simple to allow spiritual space to grow.

Whether it's a blood beast soul devouring other people's remaining souls, or Yun Fei stuffing special substances into the spiritual space, it can expand the spiritual space.

Therefore, in terms of hardware and software, Yunfei is completely better than Xie Xuan. If he still can't beat Xie Xuan, then there is something wrong with the person's IQ.

Yunfei's IQ doesn't dare to say that he is number one in my vast world, but it should be enough to be barely number two.

So will he lose?

I saw Yunfei's regular energy group pushing Xie Xuan's energy group forward, and Xie Xuan's energy light group was still collapsing. Every time he retreated a little, the light group would vibrate, and every time it vibrated, it would There are many rules forces left behind.

However, during the continuous retreat, Xie Xuan's energy group continued to vibrate and collapse.

No matter how Xie Xuan increased his output, he never regained his disadvantage at all.

"It's impossible. How could I, Xie Xuan, lose?"

Xie Xuan was really dumbfounded, but he never thought that he would lose.

If he had known that this was the case, he would have redeemed the three god-level rules in the academy. If he had controlled the nine god-level rules, then he would be the one crushing the opponent now, instead of being like now, he is The one who was crushed.

"Impossible? Nothing is impossible. Look now, is my mouth tough enough?"

Yun Fei said sarcastically after hearing Xie Xuan's words.

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