Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1301 One move killed more than five hundred people

Chapter 1301: Killed more than five hundred people with one move

The layer of energy surrounding the corpse is a serious power of chaotic rules.

The rules of chaos are not divided into gods or immortals. They are just the rules of chaos, the starting point of all strength.

There is no reason at all.

Regardless of which layer of energy your attacks land on, everything will be swallowed up and become part of the energy.

This is not an attack at all, but charging that layer of energy.

"Stop attacking. It's useless. He has been promoted to Chaos."

The chaos-level powerhouses who followed Kong Wei revealed the truth.

These hundreds of people were looking at Yun Fei with solemn expressions.

Originally, they came to watch the show and had no plans to do anything to Yunfei.

But now they feel that they may not be able to watch the show.

Not only that, they had to go off to fight, and well, it seemed very dangerous.

Has Yun Fei mastered the nine god-level rules and been promoted to the chaos level?

If that's the case, this guy is terrible.

Master the nine rules, and you can use the nine elements after being promoted to the Chaos level.

And because Yunfei controls god-level power, even if Yunfei enters chaos for the first time, the elemental energy can persist for a very long time and is powerful.

From this point of view, some of them at the Chaos level might die in Yun Fei's hands.

"Promoted to Chaos?"

Kong Wei was stunned.

Is this promoted to Chaos?

He also understood that Yunfei must have mastered the ninth god-level rule.

It turned out that he had not shown up for such a long time because he had gone to practice.

Is his cultivation speed so fast?

"Humph, what can the Chaos level do? With so many of us, we still can't kill him. Don't worry about this corpse and go attack him."

Kong Wei only said attack, not kill.

But if this thing gets real fire, it's not Kong Wei who has the final say whether it kills someone accidentally or not.

Everyone else also understands what Kong Wei means. As long as Yunfei is destroyed, everyone else in Eternity will be scum.

Therefore, all the attacks on Xingbo and others were restrained, and then flew away towards the clouds.

The mighty various attacks have been connected together, and even the outside world of this world has been illuminated.

"Ridiculous power, do you want to stop me with this attack?"

Yunfei's confidence has completely exploded.

He wants these people to understand what it means to be invincible at the same level.

Yunfei did not master any magical powers, and the system did not provide anything in this regard.

But it doesn't matter, using Yunfei's only means is enough.

Chaotic air flow spurted out from Yun Fei's body.

There was no need for swords, guns, swords and halberds. Yunfei created a cloud in front of him, a cloud based on the power of chaos.

Then the cloud was kicked out by Yun Fei like a ball.

The gray cloud swallows everything it can swallow, and swells when the wind blows. This is the gray cloud.

When Hui Yun collided with the power exerted by Kong Wei and others, there was no earth-shattering explosion.

Some are peaceful.

The power of Kong Wei and others could not stop the chaotic cloud at all. Their power only added nutrients to the chaotic cloud, making it bigger.

Kong Wei's face was so gloomy that water could drip from his face.

Who can tell him what this is?

Why is it so powerful?

The attack of 1,500 people was swallowed up so quietly?

Compared to Kong Wei's gloominess, Xingbo and others were open-mouthed, and they couldn't believe that all this was true.

Ringgit, isn’t the boss a bit too awesome?

You are so good, why would you give others a way to survive?

But why is it so exciting?

Suddenly, Xingbo's face turned red.

Damn, that's so embarrassing.

Just now, he even boasted that he wanted to die with his boss.

Damn it, I went up there to die, but the boss went up there to kill people.

"Get ready. It is estimated that the other side will collapse soon. The boss doesn't want any of them to leave. Even if it costs his life, he must hold on to this teleportation array and not let them leave here."

Xingbo spoke seriously.

Others had firm eyes.

At this time, they also understood why the boss would choose such a small teleportation array.

It turns out that everything was because the boss had planned to kill all the people in the alliance in this world.

Such a small teleportation array is convenient for them to guard, and even if they cannot defend it, because the teleportation array is too small, it will take time to escape.

Sure enough, the boss's plan is invincible.

At this moment, Yunfei is the invincible spokesperson in the hearts of these people.

As for what power Yunfei uses, does it matter?

"The rules of chaos are really awesome."

Yunfei himself is also very satisfied with his own strength.

Chaos is the beginning of all things, and all forces must surrender before chaos.

At this moment, Yunfei was a little swollen again.

I am so awesome, can I be so strong against the Nine Realms of Domination?

Well, that’s something to think about later.

What Yunfei wants to do now is kill people, kill people happily.

The coverage area of ​​the chaotic cloud continues to grow. It can not only swallow the power used by Kong Wei and others, but also the energy of the outside world. Wherever the chaotic cloud passes, there is a vacuum zone.

Kong Wei panicked.

In this situation, who dares to take the initiative to face such a terrifying and unknown thing?


In fact, regardless of Kong Wei's orders, anyone with a sane mind would have run away long ago.

It's just that their escape speed is not as fast as Yun Duo's travel speed.

From a distance, it looks like a group of surfers being swallowed up by waves as high as 100 meters.

Even if you have good skills and fast speed, you will be swallowed up sooner or later.

What will happen to people who are swallowed up by clouds of chaos?

Sorry, I really didn't show anything, and died silently.

The unlucky ones even shouted "No" before they died. They didn't even have the ability to shout.

"Do it."

After the chaotic clouds swallowed up about five hundred people, those Chaos-level powerhouses could no longer sit still.

They couldn't let Yun Fei massacre the Alliance people like this, they had to take action.

Anyway, Yun Fei has already advanced to the Chaos level. Even if they attack Yun Fei, Xin Hou can't say anything.

"You guys try to get out of here first, and we'll hold him back."

The Chaos level experts spoke to Kong Wei.

Kong Wei could only nod his head at this time and couldn't even let out a fart.

Yunfei's power has broken his cognition.

One person, one move, destroyed more than 500 saint-level geniuses from Tiandao Academy.

This is simply a matter of ruining one's outlook on life.

The power of hundreds of Chaos-level powerhouses gathered together. They had no chance of fighting against Yun Fei one on one, so they could only unite together.

However, when they joined together, they found that even if they joined together, it would be useless.

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