Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1346 More people will die in the future

Chapter 1346 More people will die in the future

While Yun Fei was muttering, there was a huge movement from the Behemoth clan.

The entire Behemoth clan, no matter men, women, old or young, all stared wide-eyed for a moment, and then the blood energy in their bodies collectively burst into flames, and the soaring blood energy shocked the Yin clan members.

Even Mo Fei, who had just arrived, was startled.

Is this a collective promotion?

This is very strange.

If the strength of one or two people is promoted, this can be justified.

But the entire race of Nima has been promoted together. Who are you trying to scare?

Even the well-informed Mo Fei couldn't figure out what was going on.

In fact, the Behemoths themselves don't know what happened. Anyway, they just felt that there was a sudden change in their bodies, and they would not be happy if they were not promoted.

This is true for both Behemoth and Wang Mengyi.

You must know that at his level, it is very difficult to improve his strength.

But today his strength is also improving, and his body has become stronger.

Meng Yi could still stand up to the ordinary An Hou before, but now he feels that his explosive An Hou is no longer a problem.

"what happened?"

After Mo Fei saw Meng Yi open his eyes quickly, he appeared next to Meng Yi.

"Getting stronger."

Mo Fei glanced at Meng Yi angrily.

Mud, do you think I am blind? Can't you see you've become stronger?

I am asking why you have become stronger.

"As for how he became stronger, I don't know."

Meng Yi held his fist, feeling the new strength, and felt very happy in his heart.

"Why did you come?"

Meng Yi had known for a long time that Mo Fei was coming, and it was Yun Fei's trump card, but this guy came a lot late.

Fortunately, the Yin clan came with strong men, otherwise things would not have gone so smoothly today.

It is estimated that the Behemoth clan will suffer heavy casualties.

"Something delayed me."

Mo Fei didn't explain it too clearly.

Meng Yi didn't ask.

He had great trust in Mo Fei.


"Who are you……"

While Mo Fei and Meng Yi were chatting here, the old man Yin from a distance also ran over. He pointed at Mo Fei, a little scared and a little afraid to recognize him.

"Old man, it's me, Mo Fei."

"You're not dead?"

The old man Yin shouted.

Although Old Man Yin knows a lot of things, he doesn't actually know much about the secrets of this world.

When Sinexue and Mofei were driven out of the vast world by the law of heaven and Sinexue died, old man Yin felt that Mofei was also mortal, but he did not expect that this person who should be dead in his mind was still alive.

"Of course, live well."

The old man suddenly covered his mouth.

At a glance, he knew that Mo Fei had been in contact with Yu Yunfei, and he guessed a lot of things at this moment.

But these cannot be said.

Mo Fei tacitly said nothing.

"Here comes the little one."

Mo Fei sensed Yun Fei's arrival.

"What's going on here?"

Yun Fei came from a distance, and from a distance he saw Behemoths sitting on the ground.

"Young Master, I felt something in my heart just now. There is an energy flowing in my body that can be easily absorbed by the body. My strength has improved, and they should also be the same."

Meng Yi stood up and explained to Yunfei.

Yunfei understood clearly in his heart that this should be the reason for the improvement in talent and qualifications.

It's a good thing, don't worry.

"It's good that your strength has improved. Are you done with things here?"

Meng Yi nodded.

There is nothing to deal with, just loot all the places occupied by the four tribes.

"Just deal with it. Let's make preparations to drive the four tribes out of the Beast State. I decided before that it was my fault and I couldn't let them multiply in the Beast State."

"Yes, young master."

Meng Yi agreed and went to make arrangements. When all Behemoths were promoted, he would hold a brief meeting.

Yunfei found Mo Fei and old man Yin.

"Grandpa Demon, Grandpa!"

"Well done, these are for you."

Mo Fei gave Yunfei a bunch of teleportation array disks.

He arrived late and was on his way to collect abandoned worlds.

Old man Yin ignored Yunfei, snorted coldly, gave Yunfei a blank look and left.

Damn you, you little bastard, I asked you to take care of the baby cabbage, you are so nice, you even took my baby cabbage, shameless little thing, there are many people here now, I am too lazy to take care of you, you wait See what I do to you when no one is around.

The old man is not happy.

He noticed something was wrong the first time he saw Xiaomo.

Xiaomo's virginity is gone, who took it away? Needless to say?

"This old man should have passed menopause long ago, right?"

Yunfei asked, licking his face.

"Be respectful to the old man. You little dragon cub is really brave. I asked you not to use the rules of chaos in the outside world. You are obedient, but how dare you kill people in Tiandao Academy?"

Mo Fei has received the notice from Anlehou.

Mo Fei was not prepared to let Yun Fei appear in front of Tiandao prematurely.

It's fine now, Heaven must know.

"I'm ready. He can't tell who I am anyway."

Yunfei is already ready to face Tiandao. Rather than letting Tiandao take the initiative to doubt him afterwards, it is better to go to Tiandao now.

Anyway, Tiandao won't let him run to him right away. As long as he behaves arrogantly now, he can put a label on himself.

It is also a good thing to enter Tiandao's vision early, at least if you do something outrageous in the future, you will not be too seriously suspected.

For example, kill Yu Zheng.

Yunfei could tell from Mo Fei's words that Yu Zheng and Bai Jingtian would become Tiandao's right-hand assistants in the future.

Cutting off Tiandao's arms is something Yunfei likes to do very much.

"Business about your business first. When you finish, I have something to tell you."

Mo Fei knew that it was time to tell Yun Fei some things.

This little dragon cub grew up too fast. Originally, Mo Fei was planning to wait for more than a hundred years for Yun Fei to enter the sight of heaven and have the strength he has now.

But how long has it been?

Yun Fei was able to easily kill Wei Ying, who dominated the Sixth Realm, and was able to control time without fear, and Yu Zheng, who had reached the level of cultivation that dominated the Eighth Realm.

All this shows that Yunfei is already qualified to know those secrets.

"Are you chatting for a while?"

Yunfei was a little panicked at this time.

Paralyzed, the Tie family are all staring at Ben Shuailong over there, and Ben Shuailong hasn’t figured out how to face them yet.

"What? The little dragon cub who is fearless is actually afraid of this kind of thing? Go and face it, more people will die in the future, and maybe even I will die."

Mo Fei knew what Yunfei was afraid of.

Mo Fei was also surprised by Tie Laosan's death, but he would have to face this kind of thing sooner or later.

"All right!"

Yunfei had no choice but to turn around and face the Tie family.

"Boss, are you okay? What happened?"

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