Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1392 How about using your boundary weapon to compensate?

Chapter 1392 How about using your boundary weapon to compensate?

Ai, you people in the front want to watch the fun and see how Yun Fei dies. Then when Yun Fei dies, you dive into the passage and it won't be your problem, right?

So have you ever thought about how those of us behind us feel?

Now you can dive in and enjoy safety.

What should we do? Are you going to bear the attacks of Chenglong and those beasts?

So, look at your sister, hurry up and let me in. Whoever doesn’t want to come in is fine. Just go away and watch, don’t block the way.

Well, in the face of the fun and their own safety, everyone chose their own safety.

The students of Tiandao Academy rushed into the passage faster.

Yunfei is also rushing.

However, he was avoiding and rushing towards the passage as much as possible.

"Want to run away? Isn't it too late?"

The people in Chenglong World sneered.

Want to run away now?

If Yunfei runs away early, then they really have no good solution. Maybe they can only stop Yunfei at the last level.

One on one, no one dares to say that they are Yun Fei's opponent.

But now it would be very embarrassing to run away in this situation.

Your body is controlled by the origin rope, where do you want to run?

"Hurry up, you bastards."

Yunfei seemed to be running, but he was silently cheering for the students of Tiandao Academy.

These bastards run too slow.

Yunfei didn't want these guys to see him showing off his power.

If they know that they are capable of keeping everyone in Chenglong World, can they still work hard to complete the second level?

If they stay in the level and cannot come out, where will Yunfei go to kill people?

The boundary weapon is coming.

The three leaders of Chenglong World are not vegetarians. The boundary weapons in their hands are all in the shape of weapons, knives, sticks, and one of them is holding a pair of swords. At first glance, they look like little fools from wealthy families.

If there were no mines at home, how could this guy take two boundary weapons by himself?

Although these swords may look like a pair, they are either a whole or two boundary weapons.

The first one to attack Yunfei was the little fool with two swords.

This guy stabbed with two swords and it was a blast.

Yunfei dodged left and right but couldn't completely dodge.

Of course, this was Yunfei's intention. He wanted to give the people of Tiandao Academy some extra strength, otherwise they would still be unable to increase their speed.


The sound of swords entering flesh was heard.

The two swords of the boundary weapon were inserted into Yunfei's body.


Before the two swords could stir up Yunfei's body, Yunfei's body suddenly completed its elemental transformation.

Then Yunfei kicked the man holding the two swords away.

Immediately afterwards, his body returned to its normal state.

"Hmph, Chaos Controller, the energy recovery speed is quite fast, but it's useless."

The little fool holding two swords looked at the two healed wounds on Yunfei's stomach and sneered.

Using elementalization to repair one's own wounds is a good way.

But this method consumes a lot of energy.

Yunfei has been fighting for a long time, and he doesn't have much energy. So, how many more attacks can he withstand?

It does take a lot of regular energy for Yunfei to withstand this kind of attack.

But unfortunately, the regular energy in Yunfei's body is much greater, so much that it is overflowing. It can also improve his attributes. Do you want to know more about it?

"come together."

The other two were not to be outdone.

If you want to chop everyone together, this kind of thing that will last forever cannot be left to you, a rich little fool.

Yunfei, whose behavior was restricted, faced a joint attack by three people, and his situation took a turn for the worse. No, it should be said that it was full of dangers.

Anyway, that’s what the little fan girl thinks.

She cried, she was so sad.

It’s really difficult for a girl who is in the Dominion Realm.

He was crying so sadly, it seemed like he had met true love.

But she tried hard to help Yunfei, but her strength really didn't allow it.

The Heavenly Shield in front of her defended a mountain that was extremely heavy. It was so heavy that she couldn't move at all, and it was definitely impossible to support her.

She could only lie on the bloody inner wall and watch Yunfei suffer.

Tears flowed.

"Go and help, go and help."

The little fan girl couldn't move, couldn't move, but she was shouting.

She wanted to awaken the conscience of the students at Tiandao Academy.

Unfortunately, she overestimated her abilities.

Even if she shouted at the top of her lungs, no one would help Yunfei.

Seeing one person after another disappear from her sight, the little fan girl's heart gradually became cold.

She saw clearly the faces of these people.

In fact, she forgot that she herself was like this before.

Don't worry about things that are none of your business. Isn't this their code of conduct?

Until she started to be obsessed with Yunfei's handsomeness...

Well, the little fan girl has changed anyway, but she doesn't have that much ability.

If the idol dies.

The little fan girl feels that her life is meaningless.

This is a perfect heaven-level idiot fan, the kind who would die for his idol.

Of course, it's not that exaggerated. The little fan girl knows that Yunfei is dead, and she can't survive. She said that she died for her idol. Doesn't this seem arrogant?

If there really is another world, she can still use this to have some wonderful and unspeakable things happen with her idol.


Wait a moment.

This is?

The little fan girl saw the last student from Tiandao Academy entering the passage.

Then she froze.

What is this scenario?

What did the little fan girl see?

Yunfei, who was originally in an extremely embarrassed state, changed his strategy.

Is he going to fight back?

But if you fight back, just fight back. Why are you smiling so weirdly?

Still so handsome though.

"You guys broke my cloak. Have you figured out how to compensate me?"

What did Yunfei do?

He smiled strangely and reached out to grab the weapons of Chenglong Dajie and the others.

Let these weapons be inserted into your body.

The eternal cloak he was wearing was indeed badly damaged, with holes everywhere.

The three people in Chenglong World were stunned.

What does it mean?

What's going on?

By the way, brother, can you wake up a little bit?

Now is a very serious time, not a time to discuss such trivial matters as compensation for a cloak. If you ask how we will compensate for your life, then we can still discuss it carefully.

"How about using your boundary weapon to compensate?"

He couldn't get the answers from the three of them, but Yunfei already had what he wanted in his heart.

"Huh? Ridiculous, damn."

"It is indeed crazy. If the price of controlling chaos is madness, then I would rather not do it."

"Without further ado."

The three of them exerted their strength.

Being caught by Yun Fei at this time, it seemed as if they were at a disadvantage.


Can't pump.


"Ding, the boundary weapon was successfully absorbed. Strength +40000, agility +40000, physique +40000, mental power +40000."

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