Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1417 Do you want to absorb it?

Chapter 1417: Do you want to absorb it?

Ling Ming is responsible for finding Yun Fei's whereabouts.

This is not technical work, just tedious physical work.

Precisely because it is physical work, Chenglong Tiandao will not do it himself.

After explaining Yun Fei's affairs, Chenglong Tiandao left with another Wuhou.

They have only tricked the vast world once, and must be prepared for the vast world's counterattack.

If he were not in charge, major changes would occur in the entire defense line.

Ling Ming is the only one who can find Yun Fei on his own, which is a huge workload. The key is that Ling Ming has been taken on a wrong route. If he follows this direction to find Yun Fei, he may not be found for the rest of his life.

Another thirty days and nights passed.

In Yunfei's expectation, he finally received the wonderful sound of the system.

"Ding, the spiritual world has been upgraded. Please check it yourself, host."

Yunfei couldn't wait to open his properties panel.

The panel is basically the same as before, except that there is an additional logo of the Junior World Lord after his name.

At the same time, there is also a world power option under the attributes.

Yunfei currently has 1900 points of world power, and he has absorbed all other boundary weapons.

Name: Yunfei (Lord of the Primary World)

Species: Dragon

Physique: 788000202 acupoints

Strength: 787615

Agile: 787763

Spirit: 812000

World Power: 1900 (promoting to the intermediate level requires 50,000 World Power)

Bloodline: Dragon Bloodline Fourth Grade High Level (bloodline value 64)

Level 6 Chaos Dragon Bone: The absorption rate is increased to 50%. Dragon Bone Evolution Value: 0

Others: slightly

"It actually costs 50,000 to upgrade to the intermediate level?"

Yunfei had underestimated the difficulty of upgrading the World Lord.

According to Yunfei's previous thoughts, 10,000 is the intermediate world master, and 100,000 is the high-level.

Now it seems that he took it for granted.

At the same time, it also made Yunfei's awe for the Lord of the Intermediate World even stronger.

It's better not to mess with that kind of scary person.

"My day, why are you so small?"

After looking at his attribute panel, Yunfei ran to the spiritual world.

The spiritual world at this time has changed drastically.

Different from the scattered land before, there is already a complete continent in Yunfei's spiritual world. No, it should be said to be a complete world. The world can be divided into inside and outside, and Yunfei finally tasted it. What is it like to be a god?

That's right, Yun Fei is now on the same level as Tiandao, leaving the old devil Mo Fei behind.

But if they really want to fight, Mo Fei probably won't have too much trouble beating Yun Fei.

Yunfei's growth rate is too fast, and his strength needs to be accumulated before he can fully display it.

"Boss, what did you do? How did this place become like this?"

Tie Laosan was the first to rush to Yunfei's side.

In the past hundred days, the spiritual world has really changed every day, which scared Tie Lao San to the end.

He witnessed with his own eyes the breaking and reorganization of the land here, the mountains and rivers appearing out of thin air, and he even felt that his body was covered with something inexplicable.

Yunfei's feeling when he looked at Tie Laosan became more intuitive.

Yunfei can understand things that Tie Laosan cannot understand.

Because he is the true master of this world, the mountains and rivers here will change at will according to Yunfei's wishes.

At this time, whether it was Tie Lao San, An An, or Di Quan, they all had the same identity.

That is the absolute controller of the rules of this world.

Just like the founders of various sacred mountains, here, they can even deprive others of the right to use the rules.

For example, Tie Lao San, if someone comes to Yunfei's spiritual world, Tie Lao San can deprive the other party of his flame and prevent him from using the flame. He is so domineering.

"This place has become a real world."

Yunfei also sighed and said that he had thought that his spiritual space should be a world, but that was just a thought.

Now that his mental space has really become a world, Yunfei is really sighing, and at the same time, the wonderful thoughts in his heart seem to be becoming more and more realistic.

The chaotic world he was in couldn't really be the inner world of a certain creature, right?

It's a ridiculous idea, but it's very possible.

"The real world? Boss, you..."

Diquan's thinking can't keep up.

When he was forced to follow Yun Fei, he never thought that one day he would live such a life with Yun Fei.

Although the world is still very small now, as the original gods of this world, they can feel that this world can expand.

Whether it is Yunfei's world power increasing or swallowing other worlds, this world can be expanded.

"This world is not complete yet. I have found creation. It still needs reincarnation. Without reincarnation, no new creatures will be born in the world. You wait for me."

Yunfei left the spiritual world, and then pulled out the little fan girl who was still experiencing her new body.

Before the little fan girl could see clearly where they were, Yunfei took the little fan girl to the spiritual world.

"From now on, this is your home."

When the little fan girl entered the spiritual world, the whole world underwent huge changes. First, the continent expanded sharply.

From then on, the world had creation.

In fact, even if Yunfei does not deliberately search for reincarnation, reincarnation will eventually be completed by itself, and the power of the world will evolve by itself.

In normal times, the cultivators who dominate the nine realms will try to open up the world after they have perfected their own rules, using the nine sources they control.

No matter what the nine origins are, they will eventually evolve to complete the missing rules and eventually form a complete world.

Of course, other people don't create worlds within their bodies. Everyone creates a world of chaos, and Yun Fei is an anomaly.

"You guys should get familiar with each other, I'll leave first."

Yunfei did not stay in his own world. He was still in the enemy camp and was not out of danger. Now that his strength had been successfully promoted to the level of World Lord, it was time to get up and return.

Of course, before leaving, you have to capture a wave of world power.

He casually destroyed hundreds of thousands of worlds in Chenglong's world. I guess Chenglong Tiandao wouldn't be too angry, right?

"Ding, I found a world that can be absorbed. Do you want to absorb it?"

The system is bubbling again.

"Absorb? How?"

Yunfei was ready to destroy the world he was in, but he didn't expect that the system would suddenly come out with such a sentence.

"Do you want to absorb it?"

The cold system won't chat with Yunfei, it will just ask you if you want to absorb it.

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