Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1438 This time, you can’t run away

Chapter 1438 This time, you can’t run away

"It's really troublesome to be a big parent, but I miss my son so much. I don't know if that little guy looks like me."

Yunfei thought of his whim when old man Yin came. The throbbing originating from his blood was really a very, very strange feeling.

Although he has not seen his son yet, he already misses him immensely in his heart.

"Okay, I have to keep working hard in order to see my son."

After Yunfei sorted out his mood, he headed towards the next world.

This effort lasted for four months.

Counting the previous time, Yunfei has been in Chenglong World for half a year.

There was no news from the old man Yin for so long, and Yunfei was very anxious.

He had no way of knowing the news from the vast world.

Don't worry, the vast world has been taken away by others, but I am still wandering around in the Chenglong world. It is a joke.

The question is, should we go back to the vast world to see it?

Yunfei felt that he should be able to fight now.

His acupuncture points have not been opened recently, but the power of the world has reached 10,000 points, which is a very good result.

This is half a year of Yunfei's efforts, which means that if he is given another two years, he will be able to raise his strength to the level of an intermediate world lord.

At this speed, if someone goes to Gao Zhuhaohan or Chenglong Tiandao, they will probably twist off that person's head and kick it as a ball.

Who knows how much they paid to achieve what they have today.

To make them believe that a guy can rise to the level of Intermediate World Lord in just two and a half years is to insult their IQ.

However, Yunfei did it.

That's how good it is.

However, good people also have troubles. It was the day to get together in the middle of the month, and Yunfei waited anxiously at the place he had agreed with Old Man Yin.

Yunfei has decided that if old man Yin doesn't show up yet, then he will go back to the vast world to see it.

He really couldn't bear this suffering.

He himself didn't know what would happen if he learned that something happened in the divine world.

"You bastard, you have to wait for the old man. Don't leave. You have to wait."

In Chenglong World, Old Man Yin dragged his tired body and rushed towards the world he had agreed with Yunfei.

The old man Yin was really tired. He had been driving at high speed without any pause. Even with his strength, he couldn't hold on.

At this time, he was still far away from the world he had agreed with Yunfei, and it was probably hard enough to reach it before today was over.

So Old Man Yin hoped that Yunfei could wait a little longer.

As for speeding up, there's no need to think about it. It's already the limit for him to be able to keep on going.

"The Hidden Clan?"

Suddenly, people from Chenglong World discovered Old Man Yin.

Not perceived mentally, but seen with the eyes due to coincidence.

The Yin tribe, a special race in the vast world, is also known to people in the Chenglong world.

Therefore, when the master of this vast world saw Old Man Yin, he immediately started to alert.

He did not attack Old Man Yin rashly because he knew that he was no match for Old Man Yin.

A strong person from the Yin Clan who can penetrate deep into the heart of Chenglong World is definitely not mediocre.

Soon, the news of the discovery of the powerful Yin tribe reached Ling Ming's ears.

Ling Ming is currently the leader in Chenglong World.

"Hidden clan? No need..."


Lingming was exhausted looking for Yunfei.

Originally, he didn't want to pay attention to the strong man from the Hidden Clan. In his opinion, the other party came to Chenglong World just to get information and there was no threat.

But soon Ling Ming thought something was wrong.

People from the Yin tribe generally do not come to Chenglong World. It has been many years since anyone from the Yin tribe has come.

So, why did this hidden tribe come?

Is it for Yunfei?

Thinking of this, Ling Ming's eyes began to shine, green.

It shows how much he misses Yunfei.

It is estimated that none of Yunfei's women missed Yunfei that much, and it was really hard for Ling Ming.

"Tell me where it is right now."

The people who came to report did not expect Ling Ming to have such a big reaction. This is not the Yunfei you are looking for, is it?

However, although he was vomiting in his heart, he was still very honest and told Ling Ming directly where the old man Yin appeared.

"None of you are allowed to come over, do you understand?"

Ling Ming warned before leaving.

He believed that this powerful man from the hidden tribe was here to find Yunfei, so he must not alert him.

Whether or not Yunfei can be caught depends on this incident.


After hearing the other party's answer, Ling Ming left with satisfaction.

A few minutes later, Ling Ming arrived at the place where Old Man Yin was found.

Here, a battle just happened.

Ling Ming knew that it was the powerful man from the Hidden Clan who killed the person who discovered him.

Ling Ming's guess was indeed correct. Old Man Yin saw the domination realm that discovered him. He spent a lot of effort to kill the other party, and left quickly after killing him.

The old man Yin was not afraid of others knowing that he had been here.

The talent of the Yin tribe is not just for fun. As long as he kills people and leaves, no one can catch him.

Of course, I am talking about ordinary people here, not the Lord of the World.

Ling Ming's mental power is very powerful, but he cannot use his mental power to sense where the old man is. However, Ling Ming can use the power of the world to temporarily strengthen his eyes. This can greatly improve Ling Ming's vision and he can see a lot of things. Far, far away, you can also see some traces that you can't usually see.

For example, hide the traces of the old man’s departure.

When Ling Ming used the power of the world to strengthen his eyes, he saw traces of the old man Yin leaving.

"Humph, let's see where you run this time."

Ling Ming followed carefully, not daring to run too fast.

His mental power cannot detect the location of the powerful Yin tribe, but the powerful Yin tribe can detect him.

If you follow closely, you will be discovered.

Killing the strong men of the Yin clan was a small matter, but whether they could find Yun Fei was a big deal. Therefore, Ling Ming did not dare to take risks and could only follow him from a distance.

After this, more than a day passed.

In the end, Ling Ming came to the world outside the world agreed by Old Man Yin and Yun Fei.

Ling Ming, whose eyes were glowing green, stared at the world in front of him and his legs were trembling.

Not afraid, but excited.

He has been chasing Yunfei for more than half a year. For more than half a year, he didn't know how he got here. He heard too many doubtful voices, and he couldn't refute it.

"This time, you can't run away."

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