Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1495 Found them

Chapter 1495 Found them

"Experiment? How do you want to experiment?"

The vastness of heaven is actually a bit scary.

I am also afraid of Chenglong Tiandao, who is stupid and bold.

This guy has been making shocking remarks lately and acting very strong.

Vast Heaven is really afraid that this guy is up to something.

However, they have channels to leave Qingyun Divine Kingdom. Even if Haohan Tiandao is unwilling to cooperate with Chenglong Tiandao, they can only hold their noses and continue to pretend to be their little brother.

"Tell me, what will happen to them if they all know what Yunfei is capable of?"

Chenglong Tiandao's words are still very tempting.

After hearing what he said, Vast Heavenly Dao immediately started thinking about this.

When he thought about it, he immediately came to the conclusion that it was madness.

It was the same as his reaction when he found out what Yunfei was capable of.

Faced with such temptation, few intermediate world lords can resist.

"They're going to be crazy."

"Yes, they will go crazy, and what kind of things will they do after going crazy? How many people can Feizhang block if he is the only one?"

Chenglong Tiandao's strategy is very straightforward and simple, which is to unite with other Tiandao to force Feizhang.

Anyway, the leader of Qingyun Kingdom is not in the Kingdom of God. Even if Yunfei is the younger brother of the leader of Qingyun Kingdom, it is useless.

As long as they, the masters of the intermediate world, get Yun Fei's secret, as long as they can put their own world into their own bodies, what will happen if they leave the Qingyun Kingdom?

Then you can really go anywhere.

"I feel like this is doable."

The vast heavenly way just figured it out after thinking about it for a while.

This is indeed possible.

Feizhang is just one person. With these heavenly beings united, it would be too easy to suppress Feizhang.

"And we're not trying to kill Yun Fei. Fei Zhang won't fight with us. We just want to know Yun Fei's secret. What do you think?"

The allure of Chenglong Tiandao's words has increased.

"can do."

Vast Heaven nodded.

Anyway, he and Chenglong Tiandao had nothing to lose by doing this. In the end, they both had to run away.

It would be great if we could get Yun Fei's secret before running away.

"Okay, I'm going to inform them now. We won't wait anywhere else. We will go to Qingyun Divine Kingdom to wait."

Chenglong Tiandao left after finishing speaking.

The vast sky is thinking about the feasibility of things alone.

The final conclusion was that no matter what happened, his experience in the vast heaven could not be worse.

So there is nothing to be afraid of.

Now it depends on how much Heavenly Dao this guy Chenglong can win over.

Chenglong Tiandao did not let Vast Tiandao wait too long.

Soon he led the like-minded Tiandao people to find Haohan.

When Vast Heaven looked at it, good fellow, there were quite a lot of people there, a dozen or so.

There is no need to worry, let alone a dozen, three or five are enough to suppress Feizhang.

"Let's go when we're ready."

Chenglong Tiandao spoke, he seemed to have become the boss of this group of Tiandao.

Of course, the Vast Heavenly Dao is a little uncomfortable, but you have to endure the discomfort. Who makes Chenglong Heavenly Dao bold, careful, and strong?

He had never seen that Chenglong Tiandao had such ability before. It was really impressive.

"Ready, you can go."

"Set off."

Chenglong Tiandao gave an order, and a group of people began to go to Qingyun Divine Kingdom in a mighty manner.

At the same time, Feizhang also received news.

He has been sending people to keep an eye on Hao Han and Cheng Long. When he first heard that these guys dared to break into the Kingdom of God, Fei Zhang was furious.

These guys are really brave.

But when he thought about it carefully, he understood that Yunfei must be related to these guys doing such outrageous things.

After Yunfei and Bai Jingtian cleared another chaotic place, Feizhang truthfully told the actual situation.

"Master Yunfei, actually we don't need to pay attention to them. The Kingdom of God's defense capabilities are not something they can defeat. As long as we don't go back, there is nothing they can do."

Feizhang expressed his opinion. In fact, he was telling Yunfei that we can hide and not go out. As long as we wait for the return of the king, these guys will all be finished.

However, Feizhang didn't understand Yunfei's character, so he was hiding?


Yunfei's character is upright.

But not now.

"How many chaotic places are there in China?"

When Feizhang heard that Yunfei didn't ask about Hao Han Tiandao and the others, he immediately understood what Yunfei meant. He wanted to hide, which just suited Feizhang's wishes.

Yunfei didn't want to mention this matter, so of course he wouldn't continue talking stupidly.

"There are not many left, there are 5 more."

"Okay, let's continue."

Yunfei really didn't mention anything about Haohan Tiandao and others.

If they are willing to wait, then let them wait. Even if each of the five Chaos Lands only has ten World Pearls on average, that is still twenty-five thousand World Power.

Counting what Yunfei has now, the power of the world is close to the 100,000 mark.

It shouldn’t be too strenuous to kill Vast Heavenly Dao by then, right?

The journey to clean up the messy place continues.

Vast Heaven and their side were panicked.

"What should we do if Yunfei never comes back? We should activate our energy to actively search for him."

You Tiandao is very unhappy with this kind of stupid waiting behavior.

"Bloom on both sides. You can send people to the hall to look for it. We'll wait here."

"Very well, I agree."

This proposal was quickly passed by the vast Tiandao group.

However, the proposal may be a good one, but the actual implementation is not so smooth.

Hao Han and others have been waiting for nearly two months.

The Tiandao people who were chatting leisurely at first could no longer hold back their anger.

They all knew that Lord Qingyun had left the Kingdom of God, but no one knew when Lord Qingyun would come back.

If Yun Fei really hides until the return of King Qing Yun, then none of them will be able to escape.

"Chenglong, it was all your idea. Now you tell me what to do."

Someone questioned Chenglong Tiandao.

If they hadn't been bewitched by Chenglong Tiandao, they wouldn't have appeared here.

"What should I do? What are the risks? I, Chenglong, have already told you. If you want to gain but don't want to take risks, how can there be such a good thing?"

Chenglong Tiandao was very angry and his tone of voice was harsh.

"Don't be angry. Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's study what to do."

The vast heaven came out to smooth things over.

Hao Vast Tiandao is quite good at pretending to be a good person.

"No need to study."

Suddenly someone spoke.

"what happened?"

"We found them. They entered the Chaotic Land. Let's just go there and wait."

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