Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1504 Three hundred and sixty-five medium-sized worlds

Chapter 1504 Three hundred and sixty-five medium-sized worlds

Bai Jingtian was frightened by Yunfei's theory.

By the way, does a boss have such a big brain?

Returning the world inside someone else's body, how can this be...

I'm crazy.

Don't tell me, it's really possible.

Bai Jingtian is not someone who has never seen the world. He knows the situation of the world inside Yunfei's body.

Since the world can exist in Yunfei's body, why can't the place they are in be the world in someone else's body?

When Yunfei saw Bai Jingtian's expression, he knew that Bai Jingtian's thoughts had reached the same level as his own.

"Boss, the world of chaos is too big. Even if it is like this, what kind of creature should be able to have such a huge world in its body?"

Yunfei shook his head.

He doesn't know either.

"Forget it, let's do what we should do."

Yunfei is no longer thinking about this issue.

He can't control these things now.

The most urgent thing right now is to improve his strength.

The place of chaos is the best nourishment for Yunfei's growth.

Whether it is the improvement of world power or the opening of acupoints, it is of great use.

Of course, in his spare time to improve himself, Yunfei would go to clean up the vast heaven.

However, after the vast heaven has truly experienced all the punishments in the eighteen levels of hell, Yunfei has no intention of continuing to torture him.

In the end, Vast Heaven died tragically in a foreign land.

Yunfei successfully completed the task and received 5 points of bloodline and 5 points of dragon bone evolution.

"Ding, trigger the mission to annihilate Yangbo Divine Kingdom. Mission requirement: Completely annihilate Yangbo Divine Kingdom. Mission reward: Unknown."

After Yunfei killed Vast Tiandao, such a mission was triggered.

To be honest, Yunfei was confused because he thought he had never been in contact with the Yangbo Kingdom.

Fortunately, Yunfei has someone he can ask.

"Brother, do you know about the Kingdom of Yangbo?"

After solving another chaotic place, Yun Fei came to the Lord Qing Yun.

Regarding matters about the Kingdom of God, it is right to ask the Lord Qingyun.

"Yang Bo? How do you know him?"

Lord Qingyun was very strange.

He didn't remember what he told Yunfei about Yangbo Kingdom.

"Someone must be gossiping in front of you, right? Since you already know, I won't hide it from you. Feizhang died in the hands of people from the Yangbo Kingdom, and Chenglong is from the Yangbo Kingdom. people."

The leader of Qingyun Kingdom has not forgotten the revenge of Feizhang's death.

He and the leader of Yangbo Kingdom will have a battle sooner or later.

"Brother, when I go to Yangbo Kingdom, I will go too."

Yunfei made his point clear.

Lord Qingyun nodded.

Now is not a good time to trouble the leader of Yangbo Kingdom.

Yunfei is not in a hurry to go now, just complete the task slowly.

There are many divine kingdoms around here waiting for him to save them.

As the acupoints in Yunfei's body continued to open, Yunfei's fame spread throughout the divine kingdoms one by one.

Everyone knows that such a man of God has really appeared in Qingyun Kingdom, who can control the power of the violent world.

High-paying recruitment has begun, and no king can resist this temptation.

They all want Yunfei to come to their Kingdom of God as soon as possible and help them manage the chaotic land in the Kingdom of God.

For this reason, they not only promised to give out the World Pearl, but some guys even used a honey trap.

Unfortunately, Yunfei felt that his wife was enough and was not moved at all.

Yunfei, who is very popular, has become a favorite.

After managing more than a dozen chaotic places in the divine country, all the acupoints in Yunfei's body were successfully opened.

When all the 365 acupoints were opened, the entire chaotic world began to boil.

That's right, it's the entire chaotic world, not just the area where Yunfei is active.

In the depths of the unknown, chaotic world, many old monsters opened their eyes. They had been trapped in the dust for a long time.

But they all woke up because of this shock to the chaotic world.

"The world is finally changing again."

"Go and check, we must find out who it is."

A group of old monsters issued orders one after another.

If the leader just says a word, his subordinates will run away and break their legs. It doesn't matter how big the chaotic world is. Anyway, just risk your life to find it.

Outside the chaotic world, there are also people showing smiling faces.

"Oh, it's been so long, I thought I couldn't find it, but it turns out you're here."

Yunfei had no idea that such a change would occur after he practiced the Chaos Dragon Art to the extreme, but even if he knew, he still had to practice it.

"I didn't expect that chaos energy could be useful."

Yunfei thought that the chaotic energy would be of little use after all his acupoints were opened.

But he found that he was wrong.

Chaos energy is still useful, and these chaotic energies are constantly broadening the connection channels between each other.

This situation is irreversible.

Because even if Yunfei does not actively absorb chaotic energy, Yunfei's body will generate chaotic energy on its own.

This is an ability that Yunfei did not have before.

Everything is due to the opening of all acupoints, which gives chaotic energy the ability to generate itself.

Yunfei doesn't have to worry about the specific operation method at all. His body is now like a perpetual motion machine, running on its own and generating chaotic energy, which is very magical.

As for whether there are more miracles, Yunfei still doesn't know. What he has to do now is to build a world in all the acupoints.

If there are 365 extra acupoint worlds in his body, then even if he doesn't look for world beads or devour other people's worlds every day, he can still generate a lot of world power by himself.

Even if each world only produces a small amount of world power every day, the cumulative amount of so many worlds is still a very huge amount.

A world of acupoints requires 1,000 points of world power. Yunfei said that he was not panic at all. He had traveled to more than a dozen divine kingdoms, and the world pearls he harvested were almost massive. His world power had already been harvested. It exceeded one million, reaching the level of 5 million. This was all obtained by absorbing the World Pearl.

For every chaotic land he calmed down, he could harvest hundreds of World Pearls. On average, Yunfei could obtain more than 1,000 World Pearls for one Divine Kingdom.

1,000 world beads are half a million world powers.

To create more than 300 worlds, it only requires a fraction of the power of 360,000 worlds.

However, just creating a small world is definitely not Yunfei's ultimate goal. If he wants to improve the quality of his world's power, he must cultivate the creatures in the world.

What kind of strong people can be cultivated in a small world?

Therefore, the world must upgrade.

Upgrading a small world to a medium world requires 10,000 world power. This consumption is a bit too much. 3.65 million world power is removed at once.

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