Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 1595 Are you afraid of me?

Chapter 1595 Are you afraid of me?

Yunfei was so thick-skinned that he didn't take it seriously at all. We formed a group and even rolled over the sheets, so why not just kiss him.

Of course, Yunfei didn't forget about business and ran away after the kiss. This is the truth.

"Huh? Did you get fucked up so badly?"

Yunfei saw Gu Xin who was tied up.

This guy is indeed as miserable as Yunfei said.

In fact, the thing that Gu Xin was tied up didn't look very high-end, it was just a rope.

But the rope is not simple at first glance.

The tied Gu Xin was like a puppet, his eyes were lifeless. The most important thing was that Yunfei could see with his naked eyes a soul bumping back and forth in Gu Xin's body.

However, no matter how hard Gu Xin tried, he could not get rid of this physical body.

"Long Zai, I'm going to kill you, kill you."

Gu Xinglao was angry.

If it weren't for Yun Fei, he wouldn't have come to this place. If Yun Fei hadn't told him that he was from the Spirit Clan, these royal family bosses wouldn't have thought of this.

It's fine now, I was captured alive.

The kind that can't die even if you want to.

"Why does this guy look so miserable?"

Yunfei ignored Gu Xin, but was curious about Gu Xin's current state.

Although Guxin did not scream, this state can explain the problem.

If this didn't hurt, how could Gu Xin be so manic?

"Of course he is in pain. You may not think that the rope is simple, but it is a spirit-binding lock. Humans and beasts are immune to these spirit-binding locks, but the spirit clan is not. The tied spirit clan has to bear it every moment. pain."

The five-clawed golden dragon opened his mouth to explain Yunfei.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's really pathetic."

Yunfei clicked his tongue, with a sense of gloating about his misfortune.

In fact, Yunfei could understand Gu Xin's state. Wasn't he just rubbing a red-hot iron on his body?

I wipe.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that it really hurts.

"I don't need you to feel sorry for me. Just wait. You will all die. Sooner or later, the ancient world will be ruled by our spiritual tribe."

Gusin knew he was screwed.

I'm afraid it's a bit hard to want to die. Living is also a suffering. Now I have to let my mouth be happy.

"The ambition is not small."

Yunfei didn't know what kind of power the Spirit Clan had.

But he knew that Gu Xin was a bit bragging.

Let’s not talk about the human race for now, let’s talk about the beast race.

As far as Yunfei knew, there were many powerful beings at the First God level in the royal family, such as Qilin and Phoenix.

I am not bragging sincerely, if the orc royal family enters the Human Race's Temple of God, one royal family will be able to carry the sky.

The top few Gu families of the Phoenix clan seem to be fine.

Not to mention the royal family.

Look at these big guys appearing in front of Yun Fei now. If any of them goes to the human race, they will be able to make the human race go to war.

Besides, if the Spirit Tribe really had such power, they wouldn't play so many tricks, and why would they be lurking? Just push it sideways.

"The Eldar are still very strong."

The five-clawed golden dragon saw Yunfei's contempt for the spirit clan.

So he opened his mouth to remind Yunfei.

We still need to pay the due attention to the enemy.

"Okay, let's just say they have some strength. Can you ask me anything?"

"did not ask."

The five-clawed golden dragon's answer was very bachelor.

Just these two words made Yunfei choke.

What are you doing?

Although it didn’t take long for this handsome dragon to break through, you can just ask what you should ask. You don’t have to wait for us, right?

"Isn't this waiting for you?"

The five-clawed golden dragon looked at Yun Fei with a smile.

Yunfei looked a little hairy.

"You don't think I know how to torture you, do you?"

Yunfei has a very thorough understanding of himself. He really doesn't know how to do this. He has never done this kind of operation before, okay?

"Of course not, and torture is of no use to them."

The Five-clawed Golden Dragon really admires the Spirit Clan for this.

This is not the first time they have captured the Eldar. They have captured many Eldar before.

But I have never asked anything useful from the mouths of these spirit tribes.

This is definitely the same.

"Then what are you waiting for me to do?"

"Still hiding from us? I know what that little girl is capable of."

When the five-clawed golden dragon said this, Yunfei immediately knew who the five-clawed golden dragon was talking about.

Who else but Tianyue.

"Well, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten about this. Just wait a moment."

Yunfei ran away again.

He was going to bring Tianyue over.

The master of Tianwen Pavilion is an old man. In front of Tianyue, it's useless to talk or talk. Tianyue can know whatever he wants to know. He can tell you clearly if you wet the bed at any age when you were a child.

A bad premonition arose in Gu Xin's heart.

"What are you going to do? I advise you to stop doing those useless things. No matter what you do, I won't say anything about it."

"Are you scared?"

The five-clawed golden dragon is in a good mood.

He decided to bring over all the spirit tribes still imprisoned by the beast tribe for Tian Yue to take a look.

You will definitely gain a lot of useful information.

"Am I afraid? The Spirit Race has never known what fear is. Don't waste your energy. Either lock me up and torture me, or kill me."

Gu Xin is really not afraid of death.

"Don't worry, you'll be scared soon."

After Tianyue revealed all the secrets in Gu Xin's heart, the Five-clawed Golden Dragon believed that this spiritual tribe would be afraid.

The bad premonition in Gu Xin's heart became even stronger.

Then no matter how much he yelled, the five-clawed golden dragon and other big guys simply ignored him.

Not long after, Yunfei came back with Tianyue.

"The little lady has met all the seniors."

After Tianyue saw the Five-clawed Golden Dragon, he respectfully saluted the Five-clawed Golden Dragon and the others. The etiquette was really thorough.

"Little girl, we asked you to come and see what secrets this guy hides. We didn't ask you to explore our secrets."

The five-clawed golden dragon looked at Tianyue with a smile.

"The little girl knows about it and asks for forgiveness from the senior. The little girl is also worried about her husband's safety."

Tianyue apologized.

She had indeed probed into the thoughts of the five-clawed golden dragon and other big bosses just now.

The purpose is the same as what she said.

Tianyue didn't want to know the other secrets. She just wanted to know the secret behind the five-clawed golden dragon supporting Yunfei so much.

Fortunately, everything she found out was good, and the five-clawed golden dragon did not have any bad intentions towards Yunfei.

However, Tianyue also noticed her shortcomings, and her detection was sensed by the five-clawed golden dragon.

"It doesn't matter, you should believe us now, right?"

The five-clawed golden dragon's body is not afraid of slanted shadows, and it is not afraid of Tianyue prying into his thoughts.


Gu Xin was scared to death.

Are these guys acting in front of me?

Is this human race woman so awesome?

"Are you afraid of me?"

Tianyue turned to look at Gu Xin, and the first words he spoke were sharp.

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