Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 195 Dragon Bone, are you too inhuman?

Chapter 195 Dragon Bone, are you too inhuman?

Damn it.

It really hurts.

Yunfei now also felt what those Jin family blue dragons felt just now.

The lava enters the body and it really hurts.

But there's nothing we can do otherwise. Yunfei's wings are already bare. It's unrealistic to expect him to flap his two frames and fly.

Therefore, Yunfei fell into a free fall without any accident and fell into the magma lake.

But if it hurts, it hurts. It doesn't matter. My life has been saved and I have obtained the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit. That's good.

As for the problem of not being able to fly, it doesn't matter at all. It only takes less than a day to recover after consuming some blood and essence.

Of course, this means that Yunfei's bloodline level has been upgraded to the sixth level. If it were the previous seventh level, it would probably take two or three days.

The essence and blood bred by the sixth-grade bloodline is naturally stronger than that of the seventh-grade blood. The energy contained in the essence and blood has increased a lot. The most intuitive manifestation is that the seventh-grade blood essence can support Yunfei to spit out thirty times of chaotic breath. , and the sixth-grade essence and blood can support forty times.

Ten more times is already great.

Even the power of the current Eye of Destruction has been increased accordingly. Previously, the power of five drops of blood essence and the light of destruction could only barely reach the B-level level.

Now if the Eye of Destruction collects five drops of blood essence and releases the light of destruction, its power will reach level B.

In this way, B-level attacks are Yunfei's regular means.

Essence and blood are very difficult for other dragons to handle, and it takes a lot of effort to recover, but it is not a problem for Yunfei. His bones are awesome, and his blood-forming ability is very good.

"Ding, complete the mission and look for the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit. Mission reward: Please go to the island where the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit tree is and get it for yourself."


Yunfei was excited when he heard the reminder to complete the task.

But after hearing the mission reward, Yunfei was not calm anymore.

What is this?

You gave me a reward and asked me to get it myself?

Are you so irresponsible?

Okay, just pick it up yourself.

What the hell is this stuff? Is it so mysterious?

But speaking of it, there is something special about this little tree.

The explosion was so powerful just now, but nothing happened to this little tree?

And the small island is fine, so this is amazing.

Do you want to try carrying this tree away?

Yunfei had a very strange idea, endured the pain all over his body, and dived into the magma lake.

He didn't even think about it, if the island and the tree could be carried away, would it be Yun Fei's turn?

Do you really think those seniors who came in before are all fools?

Are there any shrimps under the island?


This island is still a floating island without roots.

No wonder Grandpa Quick said he wanted to find the place with the strongest fire element. It turns out that it floats and is not in a fixed place.

However, this is not the point. The point is, what is down here?

Anyway, Yunfei asked himself, except for magma, there seemed to be nothing here.


It cannot be said that there is nothing.

Why is the bottom of this island green?

There is also a familiar feeling.

What is it?


It's poison.

Yunfei quickly moved closer to take a closer look.

The part of the island that is soaked under the magma is all green. What the hell is this?

Do these rocks contain toxins?

Yunfei's eyes were shining.

This stuff that contains toxins is really hard to find.

So far, Yunfei has obtained a poisonous spiritual fruit from Xiyue.


Fire poison spirit fruit also has a word for poison.

This fruit also contains toxins, right?

Okay, forget about that and let’s take a look at what these rocks are.

Because he realized that the rock was poisonous, Yunfei was still very careful. His poison resistance was only 11 points, so he couldn't play around with it.

If the dragon bone can't absorb the poison here, what can we do to poison Yunfei?

So Yunfei very carefully stretched out his dragon tail, and used the tip of the dragon's tail, which had become the keel, to touch the rocks under the island.

So far, Yunfei doesn't know what can destroy his keel, so he has confidence in the keel.

If it can really be absorbed, then when the keel touches it, it will be absorbed naturally.

If you can't collect it, then you can't collect it.

Is there any loss?

Fortunately, Yunfei's judgment was correct.

Um, no, it should be said that the system will not trick Yunfei.

When Yunfei's dragon tail touched the rock, he immediately felt energy entering the dragon's bones.

There is drama.

It’s good to have a show, Yunfei is happy.

Although the island is not big, it is still small. It should be able to absorb a lot of attributes this time, right? The most important thing is that it needs to be given some poison attribute resistance, right?

In fact, this small island is a place where fire poison gathers, because the fire poison spirit fruit tree grows on this small island.

The fire poison in the entire volcanic ruins was attracted to the bottom of the island by the fire poison spirit fruit tree.

Fire poison is the nutrient for the fire poison spirit fruit tree. If it wants to produce fruit, it needs fire poison.

Now these fire poisons have been dealt with by Yun Fei.

What happened to the fire poison?

Very powerful ah?

The keel means that no one will be refused, even if there are more, the keel can absorb them.


The originally green rocks began to change color at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Green disappears and red appears.

"Ding, successfully absorbed fire poison, constitution +20, strength +2, poison attribute resistance +15."

When the color below the island completely changed, Yunfei heard this prompt.

To be honest, Yunfei was really stunned.

Physical constitution increased by so much 20 points?

Even the poison attribute resistance has been increased by 15 points?

You know, this is not the first 10 points.

The resistance becomes more and more difficult to improve later on. One Emperor Spirit Fruit only increased Yunfei's poison attribute resistance by 10 points. Now this fire poison mine actually provides 15 points at once, which is amazing.

No, no, no, this is quite acceptable. Yunfei's eyes narrowed in laughter.

Poison is not a question of whether it is expensive or not, but it is too hard to find.

With such gains, Yunfei felt that his body no longer hurt.

Well, thinking of the pain, Yunfei immediately swam upstream.

You've found what you're looking for, why are you still hanging around in the lava lake?

Yunfei is not a masochist.

"Xiaoshu, I'm sorry. I'm borrowing your nutrients for my daily needs. Anyway, your place is quite good. If we slowly gather together, we can develop into the current scale in the future, right?"

After Yunfei climbed to the island, he found that the Fire Poison Spirit Fruit Tree had obviously withered a lot, and the entire tree had become lifeless.

Anyway, everything was fine. While his body was recovering, Yunfei thought it would be good to comfort the little tree. When it finished gathering the fire poison, he might have to absorb another wave.

This comfort made Yunfei a little bit unable to help himself, and he couldn't help but take action.

Yunfei was stunned when he made a move.

"Damn it, Dragon Bone, you are so inhuman, aren't you?"

Well, it seems that the dragon bones are not human in the first place, they are made of bones.

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