Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 20 Finding Wealth in Risk

Chapter 020: Finding Wealth in Danger

He must draw the attention of the mechanical tribe to himself as much as possible, so as to reduce Yunfei's pressure.

It's just that Berry expressed his feelings wrongly, and Yunfei doesn't have any pressure at all now. Apart from eating and drinking every day, he also runs out to break up the happy family of Big Crab. He is very happy physically and mentally and does not need to relieve stress.

The Machine Tribe is naturally aware of Berry's arrival with great fanfare. In fact, the Machine Tribe is quite nervous about this because the Machine Tribe does not want to start a war.

Fighting means there will be death, and combat power needs to be drawn from other places. The mechanical race's rule over the northeastern border is actually somewhat beyond its capabilities.

They didn't want to open up other battlefields at all. Of course, it was Berry's father who made the mechanical tribe fearful, not Berry, the adult red dragon.

However, even if they are afraid, the northeastern border is actually controlled by the mechanical tribe. It is impossible to allow Berry to provoke. Anyway, Berry does not bring many monsters. As long as Berry's wings are cut off, Berry will still be dejected. Go back to Fire Dragon Ridge.

The war is about to break out, and Yunfei is determined to be a melon-eater. His true self is in the hole under the beach, but he can see the situation on the beach through the eyes of reality.

Yunfei didn't know how far the battle between Berry and the Machine Tribe had progressed, but he could see the Machine Tribe aircraft flying in the sky.

Yunfei is very happy to see them busy.

But soon Yunfei couldn't be happy anymore, because a huge creature appeared on the beach.

The prawn who had fought with Berry before appeared again. The battle between Berry and the Machine Tribe made such a big fuss that Aldington noticed it and immediately came forward.

It's here to cause trouble for Berry.

Youdao is extremely jealous when his enemies meet. Aldington is unhappy with Berry, and of course Berry is also unhappy with Aldington. Although there is nearly a thousand miles between where Berry is and the seaside, Berry still senses Aldington. Dinton's breath.

As soon as he noticed it, Berry went straight to the seaside.

Under Berry's leadership, the battlefield quickly moved from the cave where 56387 was located to the seaside.

In fact, Berry is also kind-hearted. He also thinks that Yunfei is lurking near Cave 56387. Yunfei's small body is in a small grid. Berry is afraid that someone will accidentally hurt Yunfei and kill him.

Therefore, it led the mechanical tribe to the seaside. Before it got Yunfei's chance, it didn't want Yunfei to die.

However, fate is so weird. Berry didn't want to accidentally hurt Yunfei, but he managed to reach the sky above Yunfei's head without dying.

Yunfei was helpless, feeling that he was lying on his back. He hid underground and watched the excitement. He never expected that "joy would fall from the sky". He could see the danger from watching the excitement, and no one else could.

In order to protect himself from being exposed, Yunfei controlled his breathing very carefully, and walked deeper along the underground passage.

After hiding again, Yunfei found that a fight had begun outside. The three-party melee was very chaotic. Yunfei's worries were unnecessary. No one cared about the potholes all over the beach, so naturally no one could find him.

"Here I go, this is much better than a science fiction movie."

The attack of the mechanical tribe is full of technology. Laser weapons are the main means of attack of the mechanical tribe. Whether it is the lightsaber laser gun of the combat team or the weapons carried by the aircraft, they are basically laser-type.

The methods of Prawn and Berry are very magical. Prawn plays with water, Bailey plays with fire, and there are also a group of monsters and sea beasts. The three parties are fighting fiercely.

As everyone knows, the culprit who caused this war is watching the battle happily underground.

Not long after, the battle entered a fierce stage, and the three parties' attacks intensified.

"Pfft, it's not deep enough here. Damn it, can you be gentler on top? Don't collapse the tunnel." Yunfei complained after spitting out the dirt that fell into his mouth.

"Should I go for a last hit?" After spitting out the dirt in his mouth, Yunfei found an opportunity.

Due to the melee between the three parties, the battle became more and more intense, and the dying sea beasts and machines were lying aside without anyone caring about them.

As for the monsters, there are currently no injured or dying monsters, because although the number of monsters brought by Berry is not large, their overall strength is high. There are more than ten high-level monsters, and the rest are all intermediate.

The sea beasts and mechanical tribes lying on the ground waiting for death are all at the level of elementary monsters. Although their strength is not that high, if they are killed, they can also provide Yunfei with a lot of blood points. At least one of them must have a few tenths. Income.

This is faster than eating clam beads underground, but there is a risk of being discovered.

However, in this world, who can live without illness or disaster? Wealth can be found in danger.


Soon, Yunfei made up his mind. Looking at the sea beasts and machines lying on the ground in pain, Yunfei decided to be a good dragon. He would help those who were seriously injured and dying to return to the west, thereby reducing their pain.

Yunfei moved forward cautiously. The closer he got to the surface, the more obvious the vibrations on the ground became. He only climbed up less than 5 meters before he found an octopus brother from the mechanical tribe.

This mecha of the mechanical family had been dismantled into parts. After its body was injured, it went down the tunnel and tried to hide it, but unfortunately it was discovered by Yunfei.

When he saw Yunfei, Octopus's eyes widened and he subconsciously wanted to shout.

It's a pity that Yunfei didn't give Octopus a chance to shout, and instantly accelerated and poked Octopus's head.

"Ding, get bloodline value +0.5."

Upon hearing the prompt, Yunfei smiled and then looked for the next target.

There are actually many targets waiting to be killed on the beach, but Yunfei cannot make too many moves here, so he can only cover a small area, otherwise there is a risk of being discovered.

However, the harvest in this small area is already very gratifying. Octopus, a half-meter-tall sea creature with legs and a shrimp head, these are Yunfei's hunting targets.

As his bloodline improved little by little, Yunfei became more and more courageous.

The intensity of the battle on the beach is getting stronger and stronger, shelling continues, large and small sand pits are scattered all over, and several layers of the beach have been cut away.

The waves controlled by Aldington were rough, and when the water met the sand pit, it would immediately fill the sand pit, leaving puddles of various sizes on the beach.

Yunfei saw the opportunity, broke out of the ground, and lurked into a puddle with a depth of more than 4 meters.

He has the ability to live in swamps, so he is naturally not afraid of water. Although his movements in water will be hindered, he has more opportunities in puddles.

Whenever there were sea beasts and machines that fell into the puddle and were not completely dead, Yunfei would step forward to hit them.

However, the mechanical tribe is really hateful. The laser weapon on an aircraft did not hit the target, but it hit the puddle where Yunfei was.

With Yunfei's defense, he could withstand this attack, but the water in the puddle couldn't stop it.

Without the cover of water, Yunfei's body would be exposed to the sight of the three parties involved in the war. Isn't that a joke?

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