Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 206 The blue dragon of the Jin family appears

Chapter 206 The blue dragon of the Jin family appears

When dry firewood meets fire, the two sides hit it off immediately. After just a moment of communication, sparks are already sparking from the friction.

The Machine Tribe has already laid out its plans in the underground space, just waiting to bring their warriors over. At this time, they are in the Shanlei Tribe, and they just need to buy some materials from the Shanlei Tribe. They are blocked by Yunfei, which is purely accidental.

Now the materials needed by the mechanical family are enough. As long as they are slightly arranged, they can proceed to the next step.

As for what the Jin family Blue Dragon has to do, it is much simpler.

What is Yun Feilai doing?

The Blue Dragon of the Jin family knows very well.

As long as he shows up, Yunfei will definitely catch up. At that time, all the Jin family's blue dragon has to do is lead Yunfei to the place that the mechanical clan has prepared long ago, and everything will be fine.

Speaking of which, the Machinery Clan contributed more to this matter, but the Machinery Clan didn't care at all.

There are not many opportunities to catch Yun Fei, so every time they happen, they must be cherished.

Moreover, the Jin family's Blue Dragon is also very sincere. He has promised to get Yunfei away in a short time and create an opportunity for the two mechanical clans to leave.

Of course, the mechanical tribe agreed to this.

The next day, Yunfei left the Shanlei tribe as expected.

Why did Yunfei leave?

Because the black dragon boy from Longfuyuan came to the Shanlei tribe and said that he saw the Jin family's blue dragon in a certain area.

The Jin family's blue dragon finally escaped, so of course Yunfei wouldn't let it go, and immediately killed it non-stop.

As for Mo Yu, there is no need for Yunfei to watch. Mo Yu is working overtime to forge, and the energy storage beads are really exquisite and cannot be made in a short time.

The mechanical tribe watched Yunfei leave with their own eyes as the Shanlei tribe.

But even if Yun Fei left, they were in no hurry to leave.

What if Yunfei comes back with a sudden attack?

Fortunately, Yunfei is not that bored. He is really gone. Killing the blue dragon or something is quite urgent.

After confirming that Yun Fei had really left, the mechanical tribe left, a bit like escaping.

A few days later, Yunfei returned very unhappy.

The blue dragon appears, but it's just a smoke bomb.

How fast is the Jin Family Blue Dragon?

He could find a place to show up and then hide himself, so that he could move Yunfei away very easily.

The Jin family's blue dragon has been observing in secret. Until now, he is not sure whether there are big bosses or high-level dragons following Yunfei.

If there is such a person around Yunfei, it will be in danger when he tries to seduce Yunfei.

Fortunately, there was still time for him to confirm the situation. Even if the mechanical clan obtained the necessary materials, they could not complete the arrangements immediately.

Yunfei felt much more at ease after that, and the news of the Blue Dragon's appearance did not appear again, as if the Jin family's Blue Dragon had disappeared.

This is not good news.

Whether the Jin family's blue dragon is hiding or he has run away, this is not a good thing for Yunfei.

However, there is good news.

Mo Yu is indeed a genius blacksmith. After half a month of hard work, he actually made the energy storage beads.

Of course, he also wasted a lot of materials before finally succeeding, and the current success rate of forging is not very high.

Moreover, making energy storage beads requires a special material, which is no longer available in the Shanlei Tribe.

But this thing can be collected, it’s not a big problem, it just takes some time.

During the period of collecting materials, Yunfei was not idle and had an in-depth chat with Mo Yu about helping Yunfei build a pair of wings.

As for the wings, Yunfei has no other requirements, as long as the defense is strong, the more powerful the better.

It would be best if it should be one that can be upgraded later, otherwise the one built now will have to be replaced again soon.

As for the cost of building it, don't worry about it, Jin Ye will fully support it.

Originally, Yunfei thought that Mo Yu would definitely consider this request of his and even make a slightly excessive request.

But what Yunfei didn't expect was that Mo Yu agreed very happily.

These are simply biological parents, right?

When Yunfei first met Mo Yu, the guy was building a gadget.

Do you think Mo Yu really likes to build gadgets?



Mo Yu likes to build big guys.

But he consumes ores too quickly, and he specifically selects high-level ones.

Even if the Shanlei Tribe is a large tribe, it can't afford it.

So, Mo Yu has controlled himself for too long.

Well now, I have found the financial owner and built wings for the dragon.

This is so satisfying just thinking about it, isn’t it?

Yunfei really didn't understand what these blacksmiths were thinking.

Head clubbing?

I asked you to work to death, but you are so happy?

I really don't understand.

But, as long as you are happy.

As for materials, is that a big deal?

Mo Yu was very excited. After talking, he started to work and his enthusiasm was overwhelming.

Yunfei felt that this boy was very capable and worthy of training. His love for work was unmatched by others.

However, building wings is really a big project, and Mo Yu's emphasis on excellence cannot be completed in a short time.

In fact, Mo Yu was afraid that if he worked too fast, he would have no free sources of materials, so he decided to make the wings as luxurious and expensive as he wanted. Anyway, the money spent was not his own.

This point coincides with Yunfei's needs.

Yunfei is not afraid of spending money, but he is afraid that the things he builds will not be strong.

During this period, the mechanical clan finally completed the work, and the Jin family's blue dragon wanted to scold his mother for waiting.

No wonder the machine clan can't do it when they leave the central area. With this work efficiency, how can it be done?

Things that we had prepared for long ago were actually able to be done in more than half a month.

However, with this half-month buffer, the Jin family Blue Dragon also confirmed the news, that is, there is no big boss or powerful dragon following Yunfei.

This is good news for him.

Quick finally wanted to send some bodyguards to Yunfei.

But the situation doesn’t allow it.

The Sea Clan didn't know what happened, but they actually started to fight back across the board, and the force of the counterattack was quite strong. Quick's side really couldn't spare any manpower.

"Boss, boss, good thing." Hei Da started calling Yun Fei from a distance, his tone was very cheerful.

What good thing happened? Found spring?

"The blue dragon of the Jin family has appeared."

Yun Fei stood up in a hurry. The Jin family's blue dragon finally appeared. After disappearing for such a long time, Yun Fei thought he had escaped from the area.

As for whether you want to go to the place where the blue dragon was found, you must go.

Even if it fails like last time, it doesn't matter.

As long as he doesn't leave this area, he will be caught sooner or later.

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