Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 22 A fleeting opportunity

Chapter 022 A fleeting opportunity

Whether Barry is angry or not has nothing to do with Yunfei, but those younger brothers of Berry have a lot to do with Yunfei.

A high-level monster with missing arms and legs, this is an opportunity.

Yunfei's eyes gleamed when he thought of the benefits he would get from completing the task.

He is now struggling to survive in the cracks between three parties. Whether it is the mechanical tribe Hai Clan or Beili, as long as he is discovered, what awaits Yunfei will definitely not be a good thing.

So now he urgently needs to improve his strength. He doesn't want to overturn anyone's table, but he must at least have the ability to protect himself.

It takes too long to expect the body to grow on its own, so what you can count on is your bloodline. The benefits of improving your bloodline are very intuitive.

"Machines, don't run away." Berry became angry. He stopped staring at Aldington and turned around to attack the aircraft of the aerial Machines.

Aldington didn't stop Berry either.

The Machine Tribe killed Berry's younger brother and also killed many of its subordinates.

The men Aldington sent out were men who could fight high-level monsters and intermediate monsters, and their strength was naturally at the same level.

The forbidden weapons of the mechanical tribe make no distinction between friend and foe. If Berry's little brother is dead, how can Aldington's men survive?

The mechanical tribe can be regarded as colleagues causing these two bad luck.

However, the Mechanical Tribe was determined to leave. Even though Berry could fly, he could not stop many Mechanical Tribes. He only knocked over a few Mechanical Tribe's aircraft.

When Berry wanted to pursue him, a very distinctive-looking mecha stood in front of him.

This is a humanoid mecha, but it has a pair of iron wings on its back, which can actually keep the mecha flying in the air when it is flapped.

"Stop, otherwise I wouldn't mind giving you some color to see."

Berry didn't get angry after being stopped by this mecha. Instead, he stopped obediently.

"D+-class mecha, you really think highly of me, Berry." The look in Bailey's dragon eyes was a bit complicated, with a hint of fear in it.

The D-level mecha of the mechanical family corresponds to the ferocious beast sequence, and the D+ level corresponds to the advanced ferocious beast.

Berry is 16 meters long and has not yet reached the peak of his adult body, that is, he has not reached the level of a high-level ferocious beast. In this case, he will naturally suffer a loss when fighting against a D+ class mecha.

"I don't want to move you to give face to your father, not because of you." The D+ level mechanical race didn't give Bailey any face, and his words were very straightforward.

Yunfei almost laughed out loud when he heard this in the sea. This was naked contempt, which meant that it was difficult for a dragon to make a human expression on his face. Otherwise, he could just appreciate Berry's facial expressions now.

Barry was unhappy.

But what if I’m unhappy? If your fists are not strong enough, you will have to bear the verbal humiliation if you cannot beat them.

"28934, I remember you." Berry said harshly. There was a number on the chest of the D+ mecha.

This is the team number. The mechas controlled by the mechanical clan's combat team may be changed at any time, but this number will never change.

"I'm always here for you. Do you want to go by yourself, or should I send you away?"

"Hmph, let's go." Being sent away sounded respectful, but it was not the case, and Berry knew it very well.

"You can just leave by yourself. The losses suffered by our clan also need to be compensated." The mecha pointed at the monsters that were still alive and said.

Berry understood what this mechanical tribe meant. It gritted its teeth angrily, but could not do anything. This was the consequence of not being as powerful as humans.

Then Berry left quickly without looking back. He had to find his way back to this situation. He had to return to Fire Dragon Ridge immediately, and then lead his more powerful younger brother to fight back.

Of course, regaining face is secondary, the main thing is catching Yunfei.

"You guys." After Berry left, the D+ mecha looked at Aldington.

It's just that Aldington is really tough, and he didn't even let the D+ mecha finish talking before he started taking action.

Berry is afraid of the D+ mecha, but Aldington is not. Behind it is the sea. The machine tribe comes here to fight, which is already considered an invasion. This violates the original contract between the sea tribe and the machine tribe, so Aldington is The reasonable side.

Do you understand that you are unreasonable and unforgiving? Anyway, Aldington understands. I'm right, so I'll do it to you. What's wrong?

If you dare to fight back, believe it or not, I will ask a more awesome boss to come out and educate you?

The machine race really didn't dare to do anything to Aldington. It forced Berry to leave in embarrassment. In the end, it left in quite embarrassment. It was forced to leave by Aldington.

"Drag all those guys back to me." Aldington watched the mechanical tribe leave the coast, like a victorious general, commanding his men to capture the high-level monsters that were still alive.

The spoils destined for the Machine Tribe now became Aldington’s harvest.

Aldington did not stay on the beach for too long. He fought with Berry and suffered some injuries. After seeing that his men had caught all the monsters, he jumped back into the sea. His movements were very unrestrained and he raised a lot of noise. A large wave of waves almost exposed Yunfei who was hiding in the shallow sea.

Fortunately, Yunfei held his own and was not exposed.

Moreover, he took advantage of the huge waves and quickly moved a certain distance to the beach.

He has decided to take action against those high-level monsters captured by the Sea Tribe. Such a good opportunity is fleeting. If he doesn't fight for it this time, he doesn't know when he will have to wait next time.

Those high-level monsters were attacked by D-level forbidden weapons and all of them were disabled. Yunfei only had to pick the worst one to attack and he could complete the bloodline mission.

As for whether it will be discovered, let's wait and see.

When the waves receded, Yunfei was already hiding in the seawater with a depth of less than half a meter. His lower body was completely in the sea sand, leaving only his upper body in the seawater.

Yunfei's hiding place was calculated. He predicted that those sea tribes would pass by where he was escorting Berry's younger brother.

It would be best if we could secretly kill a high-level monster. If it is discovered, then discover it. Perhaps, killing all the sea clan and monsters here is also a good choice.

It's just that there are too many sea people here, so this idea is destined to be impossible to realize.

Aldington brought the largest number of subordinates. Who knew this was a beach, and the sea tribe ruled the roost by numbers. The beach was now covered with half-meter-high shrimps with legs, numbering nearly a thousand.

Closer, closer.

The shrimp man responsible for the escort has already carried the monsters that cannot resist into the sea. Even if some monsters are struggling, it is harmless and has no effect.

Yunfei held his breath and remained motionless. In the sea water that was completely dyed red, the shrimp man's vision was obstructed. However, he was a sea tribe, and he could sense if there were any obstacles in front of him through the water flow without using his eyes.

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