Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 225 Yuan Tieyu Guard

Chapter 225 Yuan Iron Fish Guard

Otherwise, don't make the woman angry.

Female dragons are actually the same as women. A truly angry female dragon is absolutely untouchable and can do anything.

A group of powerful dragons have defected to you because they are interested in the resources in the territory.

While the powerful ones enjoy those resources, they are also responsible for guarding the entire territory.

It's fine now. After receiving Xiyue's order, all the powerful people in the territory rushed to Xiyue's side.

There are a total of 20 powerful beings with a length of more than 100 meters, and one of them has even reached a length of 140 meters, which is not far from the Dragon King level.

This is because Xiyue came in a hurry and did not recruit too many subordinates. Otherwise, it would be normal for the number to double. You must know that Xiyue is here as the princess.

But the current power is enough.

The mechanical race is miserable.

Under the leadership of Xiyue, a group of powerful dragons began to sweep across various mechanical clan cities.

In fact, Xiyue's request is very simple. As long as the mechanical tribe tells her where Yunfei is, she will leave.

But it's a pity that the mechanical tribe is very unscrupulous. Even after sweeping multiple cities, no one told Xi Yue where Yunfei was.

If you don't tell, then fight, destroy the city, and then go to the next city.

Xiyue's actions quickly aroused dissatisfaction among the mechanical clan in the central area.

How can you, a princess of the dragon tribe, lead your men to sweep across our fringe city like this?

If we do this, can we also send our forces to sweep away the dragon's city?

Have you forgotten those mutually agreed-upon rules?

Just when the Machine Tribe was about to talk to Xiyue for some reasoning, a Dragon Emperor from Central Dragon City appeared.

In the words of the Dragon Emperor, that is, the princess's consort was taken away by the mechanical tribe, so it is normal for the princess to have any extreme reaction.

If you, the Central District Machine Clan, want to interfere with this matter, then Central Dragon City will not sit idly by and ignore it. This time, it is the Dragon Emperor who is here to negotiate with you.

Next time, it might be Long Sheng who comes.

This is the threat of Chi Guoguo.

What's wrong? Are you scared?

If you have the ability, continue to mobilize your forces to target our princess.

We are worried that we can't find an excuse to deal with your machine clan. How about we ask you to give us a chance?

The Machine Tribe has been able to fight against the Giant Dragon Tribe for so many years, and they have a clear understanding of the Urinary Properties of the Giant Dragon.

This is just waiting for us to take action.

Marder, don't worry, the mechanical tribe going to the center won't do anything. Your Dragon Saint should just wait for me.

But if we don’t take action, we can invite other races to take action. Just wait.

Who is the machine looking for?

Of course it's the Sea Clan.

The relationship between the Machine Clan and the Sea Clan Imperial Clan is very strong.

Isn't asking the Sea Clan to do something just like playing? Otherwise, how could it be possible that every time the Sea Clan takes action against the Machine Clan, the Machine Clan will be behind them?

Of course, it is unrealistic to ask the Sea Clan Imperial Clan to take action, because the Sea Clan Imperial Clan also has an agreement with the giant dragon and cannot act rashly.

However, the Sea Clan Imperial Clan cannot move themselves, but they can make other Sea Clan move.

You must know that the Sea Clan not only lives in the sea, but also lives in inland rivers and lakes. All Sea Clan respect the Imperial Clan, and any orders from the Imperial Clan will not be too excessive as long as they are not excessive. , then it must be completed.

The Fish Guard clan is a very large branch within the Sea Clan, and its strength is a level higher than that of the Shrimp Guard and Crab Guard.

The Yuantie Fish Guard clan lives in Yuantie Lake in the North District. Among them, there are 8 gold fish guards and over a hundred silver fish guards. The number below is countless. Although it is impossible to be endless, the number is still in the millions. some.

To be able to accommodate such a large number of fish guards, you can imagine how big Yuantie Lake is.

As the leader of Yuan Tieyu Guard, Tie He suddenly received a message from the Beihai Imperial Clan.

The meaning of the sound transmission was very clear, which was to ask Tiehe to take all the A-level and above beings in the Yuan Tieyuwei clan to support the mechanical clan's city.

It is said to be support, but in fact it is to stand in line and increase the momentum of the mechanical clan. If you really take action, you can help, but there is no need to fight to the death. If things cannot be done, Tie He can leave with Yuan Tieyuwei.

For such a simple task, Tie He had no reason to refuse.

In fact, Tie He was quite happy to receive such a mission. It was rare for the Imperial Clan to directly assign missions. In the past, the Mermaid Royal Clan had contact with races like them.

This time, the Beihai Imperial Clan gave the order directly, so as long as they followed the order, rewards or something would definitely be indispensable.

Thinking of the generous rewards given by the Imperial Clan, Tiehe immediately ordered his troops and took away all the A-level combat power of Yuan Tieyu Guards.

I say it's all, but it's really not much. There are only thirteen million-dollar Iron Fish Guards who have reached A-level strength, and more than half of them are Gold Fish Guards, with Silver Fish Guards accounting for a minority, and only ordinary Fish Guards. one.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, Tie He wants to receive generous rewards from the Imperial Clan. In this way, he will be sure to further improve his strength, so that he can lead Yuan Tieyu Guard to achieve better development.

A-level and S-level are two different concepts.

S-level, among the giant dragon clan, are qualified to establish a family, while A-level can only be attached to various families or cities, and cannot establish a family. Even if you have a large number of family members, you will not get The recognition of Central Dragon City will not give any resources.

This is even more true in the Sea Clan, because there are so many of them. Even though the ocean is huge, all kinds of resources must be grabbed with strength.

Can A-class and S-class compete for the same ability?

Therefore, Tie He urgently wants to be promoted to S level so that the tribe can develop better.

Just when Tiehe left Yuantie Lake with his A-level combat power, Yunfei was still wandering around in the underground space with no destination in mind. He was just walking around randomly. Of course, he still remembered the way back.

At this time, there is not much time left before the end of the mission. Yunfei can't help but feel a little anxious. Is it panic?

But in this place, even being impatient is of no use, you can only wander around slowly.

What will be the consequences if this main mission fails again?


What is that?

Yunfei discovered a lighthouse-like existence.

There is no light in this underground space, so a particularly weak light suddenly appears, which is so conspicuous.

Yunfei just saw a faint light in front of him, but the light disappeared suddenly and quickly.

There is something.

Yunfei was very sure, and then quickly rushed to the place where the light just emitted.

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