Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 246 The most interesting place is where there is a little brother

Chapter 246 The most interesting place is where there is a little brother

SteelGreymon was actually very excited because he could feel that he was useful again.

It is really helpless to follow a capable boss, and there are very few situations where you can be used.

Therefore, he has made a decision that he must win this battle no matter what, even if it costs his life.

You must properly prove the value of your existence.

Now it seems that victory is not far away.

"You cheated."

Yuan Wu was already stunned.

what is this?

Did you use external force?

Yuan Wu knew the tiger-headed man's current state very well, because he was also poisoned yesterday.

Yun Fei glanced at Yuan Wu and secretly said to Tian Zhen.


You set the rules, but no one stipulates that external force cannot be used.

If you are good, I will give that tiger-headed man an S-level dragon weapon, and I won't have any problem with it.

Unfortunately, you don’t seem to have that condition.

There was no suspense in the result. Steel Greymon successfully defeated the tiger-headed man. Several of the weaknesses that Yun Fei named were torn apart by Steel Greymon.

There is no mercy in the eyes of SteelGreymon. Any creature that dares to show its fangs to its master is an enemy, and the enemy will die.

Yuanwu's heart was bleeding.

It's not that I feel bad because the tiger-headed man died. The value of the tiger-headed man is really not much, and it is about the same as the value of a C-level dragon weapon.

What Yuan Wu feels distressed about is his A-level dragon weapon.

The Sith were not happy either.

Even though Sisi is very respectable now, his family property is still inferior to Yuan Wu.

How long did it take for Xiyue to obtain the territory?

The God of Wealth doesn't have much at all, so allowing Sith to own an A-level dragon weapon is already considered Xiyue's favor for Sith.

it's good now.

Lost his extremely rare dragon weapon?

No, no, not to Yun Fei.

"You cheated, and the competition doesn't count." Sith said bravely.

As long as the duel doesn't count, he won't lose his dragon weapon.

"What did you say? Brother-in-law, I advise you to think carefully before you speak."

Yunfei wanted to beat this kid yesterday, but unfortunately he couldn't do it. Now you jump out again, is it really because of your itchy skin?


The Sith brain is about to explode.

brother in law?

Where is your face? Who the hell is your brother-in-law?

Besides, who are you threatening?

I didn't think it through clearly, what's wrong?

Sisi raised his head and immediately refuted Yun Fei.

However, before he could speak, Yun Fei's feet had already come over.

Not convinced?


Then I'll beat you until you're convinced, and then I'll give you a reason to take revenge, right?

Yuanwu originally wanted to support Sith.

But seeing that Yun Fei actually dared to take action, Yuan Wu took back what he was going to say.

Damn it, he even dares to beat up a Sith, so why would he still care about him?

Many powerful people who were paying attention here wanted to jump out and dissuade them, but were stopped in the end.

These people who want to jump out are all new powerful ones, and those who stop them are naturally the powerful ones who followed Xiyue in the battle before.

Don't get involved in this kind of thing.

The Sith were dealt a terrible blow by Yun Fei, and the diamond scales were shattered into pieces, with nothing left.

Kuang Zuo watched it and it was a blast.

Okay, okay, this thief Sun threatened him yesterday, so he was beaten today, right?

Sure enough, the way of heaven is reincarnation.

Um, no, you can't call him Sun Thie'er. Isn't this taking advantage of his brother?

When he thought of Yun Fei, Kuang Zuo felt hot in his heart.

As expected, his brother has a clever mind and is still the ruthless person who robs everywhere. Before, he had doubted whether Yunfei's plan would work.

Now it seems that the word "no" can be removed.


It must work.

Did you see that there are already two A-level dragon weapons in the account, okay?

The money came in so fast.

Sith felt like he was going to die and died of shame and anger.

He had been prepared for a beating or something yesterday, but he never expected that he would be beaten so badly.

Don't talk about things like reverse scales. None of the scales on your body are intact, right?

Damn it, little black dragon, do you want to be so cruel?

How about leaving some scales for me to hide my shame?

At this moment, Sith's state was like that of a young boy who had been stripped naked and thrown on the street. One can only imagine what Sith's mood would be like now.

Of course, Yun Fei was very measured in his actions, and did not cause the Sith to suffer too much harm, and there was no life-threatening problem.

On the other hand, Yuanwu is really good.

Isn't this little black dragon too cruel?

How could he actually do such a thing?

Mad, I will never mess with him again.

Yuan Wu didn't dare to say a word and ran away.

He doesn't want anything from the dragon weapon.

He was afraid that he would be treated in the same way. His ability to resist was indeed stronger than that of the Sith, but he knew that even if he resisted, he would only be able to hold on for a while, and the result would be the same. What's the point of being able to resist? What?

So, run first.

What kind of brotherhood is there? Mad, who will know whom in the future?

Yun Fei successfully did a good deed and brought Yuan Wu, a young man who had fallen into disgrace, onto the right path.

After Yuanwu left, Yunfei did not stay to continue humiliating Sith. The humiliation given to Sith today was enough. As long as this matter was publicized, Yunfei's purpose would be achieved.

And the appearance of Sith and Yuanwu today gave Yunfei another way to make money.

That's SteelGreymon.

SteelGreymon's external performance is not strong among B-level, which is a good disguise.

Making others feel they have an opportunity and betting on this thing, Yunfei has already done it very early. At that time, there were many plans that could not be used, but now it seems that it can be used.

With the princess's palace as his back and such a big background, no one dares to make any plans even if he has amassed huge wealth.

Kuang Zuo and Li Qing were busy next. Kuang Zuo had an arduous task, which was to publicize Yun Fei's misdeeds. Yun Fei must be promoted as a heinous dragon, while Li Qing was responsible for opening up trade routes.

They must find good sales outlets for the upcoming N-number of dragon weapons.

Otherwise, it would be useless to keep all the dragon weapons in your hands and not be able to sell them.

When the time comes to bid for the Blood Coagulation Fruit, what they want is the dragon crystal, not the dragon weapon.

Kuang Zuo and Li Qing were very busy, but Yun Fei was very leisurely. He didn't have to go out in a short period of time, he just waited for the stupid dragon to come to deliver the dragon weapon.

After Xiyue finished the discussion, her eyes were filled with little stars when she learned what Yunfei had done in the past two days.

Sure enough, places with little brothers are the most interesting. Discussions are too boring.

When Xiyuedu participated, things became more fun.

It is said that Princess Xiyue had a big quarrel with Yun Fei after Yun Fei beat up a Sith, and finally broke up on bad terms.

After learning about this, the monsters in Central Dragon City couldn't sit still. This is such a good opportunity.

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