Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 267 Are you done? Again?

Chapter 267 Are you done? Again?

If Yun Fei and the three of them had not come, then the Centaurs would have sent a large amount of force into the ruins, and even if they had to fill up their lives, they would have taken out all the good things in the ruins.

It's fine now. Yunfei and the others have done a good deed, and have inadvertently saved the lives of countless centaurs.

However, after such a good thing is done, no one seems to thank them.

"What the hell is this place?"

Kuangzuo stared around, with two words written in capital letters in his eyes, disappointment.

Kuang Zuo has also been to ruins, such as fire ruins. Even though there are no elemental creatures there, you can tell it is a fire ruin at first glance.

It's great here. The ruins are full of yellow sand and there is nothing else at all.

What about the elemental creatures we talked about?

Where is the earth-type baby you promised?

Even the earth energy is not strong, right?

Is this a barren ruin?

Ruins can be divided into poor and rich ones. There won't be many good things in a barren ruins.

But this is not right. Even if it is a barren ruin, there should be many good things when it appears for the first time.


Kuangzuo and the others couldn't see it, but Yunfei could.

He couldn't see the weaknesses of the elemental creatures, but he could see the energy groups moving under the yellow sand.

This guy looks like he has quite a lot.

"Huh, pretending to be a ghost, brothers, let's get to work."

Kuangzuo became rude after hearing Yunfei's words.

It seems difficult to ask them to deal with Yun Fei, but is it still trivial to deal with some elemental creatures?

After all, they are also Golden Holy Dragons, and they are from Tianjiao.

Breathing out, dragon language magic appeared, but Yunfei did not move, just watching the battle.

Elemental creatures can only attack with energy, physical attacks are ineffective.

Just after the breath and dragon language magic came to the yellow sand, the yellow sand actually started to move.

These yellow sands turned into various weapons, beasts, and even birds. When these things appeared, they all swarmed towards the breath and dragon language magic.

What are they going to do?

Naturally, the breath and dragon language magic must be broken.

Yunfei watched it with gusto, this is very interesting.

In Yunfei's eyes, there is a close connection between those energy groups and the objects or creatures formed by the yellow sand.

There is an invisible line connecting them. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, Yunfei's true eye can see it.

What's this?

It looks relatively high-end.

This is a means of controlling objects. Doesn’t it require mental assistance?

Or is it that these energy groups themselves contain spiritual power?

That's right, without mental power, how can they control the energy group?

Kuang Zuo is not in a beautiful mood anymore.

What are you going to do? Rebellion?

Wouldn't it be better to just wait for death?

You have to force me to use unconventional means, right?

But wouldn’t it be bad to use unconventional means right from the start? Is it a little embarrassing?

Why do crazy leftists want to use unconventional means?

Isn't it because their attack was blocked?

It goes without saying that the power of breath and dragon language magic is so powerful. Kuangzuo and the others are still at the genius level. Without the assistance of dragon weapons, ordinary attacks can reach B level.

How can those yellow sands be opponents?

But you can't handle the large number of them. They come in piles and piles, and these sands are not ordinary sand. They contain earth energy, so it's not that easy to destroy them.

The earth element is originally a defensive element.

Your own attack was firmly blocked in mid-air and unable to land. Where will you put Kuangzuo's face?

People no longer give themselves face, so Kuangzuo doesn't want to give face to those earth elemental creatures.

So, use the dragon weapon.

A-level attacks and B-level attacks are two different concepts. The yellow sand can block B-level attacks, but it cannot stop A-level attacks at all. Pieces of yellow sand were evaporated, but Kuangzuo's attacks failed to stop them. How about real earth elemental creatures.

Those guys move around the yellow sand extremely fast, and they will run away when something goes wrong, so even an A-level attack in units of pieces can only kill a few earth elemental creatures.

Kuangzuo and the three of them used the dragon weapon together. What was the result?

The earth elemental creatures only left four balls of energy.

Four balls of energy floated from the yellow sand to the top of the yellow sand. Seeing the results of his victory, the left side of Kuang's face almost turned green. Only four?

What's this?

Is this considered Chi Guoguo’s contempt?

Okay, Mad, keep going.

Damn it.

Do you want to lose face?

The three brothers spent their dragon energy on the attack and managed to kill four of them. Do you still want to take it back?

The four floating energy groups are being pulled by a force to gather into the yellow sand.

Grab the loot? Not to mention being a leftist, even Yun Fei can't agree.

The trophies and so on are all my brother's and no one can steal them.

Yun Fei was so sharp and very fast. Before the four energy balls were about to merge into the yellow sand, Yun Fei grabbed it.

"Ding, I got the earth energy group, do you want to absorb it?"


A ball of earth energy disappeared from Yunfei's claws.

"Ding, successfully absorbed earth energy, constitution +1, earth attribute resistance +0.01."

Can it directly increase physical fitness?

The increase in earth attribute resistance was expected by Yunfei, but the increase in physical fitness was something Yunfei did not expect.

However, isn’t this added resistance a little too little?

According to Kuang Zuo and the others, this earth energy group is a very good thing. After being absorbed by Kuang Zuo and the others, it will be very useful.

Why is it so limited when it comes to my place?

Looking at this situation, only by absorbing 100 groups of energy can we gain some resistance.

To say that Yunfei has no self-awareness.

He is already so awesome.

Can they compare with Kuangzuo and others?

Yunfei's own earth attribute resistance has reached 37 points, right?

If Yunfei's own earth attribute resistance is only less than 10 points, then Yunfei can gain huge gains by absorbing a ball of earth attribute energy. Directly increasing one or two points of resistance will be small.

Therefore, 0.01 is quite a lot.

However, is this the focus of the matter?

Not at all.

The question before Kuang Zuo at this moment is, what kind of monster is Yun Fei?

Although the earth attribute energy group is just a very pure energy, you can't just say that it is completely absorbed, right?

There has to be some process, right?

What are you doing now?

Just smoke it?

Hey, I said are you done? Again?

Under Kuangzuo's gaze, Yunfei lost another energy ball in his claws.

It was also at this time that groups of mechanical tribes had assembled in the underground space under the Centaur territory.

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