Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 277 Barely Victory

Chapter 277 Barely Victory

Anyway, the competition has been decided again.

Yunfei himself had nothing to prepare. What happened to the monsters in the Dragon Emperor family? Still no match for my brother.

Especially after receiving the blessing of Saturn, the defense power has been doubled and the shortcomings have been made up. What else is there to worry about?

In the past few days, Yunfei has been playing with the A-level expert from the mechanical tribe.

If you want to say that an A-level powerful person is awesome, it doesn’t matter how the two brothers play. An A-level powerful person just keeps silent and doesn’t say anything.

If you can, just play me to death.

Of course Yunfei couldn't kill this A-level powerhouse. What a joke, he didn't pull out anything useful. How could he die so easily?

Even if you can't find out anything about Xiyue, you still have to at least know where the underground base where they were detained at that time was.

Revenge must be put on the agenda, right?

We can't just let the brothers escape and forget about it. The inhuman torture can't just be forgotten.

Is it okay if the machine clan doesn’t pay a price?

It's a pity that the A-level powerful people just don't talk about it.

Yunfei is so frustrated.

This thing just has an advantage over the dragon.

If you look at this giant dragon, you can do whatever you want, its vitality is powerful, and it is all kinds of immortal.

If it had been this little octopus, he would have been doomed. One poke would kill him.

Aiya, I go.

Yunfei, who heard the system prompt, said he was very sorry.

He used too much force just now and freed the octopus that had turned green.

What hint did Yunfei get?

Naturally, I got a hint from my spiritual power.

Du Rong said it didn't matter. What happened if they couldn't find the base where they were detained?

Can other mechanical cities still escape?

Du Rong said that after the battle between Yun Fei and that monster is over, the two brothers will go out to kill everyone.

When they feel that revenge is over, this matter will be over.

As for the second child, You Ming, neither Du Rong nor Yun Fei thought of taking him.

What are you taking him for?

Serve it like a national treasure. No matter where it goes, it will be the center of attention, right?

But speaking of it, that underground space is actually quite interesting, especially those space nodes that can connect everywhere.

Should this be put to good use?

Well, it needs to be discussed, it needs to be discussed.

The competition went on as scheduled, still within the space with the five light curtains.

Yunfei was still the same, but his opponent was replaced by a monster from the Dragon Emperor family.

I have to say that this guy is quite a bachelor.

When the game started, they said sincerely to save some face, don't let us lose so ugly.


Get on the road.

What can Yunfei say when the other party is so polite?

Of course it's to give people face.

Then let’s see what real performance is.

Yun Fei is like an actor, and he acts so hard during the battle.

The demons of the Dragon Emperor family also cooperated very well. The two giant dragons fought with great force in the space. The dragon tails collided, the scales flew, and the two dragon tails became a blur of flesh and blood.

On the surface, their battle can only be described as evenly matched, even the Dragon Emperor couldn't see anything.

But the monsters of the Dragon Emperor family who fought in person knew how perverted Yunfei was.

It seemed that Yunfei was as seriously injured as him, but the real situation was that the scales on Yunfei's dragon tail were deliberately removed by Yunfei himself.

Not his masterpiece at all.

However, the evildoer was still very grateful to Yun Fei for giving him such face.

As long as you don't lose too badly, it's okay.

Being in the Dragon Emperor's family, he knew some secret information. Yunfei was a kid named by the Dragon Saint to take care of. If he could catch the Dragon Saint's eyes, how could he be an ordinary dragon?

As for this monster himself, he couldn't even fall into the eyes of the Dragon Saint.

Therefore, he knew that he was definitely not Yunfei's opponent.

But he didn't expect Yunfei to be so talkative.

But this is a good thing. We will continue to perform hard for everyone, and then the performance will be over.

The performance lasted for half an hour, and the monster himself could be said to have exerted all his abilities.

When he is exhausted, it is time to end the fight.

Yunfei still behaved like that, barely winning.


Yun Fei is not afraid of fighting for a few more hours. He is full of energy and blood, and about half of the dragon energy is left. Although the scales on his body are broken, it is purely due to performance needs.

In the end, both master and servant were happy, and Yunfei 'reluctantly' won.

In the audience area, countless creatures were lamenting, but it was okay, because the dealer set an upper limit, so even if they lost, they didn't lose too much.

At least the panties and stuff are still there.

However, there was a wave of beings who thought they were smart and powerful and were really dumbfounded.

What kind of life experience is it to lose two pairs of pants in a row?

The eyes of these guys are all red. Not only are they bankrupt this time, but they also owe a lot of foreign debt.

What to do?

Robbed the banker?

Stop making trouble, I can't do it.

What to do?

Let's go, form a group to rob the mechanical clan.

Recently, many, many tasks have appeared in the Central Dragon City trading area, and the tasks are all related to the mechanical race.

The publisher of the tasks is naturally the dragon clan. Any creature can take on these tasks. As long as you complete the tasks, you can get generous rewards.

And this remuneration is only part of the salary.

Because as long as the mission can be completed, it means that a mechanical city has been captured.

The dragon clan will not take any of the wealth in the mechanical clan city. Whoever can take it belongs to him.

Now these gamblers who are eager to lose happen to be short of dragon crystals. This is almost a task of giving away dragon crystals for free. Do you want to do it?

Of course you do.

This is the brilliance of Dragon Saint.

Although the real truth is already known.

Although extremely angry.

But Long Sheng did not start a war immediately.

A small mechanical clan cannot compete with the giant dragon clan. Behind the mechanical clan is the sea clan. The specific strength of the sea clan is not clear to Dragon Saint.

Therefore, it is necessary to find out the true strength of the Sea Clan before the real war can begin.

Before that, let's just make a small fuss.

Yunfei said goodbye to the evil brother he had met so late. They made an appointment to go wandering around the mainland together when they had the opportunity.

After the separation, Yunfei quickly found his elder sister Mengqiu.

Dragon crystal is a good thing. Now that Yunfei wants to cultivate Xiaotu, he needs a large amount of dragon crystal.

Unfortunately, the dragon crystal belonging to Yunfei was still taken away by Long Sheng.

Moreover, Dragon Saint specifically renamed Xiaotu Runtu.

Yunfei wants to cry but has no tears. Is there such a person as an elder?

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