Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 288: Suffocate the bold to death, starve to death the timid

Chapter 288: Suffice the bold to death, starve the timid to death

The behavior of the mechanical tribe was noticed by Yunfei. Originally, Yunfei thought that these guys would catch up with them as quickly as possible after discovering him.

But what is the situation now?

Are you a relative in the cave? Are you unwilling to destroy it?

This behavior of the mechanical tribe made Yunfei see something fishy.

Why didn't they destroy the cave?

If you catch up in a straight line, wouldn't you be able to catch up to yourself faster?

There is something here.

Very good, the cave is a relative of yours, but I am not related to you. If you don’t destroy it, I will do it.

Before, Yunfei didn't destroy the cave because he was afraid of leaving traces and being discovered by the mechanical clan.

What else is scary now?

They've all been discovered, okay.

When the Chaos Breath attacks, it is unrealistic to let the Chaos Breath destroy the A-class mechanical race, but it is much easier to let the Chaos Breath destroy the cave.

When the chaotic breath is sprayed out, are you afraid of the cave?

Of course I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I'll collapse.


Sure enough, there is something.

The collapsed cave was filled with various rocks, and those green detection lights actually took the initiative to take a detour.

This is very interesting.

No wonder the machine race is unwilling to destroy the structure of the cave. It turns out that's what happened.

The life detection device of the mechanical family can not only detect life, but also has the function of pathfinding. This is the fundamental reason why the green light can bypass the stones.

After discovering this interesting situation, there is nothing more to say. Just cause destruction. Chaos Breath is free anyway.

Of course, Yunfei would not be stupid enough to destroy the cave in front of him. He would destroy the caves around him behind him.

When it was only a little damaged, it was nothing. But when there were more places destroyed, it immediately caused a chain reaction. Large swaths of rocks fell, and soon blocked the road behind Yun Fei.

When the stone behind him was completely filled, Yun Fei was happy.

How is it?

Have you become blind now?

When the green light could not shine on themselves, the A-level mechanical clan experts went crazy.

At this time, they don't care about whether it collapses or not. Let's chase it. If they don't chase it, they really won't be able to catch it.

However, when they fought their way through all the obstacles to reach the place where Yun Fei appeared before, the powerful mechanical clan were dumbfounded.

Where is Yunfei's figure in this place?

There were only stones and dust all around. Where did that guy go?

Who the hell are you asking?

The surrounding area is still collapsing everywhere. If you want to look for it, fine, let’s chase it. What else can you do?

Of course, the A-level mechanical masters cannot all go in one direction, they must spread out to search.

This made the powerful men very angry.

You little black dragon are so naughty. When I catch you, I will make you look good. Do you think you can escape?

Stop dreaming.

Let me tell you, this is the territory of our mechanical clan. A-level powers will come continuously, and not only A-level powers, but also S-level beings may come. It will be up to you how you can run when the time comes.

Although Yunfei is missing, the A-level experts of the Machine Tribe are very confident. What will happen even if they let you run for a few more rounds?

However, people will not let go of Yunfei, and they still have to pursue him.

The movements of A-level powerful people are all under Yunfei's control.

He was already a thousand meters away from where he was. If it weren't for the destruction everywhere, Yunfei would have run further, but destruction was very necessary to force the A-level powers to disperse.

As long as they disperse, Yunfei thinks he has a chance.

These are the mental powers for walking, do you want to do them?

Must do.

The brave ones will be starved to death, and the timid ones will be starved to death. They are being hunted anyway, so it is still necessary to carry out sneak attacks or something during the pursuit.

But things like sneak attacks have to wait until I recover.

Yunfei walked all the way. He did not move along the direction of the cave. Anyway, it was enough to destroy everywhere. Go deeper underground. The collapse and other things would be more violent.

Yunfei had a great time. When he hid deep in the cave, he could no longer see the mechanical clan in his sight.

He ran very easily, and it was also very easy for him to do damage and so on.

But it’s hard to pursue Yunfei’s powerful mechanical clan.

Their search speed was very slow, and they could not go straight into the ground like Yun Fei. They had to search bit by bit to ensure that there was no Yun Fei at the same depth before continuing downward.

However, this search is becoming more and more difficult. Why?

Because the farther down the cave is, the larger the area is. If viewed on a flat surface, the cave is a triangle, and the area closest to the surface is just the tip of the triangle.

The place where Yunfei is now still belongs to the top, but the area is seven or eight times larger than the top place.

This shows how big this cave is.

If the mechanical tribe were to search the top, such a small number of manpower would still be enough, but the further down they went, the less power they would have, because the area they wanted to search was increasing exponentially.

How does this work?

The efficiency was too slow. The great master of the mechanical race had only been looking for him for a long time and he was already impatient.

But there was no way, they still had to look for it, but there were rocks everywhere, and they kept repeating the same job.

Breaking rocks, breaking rocks, breaking rocks.

After they broke open the stone and searched for a layer of the cave, they were about to go down. Breaking the stone was certainly not a difficult task for the powerful people, but the broken stone still had no support. If the powerful people left, it would continue to sink. .

Continue down, still the same.

If they want to search downwards, they must break through all the stones at this depth and across the entire surface.

This work is too intense.

That is to say, the mechanical tribe does not know how big this underground cave is, otherwise, they will definitely die of pain.

But there are also smart guys in the mechanical clan.

They knew that it would be impossible to keep searching like this, as it would delay things too much.

The most correct way at this time is to search up and down together.

It is conceivable that the little black dragon must be destroying everywhere to delay time, so as long as they go down to the undamaged level of the cave, they can intercept the little black dragon.

By advancing both ends, the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Moreover, the number sent below cannot be small. If the little black dragon can be encountered, it will definitely be encountered by the same race below.

Because the little black dragon has been escaping downwards.

This idea was very correct. Twenty of the nearly thirty A-level mechanical clan experts went to deeper parts of the cave.


Are they so fast?

Could it be that there is a new method?

Yunfei, who was trying his best to recover from his injuries, was confused after seeing the behavior of the powerful machine clan.

If they really have new methods, they will have to run away again.

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