Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 290 Are you being lazy?

Chapter 290 Is this laziness?

Yes, just leave it there and don't need to move it.

Because the powerful machine clan can move on its own.

This is about the advantages of Black Dragon.

The scales themselves are black, the same color as the stones here. If you don’t look closely, you can’t tell the difference at all. This is a natural advantage, isn’t it?

"What does this look like? Yes, fishing, this is fishing, waiting for the fish to take the bait."

Yunfei took a posture, with his head down, and the dragon's tail thrust straight above, just like a big thorn placed there.

After Yunfei's calculations, the powerful machine clan he was targeting would definitely pass by the place where his dragon tail was placed. As long as this guy dared to touch his tail, everything would be fine.

The wait is long. Yunfei really feels sad for these mechanical clan masters. Isn't the search too slow?

With this work efficiency, if the leaders see it, they will definitely be laid off in seconds.

If they really could be laid off, I guess these powerful machines would be very happy. When had they ever done such menial jobs?

Even B-level guys can’t do these things, right?

It's a pity that there is no younger brother available now, so they can only go in person.

The great master of the mechanical clan who was approaching Yun Fei's tail was constantly cursing.

This powerful man had already sworn that as long as he found the little black dragon, he would make him look good. He would not let go of his hatred until he was cut into pieces.

With such emotions, do you still expect others to work seriously?

It's simply impossible.

However, it seems that this kind of work does not need to be taken seriously at all.

The grid on the black dragon's body is so big that no one is blind. How could they not see it if they really encountered it?

Don't tell me this. If you actually meet him, you won't necessarily be able to see him.

For example, right now, Yunfei's dragon tail is just there, can you see it?

What the fuck?

You can't really see it, can you?

Yunfei was a little panicked.


As the powerful man of the mechanical race approached, Yunfei's heart began to rise, but under Yunfei's gaze, the direction of this powerful man actually tilted upward.

Although the tilt is not large, it seems to be just enough to reach over his own tail.

Yunfei himself doesn't believe that others haven't noticed him.

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence?

However, things really turned out to be such a coincidence.

The powerful people are working reluctantly, and it is normal to not be serious. When searching, isn't it normal to have a difference of one or two meters?

Anyway, Yunfei is big, so he can't hide in a stone with a depth of one or two meters, right?

Yunfei made a mistake and they didn't notice him at all.

Just when Yunfei was thinking about whether he should escape first, the great master of the mechanical clan actually corrected the angle a little more on his own, and came after Yunfei again.

I'm crazy.

Boss, you are still so casual, you can do whatever you want?

What can Yunfei say?

Everyone took the initiative to adjust the angle, but he still ran away.

Just keep waiting.

Closer, closer.

Two meters, one meter.


The powerful machine clan has a light blade on its head and uses its hands and feet to break forward.

Why do you need a light blade on your head?

Because the light emitted by the light blade can prevent stones from falling, Yunfei doesn't know how it works, and he doesn't want to know it. Now Yunfei only knows that this guy is going to step on his tail.

No, to be precise, he should be kicking his own tail.

Yes, it is done by kicking. People have always used hands and kicks to move forward. The ground has nothing to do with being flat.

Yes, this is a place where all kinds of gravel are piled up. Isn't it normal for the ground to be a bit angular?

In fact, there is no need for Almighty to kick those irrelevant stones, but you can't help others being unhappy.

What’s wrong with going out and kicking rocks to release yourself when you’re not in a good mood?

All ordinary people have rights, but they can’t kick out the powerful A-level mechanical clan?

Of course, if you kick some ordinary rocks, you can just kick them.

But you can't kick Yunfei's tail.

Is this dragon's tail so easy to kick?

Of course it's not easy to play.

A-level experts can use light blades to cause damage to Yunfei, but if they don't use light blades and only kick with their feet, then just pull them down. You can't hurt them at all, okay?


What kind of stone is this?

So hard?

After kicking Yun Fei's tail, the great master of the mechanical clan almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

Is it some kind of rare ore?

The one that can withstand his own kick must be a rare ore.


Damn it.

its not right.

Just when the A-level mechanical master wanted to look back, he realized that the mecha no longer obeyed his orders.

The metal elements in the mecha have been absorbed by the keel, so it's strange that it can obey his orders.

And that's not all.

When the mecha is easy to use, of course the matching light blade is also easy to use.

Now that the mecha is no longer useful, is the light blade still useful?

Naturally, it was useless. Without energy support, the light blade was instantly destroyed.

With the light blade blocking it, the stone above will not fall.

But if there is no light blade to resist, will the stone fall?

of course.

Buried alive.

That's right, buried alive.

Yunfei didn't need to do anything at all, the falling rocks were enough to kill the mechanical race in the mecha that had lost its protective ability.

This mighty man died with his eyes closed, and even died inexplicably.

Why did you die?

Yun Fei wanted to explain it to him, but unfortunately this guy died so quickly that Yun Fei had no one to share his happiness with.

This is very uncomfortable.

However, the system prompts are still very beautiful and can dilute this discomfort.

It's very comfortable to get 5 points of mental power and 0.5 bloodline value.

Yunfei did not leave in a hurry. Although this powerful man was killed, he did not attract the attention of other A-level mechanical clan powerful men.

Because this guy died very secretly, right?

The sound caused by falling stones is just a routine operation here, because this sound occurs all the time.

The great masters of the mechanical clan are used to hearing this. They know very well whether the stone falls naturally.

But soon a powerful mechanical clan member discovered something was wrong.

Because it sounded to them that there was no movement in one direction.

why is that?

Mad, are you being lazy?

We all work together, so why are you lazy?

This is unbearable, absolutely unbearable.

At this moment, a powerful person asked questions in their communication channel.

However, there was no answer.

This time it exploded.

You're just being lazy and you don't even have an explanation?

No, this behavior must be severely punished.

At that moment, two nearby powerful mechanical tribes ran over with murderous intent. They wanted to see what was going on. If there was no reasonable explanation, it was very possible for them to fall out.

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