Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 296 Please wait a moment

Chapter 296 Please wait a moment

He actually ran over to help him?

I won't forgive you for being hypocritical, so don't be so sentimental.

Well, this can only be said to be Yunfei's own passion.

They are not here to help you, they are here to kill you.

However, let him continue to be beautiful because of his beautiful misunderstanding.

Longsheng was very comfortable watching the theater.

Yunfei was watching the show comfortably under the rubble. The mechanical tribe above him was doing things slowly and leisurely. At this speed, Yunfei could not be found for more than ten days.

Of course, there is a premise that Jinke can withstand ten days.

If Jinke can't stand it anymore, the search speed will be greatly accelerated.


Isn't that a giant steel dragon?

My dear, is this A-level?

I still remember that in the No. 3 City of the Northern Mechanical Tribe, Yun Fei had sucked this kind of thing, but the steel dragon at that time was not as powerful as it is now.

Sure enough, the mechanical race is a master of technology. How long has it been?

You can make a steel dragon with A-level strength.

It would be terrible if they could develop an S-class steel dragon and mass-produce it.

Yunfei really overestimated the mechanical clan.

Mass production of S-Class?

Don't be kidding, even if they really overcome the technical difficulties of the S-class, there is no way to mass-produce it.


Do you really think the material is Chinese cabbage?

There are only so many A-level steel dragons in this city, and S-level ones are still being mass-produced, the Machine Race really thinks.

If they really have this ability, the dragon clan is nothing, and the mechanical clan has the final say on the entire continent.

Yunfei enjoyed watching it here, but Jin Ke was not so comfortable.

Especially after the appearance of the giant steel dragon, Jin Ke was a little confused.

He does think that his strength is quite good, but against the steel dragon, Jin Ke feels like he has nowhere to start.

Not to mention ten, even if there was only one, Jin Ke felt that he couldn't bear it.

With that kind of tonnage, it's really scary. The key is that they are not afraid of dragon language magic. There is no way to do this. If you poke them with a large ice pick, they can only leave a small gap less than one centimeter deep.

Will people care about such a big gap?

Well, regardless of whether the steel dragon cared about it or not, Jin Ke knew that he should run away, otherwise he would be entangled by the steel dragon and he would not be able to escape even if he wanted to.

Jinke was ready to escape, but the mechanical tribe didn't want Jinke to leave. They were already here, so don't leave.

Wouldn't it be nice to stay and die with that little black dragon?


Speaking of the little black dragon, what is Yunfei doing?

He did not watch the show with peace of mind, because he felt that there was nothing interesting to watch, and he might as well have the pleasure of having a sneak attack by himself.

The machines above him happened to be distracted, what a great opportunity for a sneak attack.

Yunfei repeated his old trick and moved forward quietly. He didn't know that the mechanical tribe was carrying an S-class life detector, otherwise he would never have come up so carelessly.

When Yunfei appeared within the detection range of the S-class life detector, the detector immediately sounded an alarm.

Damn it.

These two guys are indeed a team. Do they want to meet up and escape?

Tell you not to even think about it.

Little black dragon, go to hell.

The ten powerful mechanical tribes above the pit took action together, and at the same time, five of the ten steel dragons also took action.

No, they used their mouths.

What the real dragon spits out is breath, but what they spit out is a beam of light.

This is much stronger than the light blade in the hands of the powerful machine clan. All the stones in its path are destroyed.

Yunfei didn't know how many fuckers were running rampant in his heart.

What's going on?

Have you taken medicine? Can you actually find me?

Realizing that something was wrong, Yunfei turned around and ran away.

I'm not kidding, if you want to engage in close combat, no one will be able to use it.

But if you want to play long-range combat, please forgive me for not accompanying me and running away first.

Yun Fei ran without any hesitation. This thing would get hurt if he hesitated. Why hesitate?

The five beams of light were truly violent, just like large searchlights, covering a large area.

But the stone is still somewhat useful. Even if it is annihilated by the light, it can still block it, right?

With this time difference, it was just enough for Yunfei to escape, and the light beam was not too abnormal. Once the energy was used up, it would be over.

But it's really scary.

Look at Jin Ke, he was so frightened.

If those five beams of light hit me, what would be the effect?

No, we can't let him happen.

The giant steel dragon sprays light beams using the energy reserves in his body. Who knows how much energy is stored in such a large body.

It is not appropriate at all to use your own dragon energy to fight with them head-on.

This is the terrifying thing about the giant steel dragon. He is defined as the nemesis of the giant dragon by the mechanical tribe. Is it okay if he has no ability?

But Yunfei can run, but that doesn't mean Jinke can run.

Yunfei has a pile of rocks as a shield, but what does Jinke have?

Nothing at all.

He is still surrounded by twenty A-level powerful men of the mechanical race. How can he run away?

A hard run?

If you can run away, then running away is hard.

It's a pity that I can't run away.

Because there are not only A-level powerful men from the mechanical tribe surrounding Jinke, but also the ten new steel dragons.

Those ten guys are not vegetarians, and Niubi has already made it very straightforward just now.

So, eh?

Wait a moment.

Why did they attack that pit just now?

Judging from their posture, they don’t seem to be here to hunt for treasure, right?

Is there some misunderstanding here?


Yes, yes.

"Is that the little black dragon you attacked just now?"

Jinke asked.

The A-level expert from the mechanical tribe looked at Jinke as if he were a fool.

Has this blue dragon gone crazy?

What do you want to express at this time?

Pretending to be stupid?

Pretending not to know that the little black dragon is here?

If you don't know, why are you fighting with us here?

Did that little black dragon just want to take advantage of the chaos and escape?

Blue Dragon, let me tell you, don’t think too much, neither you nor that little black dragon can escape.

There was no need for the mechanical clan to answer. Jin Ke already knew the answer from the mental fluctuations they inadvertently released.

Is the little black dragon really still here?

But why would the machine clan engage in such a big battle?

Look at the current lineup, damn it, does it look like it's dealing with a C-level little black dragon?

"You guys wait a minute, I'm here to kill the little black dragon too."

Although he was puzzled, Jin Ke felt that he had to tell the truth, and communication was really necessary.

If everyone had communicated early, the current misunderstanding would not have occurred.

It's a pity. Isn't it too late to think about communication now?

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