Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 331 Anyone who can run away is one

Chapter 331: One can run away

The outbreak of the mechanical clan was something Bailong didn't expect.

Although Bailong is just a thug of the Imperial Clan, his status is much stronger than that of the Mechanical Clan.

Besides, how dare you, a little B-class mechanical clan, to yell at so many of us white dragons?

Are you looking for shit?

"What? You want to kill me? Come on? Am I afraid?"

Looking at the vicious looks in the white dragons' eyes, this mechanical race was very tough. He raised his neck and looked like if you don't kill me, you will be my grandson.

The idea of ​​​​the mechanical tribe is very bachelor.

Either early death or late death is death. Why should I be lectured by you before I die?

Who are you?

If you have the ability to fix it yourself, why are you asking me to do it?

"No, hurry up and fix it. We won't rush you. As long as you fix it, let you go first. We will drag the black dragon's footsteps first."

At this time, Bailong really didn't dare to do anything to the mechanical tribe. Their lives were still in the hands of others, right?

The mechanical clan in charge of maintenance was really angry and raised his eyebrows.

Damn it, if I don’t show off my power, you will treat me like a sick cat, right?

Sure enough, you still have to be tough. As long as you are tough, other creatures will not dare to bully you.

Well, of course, repairs and other things still need to be repaired.

What did Bailong say just now?

By the way, letting yourself go first is good, so you must practice it.

Several A-level white dragons left the teleportation place. They had no choice but to leave.

If possible, no one wants to face Yunfei, the little black dragon.

But they can't help it if they don't come out, because all the mechanical races outside the base are almost dead.

There's nothing anyone can do about it, the little black dragon is too perverted.

In the past, he had to get close to kill the mechanical tribe, but now he doesn't even need to get close. He can really play with his fire magic.

"Yunfei stop, we have something to say."

The four A-level white dragons started shouting as soon as they showed their heads.

They are here to stall for time, not to fight to the death with the little black dragon, so if you can talk, let's talk first.

Want to chat?

Okay, let’s talk.

Yunfei is not afraid at all of chatting.

If you want to talk, let’s talk.

"Say it, I'm listening."

There is red light gathering in Yunfei's claws. What is this?

Is this Fentian?

Just ask you if you are afraid.

Bailong swallowed.

This doesn't seem to be the time to have a good conversation, right?

By the way, Brother Black Dragon, can we put the things in our hands aside and chat?

We are a little panicked when you play like this.

The Fentian in Yunfei's hand is actually filled with a dragon's energy. This thing is now a tool for Yunfei to practice his proficiency.

Well, yes, it is a tool and a toy.

Yunfei found that it was really useful to use his skills when he had nothing to do. Just like now, holding a Fentian in his hand and playing with it could greatly improve his ability to control Fentian.

Of course, Kaitian can also play like this, but Yunfei like Kaitian plays very secretly. A light spot will appear on the tip of his claw when nothing happens, and no one can suspect anything.

But in the eyes of professionals, it can't be hidden, such as Netherworld.

"Ahem, Yunfei, I wonder what you want to know?"

What to say?

Bailong really didn't think about it. They only knew that they had to come out and buy time for the maintenance man inside.

"Are you playing with me?"

Yunfei looked unkind, and he raised his paw with the intention of taking action immediately.

You asked me to talk, but now you come to ask me?

If you don't show some sincerity, then don't blame my brother for being rude.

Seeing this, Bailong immediately said: "No, wait a minute."

"We are here on a mission."

Bailong knew that he had to release some useful information, otherwise, this little black dragon would definitely take action.

No one wanted to taste what that thing in his paw felt like.

Li Fu died in the hands of this thing.

Even the powerful Imperial Clan can't stop it. How do you expect them to stop it?

"What's the mission? Tell me about it."

Yunfei's expression softened a lot, and the red light ball on his paw became a toy again.

what to do?

to be honest?

White dragons, look at me, and I'll look at you.

Of course not, so what can you say?

"We are here to help the mechanical tribe."

Bailong spoke.


That's not what Yunfei wants to hear. What he wants to hear is the practical information, and he can't wait until the system prompts that the task is completed.

Holy shit?

So capable?

Can't you say two more words?

Damn it, can that maintenance man do it?

Bailong felt like he was sweating, mainly because he was under a lot of pressure.

"What? You don't want to say it?"

Yunfei was thinking about giving the white dragons some color. There were four of them. If two were killed, would the remaining two be more honest?

"Tell me, tell me, but you have to agree to a condition. If we tell the truth, how about you let us go?"

Bailong said, you were the one who forced us to express our stance before, now we are forcing you to do the same, it is a courtesy.

However, what Bailong didn't expect was that Yunfei was a bachelor and agreed without thinking.

"If it's just you, of course there's no problem, but are you sure you won't care about them?"

Yunfei stretched out his front paws and pointed in the direction of the base.

At this moment, there are still some mechanical tribes lingering in the direction of the base.

Oh no, it should be said that there are some lucky people who survived Yunfei's massacre.

Take care of them?

Bailong glanced at the mechanical clan and shook their heads collectively.

Are you kidding me? I definitely can't control him. Whose son will he die?

"Response so happily? But I feel like you have misunderstood my words."

Yunfei decided to kindly remind these guys to prevent them from taking any chances.


The white dragons were a little confused.

What does Yunfei mean?

Misunderstand? What misunderstanding? Is he going to regret it?

"I'm not talking about them, but the white dragons who are in the base, waiting to be teleported away."

Yunfei's words were astonishing. He had torn off the disguise of the white dragons in just one sentence, and it was so painful.

All four white dragons gasped.

This is impossible, right?

How did he know?

Psychic perception?

It's impossible. The machine clan's base has equipment to isolate spiritual power.

Why is that?

Is there a traitor among them?

Or is there a traitor in the Machine Clan?

Yes, after thinking of this possibility, the white dragons glared at the surviving mechanical race.

There must be a traitor among them, otherwise it would not explain why Yunfei knew so much about the situation in the base. Yunfei even knew that they were about to teleport out of the base.

If there wasn't a traitor, how could Yunfei know so clearly?

"Hey, I'm still waiting for your answer."

Yunfei didn't have time to watch Bailong fight with the mechanical tribe. What he wanted to know was what conspiracy Bailong had.

"Answer? I'm afraid you won't be able to wait any longer. Brothers, spread out and run as fast as you can."

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