Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 34 A fledgling is not afraid of tigers

Chapter 034: A fledgling is not afraid of tigers

Huolong Ridge, outside the underground area, was already 5 days after Yunfei killed the two mountain-drilling beasts.

Barry is furious in his own private lava lake.

The reason is of course very simple, that is, the mountain-drilling beast has not come back, and the road has not been used for 2 days. What does it mean that it has not come back for 5 days?

There must be something wrong. Could it be that he was intercepted by the mechanical tribe?

Berry was angry. At this moment, he wanted to tell his father about Yunfei's special characteristics, and wanted his father to put pressure on the mechanical clan.

Yunfei doesn't need it, but Barry needs Yunfei's opportunity. Even if he can only drink soup after informing his father and get the benefits, it is still better than not drinking anything at all.

But just when Berry was hesitating to tell his father, he got some exciting news.

The mechanical tribe was also very angry and had not caught Yun Fei at all.

So the question is, where has Yunfei gone? Caught by a third party? This is impossible.

Maybe he ran away again?

Thinking of this, Berry suddenly realized that this was really possible. Things that couldn't happen to other dragons didn't seem to be inconsistent at all if they happened to Yunfei, because Yunfei was a black dragon with great opportunities.

At this time, the black dragon with great opportunities was wandering underground in Huolong Ridge. And if you say that Yunfei has great opportunities, people will admit it. This time he followed the tunnel to the lair of the Mountain-Drilling Beast and found something good. .

The Diamond Mountain Beast feeds on various metal ores. Yunfei said that he can eat these too, so all the ores stored by the Diamond Mountain Beast were sucked by Yunfei.

Originally, Yunfei thought that the properties improved by directly absorbing ores would not be as much as those by absorbing mechanical mechas, but after absorbing them, Yunfei knew that he was wrong.

There were only a dozen pieces of ore piled in the lair of the Diamond Mountain Beast, but after being absorbed, Yunfei's attributes increased by 5 points, which was comparable to absorbing 500 E-class mechas.

After making this discovery, Yunfei instead lived in the mountain-drilling beast's lair and left in no hurry.

Because he saw a lot of ores containing metallic properties in the ground through the Eye of Reality. These things have attribute values. Anyway, it is safe to hide here, so why are you leaving in a hurry? It is only right to improve your strength first.

After a few days, Yunfei ran around underground and got a lot of ore. In three days, he increased his attributes by fifteen points. Yunfei was so happy that he didn't want to give it up.

However, the good times did not last long, the ore was limited, and without the ore to absorb, Yunfei naturally had no reason to stay.

Although Yunfei has been running around underground these days, he has also found a passage through the Fire Dragon Ridge. It can be said that the Mountain-Drilling Beast is really powerful and has helped Yunfei solve a lot of troubles.

"Ding, trigger the mission and search for volcanic minerals."

On the way, the system suddenly said this sentence out of nowhere.

Yunfei is still waiting for the next step, but it seems that there is no more.

"Is it done?"

There is no movement in the system.

Yunfei's head hurts a little, looking for volcanic minerals, what is that? I'm not a scientific researcher, how do I know what volcanic minerals are? This thing has no inherited memory.

However, the system has released tasks. Although there is no mention of rewards or anything, I think the rewards must be good, so what else can I do? Find it.

But in the next few days, Yunfei gained nothing at all. The tunnels dug by the Mountain-Drilling Beast were carefully considered by Yunfei, but there was no sign of the volcanic mine.

"This is a volcano group. The volcanic minerals must be related to the volcanoes, so there should be volcanic minerals. Why aren't there?"

Beili has the same doubts as Yunfei. Why doesn't he also have the same doubts as Wuji?

Where did the little black dragon hide?

Could it be that he didn't dare to go to the north and turned back to hide?

The mechanical tribe also had such doubts. Like Berry, they were all stuck on the road to the northern border.

Unlike the mechanical tribe and Berry, it didn't take long for Yunfei to solve his doubts.

The mountain-drilling beasts are not powerful and ferocious beasts. Although they are very capable of digging tunnels, they do not dare to approach the volcano at all. When Yunfei raised his claws and dug a path underground for more than ten miles under the volcano, he passed the real The eye saw the volcanic mine.

Volcanic ore is an ore that condenses the essence of a volcano. It contains very strong fire attribute energy and is a treasure for fire attribute creatures.

This kind of treasure has a very high temperature. Creatures with suitable attributes can practice near it and gradually absorb the energy released by it. However, it is not easy to take it away. It is too hot to take away.

Even Berry's father, the fire-attribute red dragon in his prime, had to lie down in the magma and slowly absorb it.

But Yunfei doesn't know these things. He is just a newbie and is not afraid of tigers. He doesn't understand the consequences of rashly contacting volcanic minerals, so he just digs tunnels to get volcanic minerals.

When he was almost at the end of the field, Yunfei felt that it was very hot and his paws couldn't bear it. This was still separated by layers of rocks. What if it was close?

Yunfei wanted to quit, but unfortunately the system did not agree.

"Ding, complete the mission, search for volcanic ore, stimulate subsequent missions, absorb volcanic ore, and reward fire attribute resistance improvement."

"You are forcing a good girl into prostitution." Yun Fei accused.

"But the fire resistance thing seems to be very good." Yunfei's idea of ​​retreating disappeared. The system is still very reliable. Since it has issued a task, it means that it can collect the volcanic ore.

what to do? Go ahead and keep digging.

The more the stone was dug, the hotter it became. Yunfei felt that his dragon claws were about to melt away from the heat.

By the time Yunfei actually saw the volcanic mine, his mouth was already dry and his body was severely dehydrated.

"Absorb, absorb quickly, I feel like I'm going to die." Dragons also need to drink water. If the blood is gone, it can be regenerated. If the water in the body is gone, it will be over.

In order to prevent himself from dying here, Yunfei hurriedly spoke.

However, there was no movement in the system.

"You're not asking me to touch this thing, are you?" Yunfei stared at the red light emitting in front of him, which was only the size of an adult's fist.

No answer. Is this the default?

In the past, whether the mecha or the ore was absorbed, Yunfei's body had to be in contact with it. Yunfei thought about the consequences of touching the volcanic ore, and immediately became uneasy.

Will he be burned to ashes?

"Just die, but I'll just touch it, gently. If you want to suck it, hurry up."

Yunfei mobilized the last strength of his body, stretched out his dragon claw, and lightly touched the volcanic mine with the tip of his claw.

Originally, Yunfei planned to run away when he touched it, regardless of whether it was successfully absorbed, but this time it seemed like it was stuck, and running was useless.

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