Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 340 Ink is not a good habit

Chapter 340: Ink is not a good habit

Uncle Lee Teuk felt that he had been deeply deceived. You were obviously so fierce, why were you pretending to be so weak just now?

Are you trying to deceive my feelings?

Okay, you did it, you successfully deceived my feelings.

"Shui Ling, kill him." Uncle Li Te's roar was a little sad, as if someone had played a trick on him.

Yunfei didn't care whether Uncle Li Te's scream was miserable or not, anyway, he was determined to kill all the fish guards first.

Seven shots burned the sky, and the burned fish guards cried for their fathers and mothers.

Oh no, I can't say that, because almost all of them died silently.

Shui Ling couldn't save them, and their emperor couldn't either.

Shui Ling heard Uncle Leeteuk’s order.

He had no doubts about such an order. It was just a big move. It was trivial.

Two blue lights appeared in Shui Ling's eyes, which made Shui Ling look even more terrifying.

Then Shui Ling's arms suddenly softened and turned into water flow.

The water flowed very fast in the air, wrapping around the clouds like two streamers.

Yunfei had already seen it and evaded it. Even if the water flow was fast, it would not be able to entangle him.

The fish guard is almost dead. Even if there is a little shrimp left, it can't affect the overall situation.

"Guys, we can continue."

Yunfei grinned, "If I can fuck you once, I can fuck you a second time."

All the fish guards are dead, let’s see how you recover this time.


No, just wait a moment.

what's that?

Yunfei was just proud of killing the fish guard. When he lowered his head, he saw that he was tied up.

It turned out that the two streams of water were flowing around the back.

People are carrying streamers, and they are ever-changing. Isn’t it normal to turn around?

When the stream of water tied up Yunfei firmly, the stream of water ceased and it instantly became an entity.

No matter how hard Yunfei struggled, he couldn't fight to his death.

Shuiling's strength is much greater than Yunfei's.

However, Yun Fei couldn't be killed by sheer strength alone, and the blue light in Shui Ling's eyes became even more dazzling.

"Made, what are you going to do?"

No matter what this big guy is going to do, it's good for him anyway.

Just let this big guy play with you, uh, tie yourself up?

It's not Yunfei's personality to be passively beaten.

By the way, this handsome dragon’s wings are quite useful.

The Heart of Earth Fire was activated by Yun Fei.

The magma flowed, and the originally black dragon wings instantly turned fiery red.

Shuiling's two ribbon-like arms are mainly wrapped around Yunfei's wings, so as to ensure that Yunfei will not move randomly.

When the dragon's wings turned red, a squeaking sound immediately erupted.

It's like pouring water on a fire.

A lot of water vapor rises.

According to Mo Yu's words, the energy contained in the Heart of Earth Fire is quite a lot.

It’s not certain whether the entire Baihong Lake can be evaporated.

Uncle Leeteuk was stunned.

Can this still be done?

What the hell are the wings of this little black dragon?

It can actually compete with Shui Ling and cannot be extinguished?

It's true that weird things happen every year, and there are especially many of them today.

Looking at this posture, this damn thing is faster than Yun Fei's use of flames.

Fentian is just a skill used by Yunfei. Once the power of the skill is consumed, the flames will be extinguished.

But the Heart of Earth Fire is different. It is a special substance with the attribute of fire. Although it may be small, its internal energy is bursting with energy.

As long as the internal energy is not exhausted, the house will not go out.

"This won't work. You guys, please bless the water spirits."

Uncle Leeteuk commanded the surviving commander Yuwei Sanhuang.

These three have indeed become polished commanders, and their tribe has been wiped out by Yun Fei.

What kind of hatred is this?

This was the revenge of genocide, so the three emperors did not resist Uncle Lee Teuk's orders at all.

They ran directly behind Shui Ling. They turned all the water energy in their bodies into water and sprayed it into Shui Ling's body from their mouths.

The Three Emperors' power of using water magic is not very good, but the energy in their bodies is real.

Even if they are just ordinary races, the three of them combined are still huge.

Shui Ling's eyes, which had dimmed due to the excessive consumption of water in his body, began to shine again.

Yunfei looked at the Emperor Yu Wei and his teeth started to itch with anger.

These three old guys are really in the way.

But what on earth are those two glowing blue eyes?

"Big guy, what are you going to do to get away with it? Such ink stains are not a good habit."

Mader, isn't this guy putting pressure on himself?

Uncle Lite rolled his eyes after hearing Yunfei's words.

This black dragon is so mean.

Do you think Shui Ling doesn’t want to kill you quickly?

Aren't you the devil yourself?

The entire fiery red wings consume the water in Shui Ling's body, otherwise the attack you were expecting would have come as promised.

Now you don't have to rush, because it's coming soon, just enjoy it.

Uncle Li Te was quite confident about Shui Ling's next attack.

Because the attack Shui Ling wants to perform not only has the power of the water of Baihong Lake, but also the power of Shui Ling himself.

You must know that the power of this spirit body is used only once, and every time it is used, it must be carefully considered.

For example, Uncle Lee Teuk's water spirit can use its power three times in total. After using it, the spirit will disintegrate.

This is unstoppable, because the spirit body is already dead and has no way to restore itself. This is a problem that the Imperial Clan cannot solve.

Now, this water spirit is about to use its power for the second time. The first time it was already used by Uncle Leeteuk.

To be honest, Uncle Lite felt a little sad that it was wasted on Yunfei. It would be better if he could save it to deal with a Dragon Emperor-level dragon.

But Baihong Lake is too small. Even if the water spirit is activated, it only has S-level power and cannot kill Yunfei.

Okay, just waste it once. As long as you can kill the little black dragon, it's worth it.

The two blue rays of light finally stopped shining, and Shui Ling's two eyeballs turned into two blue light beams. These light beams were similar to the lasers of the mechanical tribe.

However, Yunfei could clearly feel that the light pillar contained water energy.

And its attack power has reached S level.

Yunfei, who was still controlled by Shui Ling and whose dragon body was free, had no way to avoid it. They were forcing Yunfei to resist.

If these two blue beams of light really hit Yunfei's body, then Yunfei would naturally not be in trouble, and it was possible that he would be directly killed by others.

But without twos and threes, who would dare to go to Liangshan?

The bloodline guardians have been prepared, come on, hurt each other, who is afraid of who is coming?

Even if the big guy's attack lasts for more than five seconds, Yunfei is not afraid. As long as the blood guardian is activated, the blood-colored light film can repel the big guy's two arms, and Yunfei will be free by then.

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