Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 36 Black Dragon, tell me your conditions

Chapter 036 Black Dragon, tell me your conditions

With this attribute, who can believe that Yunfei is just a young black dragon that is only a little over 5 meters long?

Even the golden holy dragon would not be so perverted.

The larval form of the Golden Holy Dragon is considered to be gifted if its various attributes can reach 80 points. Normally, it is around 50 points.

You must know that it is the strongest golden holy dragon, not the weakest black dragon.

However, no matter how strong the attributes are, they all need to drink water. If they don’t drink water, they will die.

Yunfei never expected that his absorption of volcanic minerals would alarm Berry's father, so he left in a hurry and did not take away the reserved rations. He was very hungry and thirsty, but there was really nothing to eat in this endless desert. thing.

At least Yunfei didn't see it with his eyes. No matter on the ground, underground or in the sky, there was nothing to eat.

Fortunately, Yunfei's fire resistance is not low and he can withstand the high temperature in the desert without dying from the heat immediately.

However, even with fire attribute resistance, Yunfei's life is not easy. How big is this endless desert? Yunfei didn't know that clearly, but it was certain that the distance between the two ends was more than 100,000 miles.

A hundred thousand miles away, without food and water, even if the fire resistance is not low, I can't get out. What should I do?

"There should be oases or something in the desert. With this dragon's eyes, it won't be difficult to find them. Let's go."

Yunfei didn't retreat because he had no room to retreat. Behind him was Huolong Ridge. Should he go back and throw himself into a trap? What a joke, so he can only enter the endless desert.

It's only a hundred thousand miles, and it's all done by walking. With his driving speed of at least three thousand miles a day, he can get out in about a month.

And as long as you cross the endless desert, that is the territory of the Dragon Clan.

I can't say it's absolutely safe when we arrive at the Dragon Clan's territory, but at least it's much better than the Machine Clan's territory.

But it's really not that easy to live in the desert. It's good if you don't lose your way. It's impossible to drive at full speed because your body doesn't allow it.

When Yunfei dragged the hungry and thirsty dragon body through the desert for two days, he finally saw spring, and his eyes saw a gerbil.

This gerbil is just a beast, not even a monster, and its body is not that big, not even as long as Yun Fei's current palm.

But no matter how small a gerbil is, it is still meat and has blood in its body, which can solve Yunfei's current basic problem.

However, Yunfei was not in a hurry to take action. There was a thick layer of sand between him and the gerbil, and the gerbil could not see him at all.

What is the gerbil going to do? If it was going home, would it be able to block a nest of gerbils?

Yunfei followed behind the gerbils. Since one was on the ground and the other was underground, the gerbils would not be alert. It would be so beautiful to catch a whole nest of gerbils.

Gerbil did not disappoint Yunfei. Without knowing it, Gerbil took Yunfei back to his home nest, exposing his family to Yunfei's sight.

There were five gerbils in total, and Yunfei felt that he could take action.

But just when Yunfei was about to take action, he stopped again.

What did he see? How could there be fruit in the gerbil's nest? Moreover, it is a bright red fruit, and you can tell from its appearance that this fruit is very sweet.

This is a desert, right? How can there be such a thing as fruit? Where are gerbils found?

Should he deal with this nest of gerbils to put a cushion in his belly, or should he wait and see where the fruit is?

In the battle between heaven and man, reason finally defeated the instinct of eating. If Yunfei wanted to cross the entire desert, he had to consider his escape. Eating gerbils could only solve his temporary needs.

Thinking of this, Yunfei lay still on the desert. He wanted to save his energy and wait for the gerbil to move out.

This wait lasted until the next day, when the Gerbil family moved out, and Yunfei naturally followed suit.

But as he followed, Yunfei realized something was wrong. Where were these guys going? Why is it going deeper and deeper underground? Seeing that the gerbil family was about to disappear from his sight.

The Eye of Truth also has limitations. Currently, Yunfei can only see about 200 meters below.

This depth is already very deep. What is a weak gerbil doing 200 meters underground?

No matter what, let’s dig first. You can’t let the meat in your mouth escape, right? In order to prevent the gerbil from disappearing from his sight, Yunfei got into the sand and started digging a tunnel.

Half an hour later, Yunfei stopped what he was doing. If someone could take a picture of Yunfei at this time, they would see a stunned black dragon.

"what is this?"

"Ding, discover the underground tribe, trigger the task, and win the respect of the underground tribe."

"There should be water and food here, right?" Yunfei doesn't care whether he is on a mission or not. Living is the most important thing at the moment. He is almost dying of thirst, so who cares about missions.

He had already seen the whereabouts of those gerbils. This family was thieves, and their fruits were stolen from the underground tribe.

After seeing it, Yunfei said that he also wanted to steal it. Seeing the gerbil eating the fruit and filling his mouth with juice, Yunfei became even thirstier.

No matter, let’s eat first before talking about anything else.

Yunfei was so motivated that he dug out the remaining 200 meters in just ten minutes.

The huge black dragon fell from the sky and fell straight into this underground space.

I don’t know if this underground space is naturally formed or created by the underground clan. Anyway, it is very vast and the edges cannot be seen at a glance. There are unknown insect-shaped creatures on the walls here. Their bodies will emit a very soft light. It is precisely because of their presence that the entire underground space is very bright.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

"Oh my God, that's a dragon. Has the dragon discovered our habitat?"

"Ancestors bless you, ancestors bless you."

"Notice down and gather all the soldiers."

Yun Fei's arrival made the underground clan very nervous, because Yun Fei made too much noise.

He fell from a dome that was tens of meters high, and a wave of air arose when he fell to the ground. That means he had strong skin and flesh, otherwise he would have died if he fell.

How could the underground people not be afraid of such a big lump falling from the sky?

It's just that the behavior of this giant dragon now makes the people of the underground tribe very puzzled. What is this giant dragon doing?

When the underground tribe was observing Yunfei, Yunfei was also observing the underground tribe. It shouldn't be said that he was eating while observing the underground tribe.

"What kind of underground tribe are these? They are just dwarves." Yunfei kept eating unknown fruits on the tree. The fruits were very sweet, juicy and very thirst-quenching.

Looking at the dwarves, they were only about 70 centimeters tall. Both men and women had thick limbs. The dwarf warriors who came were even more outrageous. They basically held giant heavy weapons in their hands that were taller than them.

"Evil Black Dragon, what do you want, tell me your terms."

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