Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 427 What’s wrong with one more?

Chapter 427: What’s wrong with one more?

If I let you know the speed at which Young Master improves his strength, I would definitely scare you to death.

Yes, it was scary to death.

In fact, Yunfei's improvement speed is already very slow.

Anyway, that's what he thinks.

One of the first ten acupoints can be opened every day, but when it reaches ten to twenty, one acupoint can be opened every two days.

Yunfei was a little dissatisfied with this speed.

Hengqing saw Zuo Qing's attitude, what could he say?

Just wait.

The situation was not bad. Two days later, Yunfei broke out of the barrier.

Twenty acupoints have been opened in his body, and each of the four attributes has increased by 300 points.

At this moment, Yunfei’s attributes are:

Name: Yunfei

Variety: Giant Dragon (Black Dragon Adult Body) Innate Dao Body, increases all attributes by 10%

Physique: 1389 (138.9)

Strength: 1281 (128.1)

Agility: 1251 (125.1)

Spirit: 5500 (550) (a little spirit can be converted into a little dragon energy)

Dragon energy value: 6050

Bloodline: Dragon bloodline fifth grade low level (bloodline value 67)

Level 4 Chaos Dragon Bone: The absorption rate is increased to 30%. Dragon Bone Evolution Value: 49

Fire resistance: 42 (4.2)

Earth attribute resistance: 43 (4.3)

Water attribute resistance: 42 (4.2)

Wind resistance: 37 (3.7)

Lightning attribute resistance: 37 (3.7)

Light attribute resistance: 38 (3.8)

Wood attribute resistance: 35 (3.5)

Poison attribute resistance: 31 (3.1)

Dark attribute resistance: 7 (0.7)

Space attribute resistance: 11 (1.1)

Bloodline Talent: Infinite Strength (Advanced): Passively increases one's own strength by two-thirds

Swiftness (Advanced): Passively increases own agility by two-thirds

Chaos Breath (Advanced)

Bloodline Guardian (Intermediate)

Talent points: 65


Kaitian (space attack skill)

Yutian (earth defense skill)

Sealing the Sky (Water Seal Skill)

Burning Sky (fire attack skill)

"With this strength, there really is no one else."

Yunfei looked at his attribute panel and felt emotional.

That's right, at the B-level level, this attribute is absolutely terrifying.

But Yunfei also felt that he was about to be promoted to A level.

It is estimated that when the body's physical attributes reach 1500 points, it will be A-level strength.

The bonus of the innate Taoist body does not count. If it did, he would now have A-level strength.

There's no need to worry about A-level or anything like that.


Because after Yunfei's strength reaches A level, the Huo family will be able to dispatch emperor-level beings to kill Yunfei.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Yunfei is not sure that he can compete with the emperor level of the Huo family.

So, let’s break the barrier. You can’t continue practicing, otherwise your strength will increase after opening a few acupoints.

This is really distressing to say.

People on the Xiantian Continent are worried about how to improve their strength.

Yunfei here doesn't dare to improve. Is this nonsense?

"Brother, you are finally out of seclusion. I have something important to do."

Hengqing started howling as soon as Yunfei came out of seclusion.

This is the news he got with great difficulty. It will expire in two days. Can he not be anxious?

"What's the matter? You're yelling."

Isn't it just a month of retreat and cultivation? What's there to be excited about?

"I got news about the dragon."

Hengqing dropped a bombshell.

This news is indeed no less than a bombshell for Yunfei. What Hengqing is talking about is not the news about the evil dragon's blood, but the news about the evil dragon.


Yunfei became serious.

"It's Hong Hao Country again. They are playing a bigger game this time. They want to auction the evil dragon directly. However, this auction is very secretive. Very few people know about it. I only found out about it at a great cost."

Hengqing emphatically highlighted his role in this.

Yunfei doesn't have time to care so much.

"Auction? Who is participating?"

"This can be considered an internal auction of the Huo family. The participants are all from the Huo family, and there are also countries affiliated with the Huo family."

Hengqing told Yunfei all the news he got.

"Your father has been promoted, right?"


Weren’t we talking about the evil dragon just now?

Why did it suddenly change to my father?

Hengqing was stunned for a moment, but soon something called pride appeared on his face.

"Yes, brother, my father is already a powerful man."

Yunfei rolled his eyes at Hengqing, "What can you be proud of for a cheating guy like you?"

That is to say, I have a large number of handsome dragons and I don’t care about you. Otherwise, you can still train others to become a noble level, you know?

"Tell your father to come see me."

Yunfei wants to test Heng Yongshou's attitude toward himself after his strength improves.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Hengqing ran away in a hurry.

"Sir, do you need something to eat?"

Yunfei's retreat lasted for a month, but Zuo Qing knew that Yunfei liked to eat.

Yunfei shook his head.

Eating something is just a matter of appetite, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not.

Soon, Heng Yongshou arrived, and he knelt on one knee in front of Yun Fei as soon as he appeared.

What did Yunfei mean by asking his son to call him over?

Heng Yongshou naturally knows.

"Young Master called Yong Shou here, but what do you want to tell him? Yong Shou's strength was given by Young Master. If Young Master needs it, he only needs one word."

Yunfei was very satisfied with Heng Yongshou's attitude.

He cultivated Heng Yongshou with the intention of making him his strongest guard.

"Tell me about the family affairs and go out with me to Honghao Country."

"It's young master."

Heng Yongshou didn't ask any unnecessary questions. As long as what Yunfei wanted to do was not harmful to Tianguang Kingdom, he would definitely do it.

However, an explanation still needs to be made. Nowadays, Heng Yongshou's status is very noble. Who he goes with and where he goes must be explained to the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom.

In case a war breaks out and no one can be found.

In fact, the scale of the current battle is no longer small.

The Huo family poured out their anger on Tianguang Kingdom.

Tianguang Kingdom became Yunfei's scapegoat.

After the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom knew that Heng Yongshou was going to follow Yunfei to leave, he only said one sentence.

That means that Mr. Yun must be served by me.

No, no, we must arrange other back-ups.

"Yongshou, take Tianyue with you this time."

The Lord of Tianguang Kingdom made a decision.

"Tianyue? Are you sure, Lord?"

Heng Yongshou understood what Lord Tianguang meant.

Who is Tianyue?

She is the only daughter of the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom, and she is the youngest child. She is very favored. She is only in her twenties this year. Needless to say, she has good looks and strength. She is currently the only princess of Tianguang Kingdom.

"I'm sure, it would be Tianyue's honor if she could follow Mr. Yun, and this is also her own wish. I, the father, am helping her."

The Lord of Tianguang Kingdom smiled when he said this.

My daughter has good eyesight and she fell in love with Yunfei at first sight. Although Yunfei seems to already have a partner, it doesn't matter. What's wrong with having one more partner?

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