Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 442 Yes, I want to enter the thunder pool

Chapter 442 Yes, I want to enter the thunder pool

After all, my brain cells are limited.

How to make this up?

Are you able to make up royal family affairs at will?

Oh shit, this IQ is really enough.

Yes, how can one easily know about the royal family?

"Your Highness, the affairs of the royal family are not something we can know. Please don't embarrass us. But we have confirmed that you are His Highness the Prince."

Meng Fei got 10,000 likes for his IQ.

How is it?

Let's see how you answer now.

"Okay, then you take me back and I'll ask you in person."

Damn it?

Meng Fei was confused, and so was Meng Chi.

Can it still be done like this?

Just go back and ask? So tough?

In fact, Xi Lai’s understanding is not wrong.

Didn't you go through all the trouble to find me just to take me back?

how? Is there anything wrong?

Faced with Heeley's strong questioning.

Meng Fei and Meng Chi really didn't know what to say.

"What's wrong?"

Xi Lai looked at Meng Feimengchi and asked.

You must be lying to yourself, right?

Yes, they are lying to themselves.

"Your Highness, the Demon Continent is far away and we cannot go back in a short while. We have more important things to do now."

Meng Fei, who thought he was smart, spoke.

"Oh? What's the important thing?"

There was an expression on Heeley's face that said, "I don't believe anything you say."

Still want to lie to me?

Don't even think about it.

Let me tell you, as for this bottle of elixir, I would rather eat it all in one go than give it to you.

Hilley's hand was already holding the medicine bottle.

"We, the Behemoth clan, repay kindness. I just heard that His Highness the Prince said that this elixir was given by a man named Yun Fei. Is that right?"

Meng Fei pointed to the medicine bottle that Xi Lai was holding tightly.

Sure enough, sure enough, you are still thinking about my elixir.


Xi Lai replied that he wanted to see what Meng Fei had to say.

See if he can name the flowers.

"Without this bottle of elixir, I don't think our brothers would have been able to find the prince so quickly, so we have to repay the favor."

"How to repay?"

Hilley spoke quickly.

Editor, let’s see how you edit it?

As long as there is something wrong with what you made up, I will expose you.

"We have received news that Yunfei is in danger, so I think we should not return to Demon Continent, but to repay Yunfei's kindness to His Highness."

"What? You said brother Yunfei is in danger?"

At this time, Xi Lai couldn't hold himself any longer.

He is not afraid of death, but he doesn't want his big brother who helped him to die.

If possible, he would devote everything he had to repaying the favor.

Yes, Meng Fei was right. Without the elixir given by Yun Fei, not only would he not be able to reach the Half-Beast City, he would even die on the way.

This is a great favor.

Meng Fei was delighted.


"Yes, the Huo family sent more than forty people to surround and kill Yunfei."

"Where? Can you help him?"

Hilley was anxious.

"Your Highness, it is precisely because we can help him that I say that we should not go back to Demon Continent now, but to help His Highness's benefactor."

"Okay, okay, let's go now."

Hilley is just a kid after all.

He didn't even think about verifying the authenticity of this information.

Meng Fei and Meng Chi looked at each other and agreed.

Now they have a reasonable reason to approach Yunfei.

As for this cheap prince, they have to be careful. Without this identity, they have no reasonable reason to approach Yunfei.

"Let's go, what are you still doing?"

At this time, Xi Lai was acting like a prince.

"Let's go, let's go now."

Meng Fei and Meng Chi knew where Yun Fei had gone.

They also have a lot of money, okay? Isn’t it easy to buy some news?

Meng Fei and Meng Chi took Xi Lai into the sky, and all the demons, ghosts and snake gods in the Half-Beast City breathed a sigh of relief.

These two outsiders finally left. Damn, these two people were too scary. I couldn’t afford to offend them, but it was good that they left.

At this time, Yunfei had already arrived at Leichi Country under the leadership of Heng Yongshou.

However, Heng Yongshou was stopped before he entered the border.

The person who blocked Heng Yongshou was the leader of Leichi Kingdom.

"Heng Yongshou, the newly promoted venerable of Tianguang Kingdom, why do you come to our Leichi Kingdom?"

"Heng Yongshou has met Lord Lei Xiong."

Heng Yongshou politely raised his hands and said hello.

Lei Xiong is a veteran and powerful person.

There is also a huge gap between the senior level and the senior level.

Is there any way to compare a person who has opened 80 acupoints with a person who has opened 89 acupoints?

Of course, Lei Xiong's strength is not that strong. He only opened 87 acupoints.

But this is already very impressive, even more powerful than the Lord of Tianguang Kingdom.

That is to say, there will be no second Zun-level born in the Leichi Kingdom, otherwise the Leichi Kingdom will replace the Tianguang Kingdom.

Lei Xiong expressed satisfaction with Heng Yongshou's attitude.

But he was very unhappy with Yunfei's performance.

"Are you Yunfei?"

"it's me."

Yunfei nodded, and there was no such thing as a salute.

You are obviously wary of me, but you still expect me to have a warm face and stick to your cold ass?

Stop dreaming.

"What a junior who doesn't know etiquette."

Lei Xiong became even more unhappy after hearing Yunfei's answer.

Do you really think that you are great if you have some achievements?

It doesn’t matter whose child you are, until you grow up, you are just a child, you know?

Do you understand that children can die young?

"Master Lei Xiong, please be respectful when speaking to my young master."

Heng Yongshou stood in front of Yunfei.

Ma De, you Lei Xiong can attack me, but you can't attack my young master, do you understand?


Lei Xiong was impressed by Heng Yongshou.

What a loyal servant.

But what ability does this Yunfei have that can make a powerful person like him protect him so desperately?

That's right, just try your best.

Because Lei Xiong is confident enough to kill Heng Yongshou.

"Forget it, I want Ru Lei Chi, tell me what you want."

Yunfei spoke straightforwardly.

A peaceful solution seems unlikely.

Then just state your demands directly.

If you can accept the conditions proposed by the other party, then accept them. If you cannot accept them, or the other party does not ask for them at all, then you can only think of other ways.

"You want to join me?" Lei Xiong's doubtful eyes instantly turned dangerous.

As Tianyue said, Leichi is the foundation of Leichi Country, and there is no one like it that outsiders can enter.

"Yes, I want to go into trouble."

Yun Fei said firmly.

"You should know the importance of Lei Chi to our country. Now that I know you want to enter, let me ask you, why do you want to enter Lei Chi?"

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