Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 485 It’s also fun to be a coachman

Chapter 485: Being a coachman is also a pleasure

A bottle of Thunder Gold Liquid was definitely not enough, but when Yunfei drained the second bottle of Thunder Gold Liquid, the lightning-shaped scar on Rey's face completely turned golden.

The aura on Rey's body also calmed down.

"Huh? The scar is gone."

Rey's whole body was emitting golden lightning due to the Thunder Gold Liquid, but the light on her body was not as dazzling as the light on the scars on her face.

When the golden lightning on Rey's face stopped emitting light, Yunfei discovered that the original scar on Rey's face was gone.

Oh no, it can't be said that it disappeared, but that the scar was covered by golden lightning, and this golden lightning changed into the original color of Rey's skin.

"Brother, I succeeded. I can control golden thunder and lightning."

When Lei opened his eyes and saw Yunfei, he immediately jumped up, as happy as a child.

"It's good if you succeed. I told you to get more, but you didn't. Fortunately, I arrived in time this time, otherwise there would be problems with your nickname."

Yunfei reached out and tapped Rey's little head several times.

Being scolded by his brother, the joy of the breakthrough was reduced by half.

Fortunately, my brother still dotes on me. You see, he has taken out several bottles of Thunder Gold Liquid.

"Put it away yourself. If it's useful to you, bring more. If you don't use it, I'll go shopping for something better for you."

Filled with a sense of security, Rey lowered his head and hummed softly.

Rey decided that when looking for men in the future, he must follow his brother's standards. Well, it was such a happy decision.

"I'm leaving now. I have many important guests to receive today."

Yunfei pulled Lei and walked out of the Lei Pond.

"Is there a guest? Who is it?"

Lei Yi asked, someone who can be called a guest by Yunfei must be very powerful, right?

Yunfei's reply did not disappoint Rey.

The visitors are five reincarnation level experts.

Rey covered her mouth after hearing this.

This was a reincarnation-level powerhouse. There was only one such powerful person in her family.

Now there are five of them together?

No wonder my brother used the term "heavyweight guests" to describe these people.

Rey adjusted her clothes. When meeting for the first time, they must be dignified and not leave a bad impression.

When Yunfei and Lei left the Lei Pond and appeared outside the Lei Pond, five reincarnation-level powerhouses from the Behemoth tribe had already arrived.

As soon as they saw Yunfei, they immediately knelt down to Yunfei.

My mother, a row of reincarnation-level experts knelt down in front of her. What kind of row was this?

Rey was so excited that she couldn't help herself.

My brother is so powerful, the family feud can be avenged.

At this moment, Rey was full of confidence in whether he could take revenge.

"The mountain is covered with stone, the base is covered with frosted sand, and the strings are covered with sand. Thank you Master Yun for your great kindness."

The five great reincarnation-level experts are well-known, and they did not kneel down to you for no reason.

Just kneeling down, no one can find fault.

Yunfei secretly said, just pretend.

Sister Bai Sha has already told herself that the Behemoth clan is a legacy that she can inherit.

You came here just for this handsome dragon, and you went out of your way to find an excuse for this. You really took great pains.

However, you have already done enough to show your face, and we can’t let you waste your expressions in vain, so let’s continue.

"You're welcome, Xi Lai and I hit it off immediately. It was my duty to save him."

"No, the Behemoth clan dare not refuse to thank Mr. Yun for his great kindness. From now on, we brothers will definitely not shirk the responsibility if there is an assignment."

Yunfei said he believed this.

"Thank you."

Frosting and they did not continue to speak.

Otherwise, let’s not do anything today, just sit on the ground and just say thank you.

"In this case, we can't let the Huo family come to our door all the time. How about we also go to the Huo family to be guests?"

Yunfei was asking about the newcomers to Frosting.

Going to Chuanghuo's base camp is really not possible without some strength.

If Fengsha and the others follow, Yunfei will be very confident.

Tianyue no longer knows how to express her feelings at this moment.

What is this situation?

It’s okay for the Zun-level strong men to please Yun Fei Renren, now even the Samsara-level strong men are like this.

Please, you are Samsara level experts. Why are you always thinking about how to please Yun Fei?

Can you save some face?

Tianyue's world view has collapsed a bit.

You must know that the reincarnation level is a legendary existence here in the West Frontier.

Now these legendary strong men are kneeling in front of others.

This, this, even if this person is his man, Tianyue still can't accept it.

"We brothers are all at Mr. Yun's disposal."

Are you kidding me, Fengsha and the others came to the west just to ensure that Yunfei would not be bullied?

It would be even better to be able to listen to Yunfei's instructions. Frosting guarantees that he will fight wherever he wants.

"Big brother, I'm going too."

Xi Lai spoke. He no longer wanted to stay in Leichi Country to practice. He also wanted to see what the Huo family was like.

The reincarnation level is a legend that has never appeared in the Western Frontier, but the Huo Family is a living legend on the Western Frontier Continent.

"Okay, let's go together."

"Sir, Your Highness, what should we do about those peeping creatures?"

Frost asked.

Xi Lai looked at Yunfei.

"Kill him."

Yunfei didn't sense that anyone was peeping here, but the abilities of reincarnation-level powerhouses are beyond our comprehension. If people say there are, then I'm afraid there must be some.

Frosting sneered.

You little lackeys, you are the only ones who still want to spy on what I say and do?

You are still a little too young.

Who is the little lackey that Frost is thinking about?

Of course it’s Pepsi Rat.

These guys have now activated their perseverance towards Yunfei, and they follow Yunfei every day anyway.

They would go wherever Yunfei went, and they couldn't believe that they couldn't get any news about Yunfei.

Now, all those Pepsi rats who were hiding in the dark and watching Yun Fei died instantly.

Behemoths do not cultivate any attributes. They only cultivate demon energy and their own bodies, so the demon power attacks they launch are silent.

Pepsi Rat didn't even pass the latest information back to the headquarters of the West Frontier Office, and they had already been eliminated.

To use a reincarnation-level powerhouse to deal with those Pepsi rats is like using a forty-meter-long machete to cut a mosquito. It will be absolutely crushed. Well, you can't even use cutting. Just press it directly and crush it to death.

"Sir, the cleaning is done. You can speak with confidence."

"There's nothing more to say. Let's go directly to the Huo family's headquarters."


Just wait, this handsome dragon is coming to find you.

"Yes, Young Master, we can let someone who knows the road show us the way. I will take Young Master there, and the speed will be faster."

Frosting volunteered, looking as if he was happy to be a coachman.

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