Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 52 Stand up

Chapter 052 Stand up

It was getting dark, and after Yunfei completed all the tasks assigned to the young dragons in Longfu Garden today, he left the slaughterhouse and headed to the mining area.

The young dragons were working hard, and a large pile of metal ore was placed in the center of the open-pit mining area.

Yunfei was very satisfied with the harvest of the young dragons. It could be seen that they were not lazy.

Since they have worked hard, Yunfei will certainly not skimp on food. The meat rewarded by Dragon City has been piled in Longfu Garden.

After the young dragons all returned to Dragon City, Yunfei himself stayed and snorted happily.

It's just that Keel is very picky now. After Yunfei absorbed the ore pile dozens of meters high, his attributes only increased by 3 points.

There is no point in using large quantities to control enough. What people need now is quality.

However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still flesh. It is already good to increase its attributes by 3 points a day. There is nothing to be dissatisfied about.

That night, Yunfei quietly returned to Longcheng. In Longfu Garden, Longda had already prepared Yunfei's residence, and there were even a few pieces of dragon crystal stacked in Yunfei's residence.

It is said that this was contributed by Xiaojin and Diamond Dragon.

Long Jing can only admit that it is the size of a fist, crystal clear and glowing with a faint blue light. Just one look at it can make the dragon feel familiar.

Yunfei nodded secretly to Xiaojin and Diamond Dragon being so polite. As long as they sincerely integrate into this large group, Yunfei still welcomes them.

After all, we are all poor people without support. If we really don’t sign up for the tour, the life after leaving Longfuyuan will be very difficult.

In the next few days, things in Longfu Park went on the right track. During the day, the young dragons went to help Yunfei dig mines, while Yunfei went to the slaughterhouse to harvest the blood value. At night, the young dragons returned, and Yunfei went to absorb the minerals. metal element.

If life continues like this, it will naturally be very harmonious. The atmosphere in Longfu Garden has changed greatly in recent days. The magic dragons and black dragons are no longer hostile to each other.

In other words, they agreed with Yunfei's words. What did the boss say?


We are born from the same roots, so there is no need to worry about fighting each other. Especially everyone in Longfu Garden needs to unite. Only by uniting can we not be bullied in the future.

Who naturally wants to be bullied?

The young dragons in Longfu Garden have all experienced being bullied outside, so they agreed with Yunfei's words that they should unite.

No, as soon as they said they wanted to unite, the test came.

On the seventh day when Xiao Jin led the young dragons to mine, a group of 20 metallic dragon larvae appeared in the mining area.

"Aren't these the cubs from Longfuyuan? What are they doing?"

"No matter what they do, this is free labor, take it all away."

"Forget it, don't go too far, just take the black dragon away."

The reason why 20 metal dragon larvae appear here is because they have accepted a mission and are going to dig rare ores in a mining area.

It would be great if the hundreds of young black dragons here could be taken away to work.

"Hey, you, black dragon cubs, all come with us."

A metallic baby dragon stood arrogantly on a high place, looking down at the interior of the mining area.

Long Da raised his head and saw the metal baby dragon. The other black dragons also raised their heads. However, they just looked up and showed no intention to obey.

Instead, he continued to immerse himself in his own affairs.

The metal baby dragon was stunned, what is this?

Have you despised yourself?

Or is it ignoring? despise? Contempt?

In short, this metal baby dragon is no longer calm. When did the black dragon cub dare to be so arrogant? You must teach them a lesson, otherwise where will you put your face?

Condescendingly, the metal baby dragon ran all the way with great momentum.

Long Da watched the metal baby dragon running towards him, his heart beating a little faster.

what to do?

Do you really do what the boss said?

Is it really okay?

Long Da was very unsure.

Yun Fei told them: "We don't want to bully other dragons, but as long as other dragons dare to bully us, then do whatever it takes, just fight back, don't care what kind it is, it's over."

According to Yunfei's explanation, even if they kill a golden holy dragon, nothing will happen.

Because there is a saying that the law does not blame everyone.

Why does Longcheng arrange a special place to raise dragons in Longfuyuan?

That's because the fertility rate of the dragon clan is low. Even if every baby dragon is a treasure, it cannot be given up easily.

How many baby dragons are there in Longfu Garden?

There are more than five hundred of them. This is quite a force. If they gather together, who dares to bully them? If something really happens, which boss can afford it?

So don't be afraid, just do it.

Long Da thought about what Yun Fei had said, thought back to his previous life, and then imagined his future life.

Okay, that's it.

Under the leadership of Long Da, the black dragons rioted collectively. The magic dragons and metal dragons were not idle either. Everyone came together as a large group, and the only diamond dragon also followed at the back of the large army. There was no way. Diamond Dragon's speed is just slow, and it can't run fast even if it wants to.

The metal dragon rushing down the mining area hurriedly braked, Damn, what is going on? What are you going to do? Riot?

"Black dragon cubs, are you crazy? See clearly who you are facing and stop it."


It is impossible to stop.

"Fuck it."

He keeps talking about the black dragon cub, who are he talking to? If not, who will you?

Does the metal dragon beep?

Of course, it's awesome. In a one-on-one situation, the black dragon of the same level is definitely no match for the metal dragon.

But what if it’s ten against one? If that doesn't work, what about twenty against one?

There was no suspense in the result. Not to mention the metal dragon at the front, even the remaining nineteen metal dragons that followed behind the metal dragon did not end well.

After just one encounter, they were overwhelmed by the young dragons in Longfu Garden.

It doesn't take much, just one baby dragon stretching out its kick is enough to knock down these twenty metal baby dragons.

The victory was achieved easily. At this moment, not only the black dragons, but also the magic dragons and metal dragons all felt relieved.

Once upon a time, facing these young dragons of the same level who were protected by their elders, they were always inferior to others. They could not even raise their heads when standing in the same place.

But that was before, now, from now on, they stand up.

After this battle, the energy and spirit of the young dragons in Longfu Garden changed.

It's just pity for the twenty metal baby dragons. Now they are all lying on the ground groaning, and none of them can stand up.

If everyone were adults, twenty metal dragons would still have some fighting power, and their breath would be powerful.

But at the larval stage, as long as it's not someone like Yun Fei who has an absolute advantage, quantity can really overwhelm quality.

"Long Da, do you want to tell the boss?" Xiao Jin looked at the groaning metal dragons lying in the mining area and asked in a low voice.

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