Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 522 Severance of friendship and righteousness

Chapter 522: Severance of grudges

Yunfei's loud mouth completely woke Ye Dandan up.

What did she just say?

She actually scolded Ye Rou?

"Godmother, I, I didn't mean to. I was too angry. I didn't want to scold you."

Ye Dandan showed a trace of panic.

"But why are you doing this to me? Huh? Why are you doing this?"

With the bright red palm prints and the tears in her eyes, Ye Rou couldn't bear to blame Ye Dandan even if she was scolded.

"Godmother, please, I want to join the Zoroastrian Cult. Please tell me how to make the D-grade Yuquan Dan."

Ye Dandan knelt in front of Ye Rou.


Even though Ye Dandan acted so pitifully, Ye Rou still shook her head unmoved.

"Do you really want to be so heartless?"

Ye Dandan's change of expression was really fast, and it turned into rage in the blink of an eye.


Ye Rou simply couldn't imagine why Ye Dandan would say such a thing.

Have you ever been unfeeling towards her?

"Okay, if you really want to do this, then let's end our relationship."

Ye Dandan grabbed a piece of his hair and tried to cut it off.

What is she going to do?

She is forcing Ye Rou.

Do you want to guard your elixir, or do you want me.

Seeing Ye Dandan's current state, Ye Rou suddenly felt so relaxed.

If you really cut off all ties like this, maybe you will live an easier life, right?

Seeing Ye Rou's expression, Ye Dandan couldn't believe it.

How much did Ye Rou love herself?

You've been pampering yourself to a great extent since you were a child. What's going on now?

She just wanted a recipe for an elixir, why could she be so decisive? Do you really not care if you break up with her?

Yunfei looked on with cold eyes.

To say that this selfish person is a weirdo.

Ye Dandan never thought about how hurtful and decisive what he did was. Instead, he blamed others.

"Okay, since you don't care about me anymore, from now on, it has nothing to do with you and me."

A strand of hair was cut off by Ye Dandan and fell to the ground.

Ye Rou stared blankly at the strand of hair. After years of hard work, is this the strand of hair she got?

That's fine, Ye Rou felt so tired and she didn't want to stay here any longer. She turned around and walked away without saying a word.

However, Ye Rou's silence does not mean that Yun Fei's silence.

"You want to break off the relationship so easily? Have you repaid Aunt Rou for raising you?"

"What does our family's affairs have to do with you?"

Ye Dandan glared at Yunfei. Of course, she did not dare to say that Yunfei was a monster and useless. Judging from his current state, Yunfei had already escaped the category of monster.

As for trash, that's out of the question. Let's not talk about his physical condition. Ye Dandan's strength alone is not comparable to Ye Dandan's. Is it true that he can talk to himself casually?

If you really want to scold someone, I guess they won't be lenient.

"What does it have to do with me? It seems to really matter, but I won't kill you today, so you can leave."

Yunfei behaved very generously at this time.


Didn't you, Ye Dandan, do something so outrageous to both humans and gods just to climb a high tree?

Okay, then I'll make you regret it.

Advanced skills?

Yunfei really has it. The skills Yunfei prepared for the Long Guard Army are not considered high-end goods in the Xiantian Continent.

But in this place, it is really very, very high-end.

As for high-end resources, this is even more embarrassing. Yunfei itself is a treasure house, right?

He is a giant dragon, and his whole body is full of treasures. If he lets out a little blood, he can make others break their heads.

Ye Dandan woke up immediately after hearing Yunfei's theory that he wanted to kill him.

I can't stay here anymore, I have to go.

"Humph, I will join the Zoroastrian Cult. When I succeed in my cultivation, I will definitely come back to you."

Ye Dandan left after leaving a harsh word.

"From now on, Ye Dandan is no longer the eldest lady of the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. From now on, such people will not be allowed to enter the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce."

The old woman who had been silent until now spoke.

This person's opening was very cruel and he immediately removed Ye Dandan from the list.

But Ye Dandan is not unusual now. She is a woman who is determined to join the Zoroastrian Cult.

Well, her springboard is waiting outside right now.

Well, the bargaining chip of Yuquan Dan is useless, so what should be used to stabilize Huang Ming's heart?

It seems that it can only give him a little taste of sweetness.

The tears that had dried up emerged again.

This thing really comes easily to Ye Dandan.

Ye Dandan ran all the way out of the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. When he saw Huang Ming waiting outside the door, he immediately flew into Huang Ming's arms.

Huang Ming was completely stunned.

Before that, the most they could do was hold hands.

What's going on now?

Throw yourself into your arms.

Huang Ming felt really good at this moment. It turns out that Dandan's body is so weak? It was like water, I really wanted to stuff her into my body.

This is my own woman.

But now, who made his woman cry so hard?

"Dandan, what happened? Brother Ming makes the decision for you."

Huang Ming, who was so preoccupied with sperm, had already forgotten the fact that he had almost peed his pants by Yun Fei not long ago.

"They, they bullied me. I have severed ties with the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce. From now on, Dandan will really have no family."

This little cry makes me feel pity for you.

Can Huang Ming pass up such a good performance opportunity?

"Don't worry Dandan, the Huang family will be your home from now on, and no one will dare to bully you."

Ye Dandan was waiting for Huang Ming's words.

As long as Huang Ming stands behind her, her position will be considered stable.

Because the head of the Huang family has such a son.

At this time, the head of the Huang family had the same mood as Ye Dandan.

Yes, it's stable.

Seeing the two people embracing each other, the head of the Huang family was completely relieved.

As for the suppression of the Yuquan Chamber of Commerce, it is not important at all.

Getting the favor of the one in Zoroastrianism is the most important thing.

"Bitch men and women, sooner or later your intestines will be filled with regrets."

Yunfei saw the two people embracing each other through his mental power. After cursing secretly, he went to find Ye Rou.

Ye Rou was secretly feeling sad, and the scene of Ye Dandan cutting off her hair kept flashing through her mind.

"Aunt Rou still misses her?"

"Let Xiaofei see the joke." Ye Rou smiled reluctantly at Yunfei.

"No, I won't laugh at Aunt Rou. You are a respectable elder. If the Grade D Yuquan Pill is your own, I'm afraid you have already given the pill recipe to her, right?"

Ye Rou was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Yes, if it was true as Yunfei said, then he might have given Ye Dandan what she wanted.

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