Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 55 There’s something wrong with this little black dragon

Chapter 055 There’s something wrong with this little black dragon

Ruili was also surprised that Yunfei had a name, but Ruili still didn't feel any pressure, just surprised.

"I, Ruili, accept your challenge."

"Don't cry when I beat you down, and don't shout to go home to find your mother, understand?" Yun Fei said with a sneer.

"Ding, if you pretend to beep successfully, your talent value will be +10."


In response to Yunfei's Ruili's anger, this little black dragon actually laughed at it in front of so many of its kind?


Yunfei doesn't care whether you forgive him or not. When Ruili rushed towards him, he also rushed towards Ruili.

There are no tricks in the baby dragon battle, it's just a competition of strength, speed, reaction ability, and defense ability, so that's it.

One black, one golden, two young dragons of similar size collided together without any fancy.

The attack methods they use are all the most basic, scratching with their claws, lashing their tails, flapping their wings, and biting with their mouths.

It is this most primitive fighting method that is the most shocking. It really hits the flesh with fists. Yunfei's attack can tear Ruili's defense apart. Ruili's attack is no joke. The black scales on Yunfei's body cannot completely withstand.

Dragon blood of different colors infects the earth, and every time the two bodies collide, a heavy dull sound will be heard.

If you just listen to the sound, you wouldn't think it was two young dragons having a fight.

Ordinary adult dragons would not be able to form such a large formation.

Yun Fei fought very well, and this Ruili was an evenly matched opponent.

However, Ruili became more and more frightened as he fought.

What the hell is this little black dragon?

Ruili discovered that Yunfei's power was not getting weaker, but getting stronger, while his own power was getting weaker.


Everyone is bleeding all over the place, why are you so outstanding?

If he could answer, Yunfei would definitely tell Ruili that it was because his bones were different and his hematopoietic ability was poor.

Are you going to lose? Ruili said he couldn't accept it.

What is this scene now?

How many pairs of dragon eyes are staring at it?

It must not lose, otherwise there will really be no place to save face in the future, and it will not allow itself to lose to a mutant that is suspected of being a black dragon.

How can we make a comeback?

It's very simple, just use your trump card, and it will just let the dragons present see how powerful you are.

When the ancestral dragon gives a name, it is not just a name. Depending on each dragon, they can acquire different abilities.

What Ruili was given was the ability to use breath in advance, and Ruili was not simply able to use breath in advance.

Its breath has been blessed by the ancestral dragon, and its power can be permanently increased by 20%. This improvement will become more terrifying in the later stages.

Ruili himself highly recognized this ability.

In the young dragon stage, having breath in advance is the biggest BUG and there is no solution.

The young dragons are purely using physical attacks, but I have the magic attack ability in advance. Isn't this a BUG?

As for Yunfei's seemingly unafraid of breathing, the outside world doesn't know.

The young dragons in Longfuyuan did not go out to promote themselves, and they were not stupid enough to go out to promote themselves after being scooped up by Yun Fei. Is it something to be proud of when they were taken care of by a young black dragon?

The two sides collided again, and invisible air waves spread around the two. The dragon scales on Yunfei's head were broken in many places, and his head was covered with dragon blood.

Ruili looked even more miserable, but Ruili didn't care anymore. This farce was about to end anyway.

The energy of the breath condensed in Ruili's mouth. The next second, Ruili opened his mouth, and a light golden energy ball that seemed to be burning surged out, heading straight for Yun Fei's face door, which was just around the corner.

It was impossible to avoid it at this time. Yunfei's speed was indeed very good, but how could he outrun Breath on two legs?

However, Yunfei never thought about running away, because after the Bu Lao incident, he found that he seemed not to be afraid of breathing.

Why is the dragon's breath so powerful?

That's because the dragon's breath contains special energy. Unlike the magic dragon metal dragon, the breath of the golden holy dragon is comprehensive. The breath contains the characteristics of all dragons, fire, water, wind, earth, Metal, and the sacred to which the Golden Holy Dragon belongs.

The breath composed of various attributes is extremely powerful.

However, these things really have no effect on Yunfei.

As soon as the breath came, the Chaos Dragon Bone began to exert force, and all the special attributes contained in the breath were sucked out. He didn't know if it was Yun Fei's illusion, but he felt that the dragon bone seemed to express a feeling of eating something delicious.

The special energy in the breath has disappeared, and the remaining attack power is really not enough. The impact is not as powerful as the claw on Ruili Chakra.

"Oh My God."

"It's amazing. The larvae can use breath?"

"Ruili is indeed the strongest golden holy dragon of this generation. When it grows up, we, the human castle, can hope to catch up with the bunker, right?"

"Quickly, go save the little black dragon. The little black dragon is also very powerful. Nothing can happen to him."

The mature dragons spoke in shock, and some were prepared to save Yunfei.

The giant dragon in his prime certainly knows what kind of power the breath of the Golden Holy Dragon has.

Being hit at such a close range, they thought Yunfei had lost and even lost consciousness now, right?

Ruili was very proud, and the dragon's head gradually rose. It liked the surprises of other dragons, and even more liked the praises of other dragons. It felt even more happy when it heard the giant dragon in its prime said that the human castle would surpass the bunker under its leadership. .

The inner vanity is greatly satisfied.

"Hey, are you getting too proud too soon?" Yun Fei couldn't help but speak.

He is the closest to Ruili and can clearly see Ruili's mental journey from Ruili's dragon eyes.

"What?" Ruili's pupils dilated and the dragon's mouth gradually opened.

"What is your sister?"

Yunfei raised his head, and the dragon's head hit Ruili's chin.

Ruili almost bit off his own tongue after being hit hard by Yun Fei.

But this isn't right.

Yunfei forcefully took a mouthful of his own breath. Why does it seem like nothing is wrong now?

Is there something wrong with my breathing?


Absolutely impossible.

Because Ruili had already secretly tested the power of his breath, it was no different from the breath of a golden holy dragon that had grown into an adult body.

So what's the problem?

Yes, there is something wrong with this little black dragon.

Not only Ruili thought about this problem, but also the giant dragon in his prime who was watching the battle.

They were even more shocked than Ruili. The dragons' mouths were opening as wide as possible, and their eyes were full of disbelief.


Just when all the dragons were shocked, Yunfei exerted his strength, and his dragon tail pierced Ruili's dragon wing. While blood was flowing, Yunfei's dragon tail wrapped around the keel on Ruili's wing.

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