Dragon Bloodline Evolution

Chapter 583 A trip to the Holy Court

Chapter 583 A trip to the Holy Court

"I am in trouble in the Holy Hidden World. I have to survive in this world for hundreds of thousands of years. I already owe this world, so what qualifications do I have to ask them to believe in and worship me?"

Sheng Yin kept shaking his head after hearing Yun Fei's words.

Doesn't he understand the importance of faith?

Of course he knew it, more thoroughly than Yunfei did.

Faith is a kind of power, and humans can become gods in two ways, which are two completely different paths.

One is to believe in becoming a god and use the huge power of faith to create a divine body. Of course, in this way, you can only rely on faith to improve yourself in the future. Even if the acupoints in the body continue to be opened, what is stored can only be the power of faith.

Although the power of faith is a very powerful force, it has too many limitations. It can only be regarded as a shortcut, and the upper limit is not high.

Another way is to become a god with one's own body, which is to rely on one's own strength to create a god's body. In the early stage, it may not be as powerful as those who believe in becoming a god.

But its powerful stamina cannot be matched by those who believe in becoming gods.

However, this does not mean that people who become gods cannot use the power of faith. They can still use it to increase their physical strength.

So, no matter which path you take, the power of faith is useful.

Now Shengyin actually says that he is not qualified. What does this mean?

Yunfei looked at Sheng Yin doubtfully, waiting for Sheng Yin's next words.

"I am a reincarnation level. Even if I don't fight with others, I still have to absorb a lot of energy every day. Besides, I didn't know how to restrain myself when I first got here. I mobilized too much power to fight against the formation that trapped me. Only then did I This is why the spiritual energy in the Holy Hidden World is so thin."

"So, I owe it to the world."

Sheng Yin was very sad.

But Yunfei is understandable.

Anyone who is imprisoned in a place and cannot get out will go crazy and try various methods to find a solution. There is nothing wrong with this.

"Just try your best to make up for it in the future."

"Yes, try your best to make up for it. All I can do is protect their safety and prevent the sewage from outside from flowing into the Holy Hidden World."

Yunfei can understand Shengyin's approach, and also understands why Shengyin doesn't hand over more advanced skills to people in Shengyin's world.

As a person's strength becomes stronger, his desires will become stronger. When someone cannot resist the temptation of the outside world and leaves the Holy Hidden World, then the Holy Hidden World will not be so safe.

"By the way, old man, have you heard of sin blood?"

Yunfei suddenly asked, this old man is a veteran reincarnation level strongman, he must have been alive for almost two thousand years, right?

Although he has been tied up in the holy world for more than a thousand years, his life experience must be very rich.

"What? Are you also interested in sinful blood?"

Shengyin smiled and spoke.

When Yunfei heard this, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

This old man obviously knows something.

"I've heard about the sinful blood, so I'm naturally very interested. However, there are too many versions of the legend. I don't know which one is true and which one is false."

"Haha, you are asking the right person about this. Do you know what I used to do?"

Yunfei wanted to open Shengyin's head to see what was inside.

If you didn't tell me, how could I know what you do?

"Even if you think about it, you wouldn't guess that I am the chief formation instructor of the Holy City and the Holy Academy."

After saying that, Sheng Yin raised his head proudly.

This is a proud chick waiting for praise, right?

But Yunfei is really confused.

How can I praise this thing?

I have no idea what to say, is there any?

Holy City Holy Monastery?

What is that?

"Sir, the Holy City is one of the three giant cities that opposes the belief in God. As for what the Holy Court is, I don't know."

Long Yi opened his mouth to explain something to Yun Fei, but he also explained it half-understood.

They didn't even understand the territory of the Gods that bordered the western border. How could they understand the divine camp in the east?

Sheng Yin was so angry at these two people that he almost lost his temper.

Who are these two people?

Don’t you even know this basic common sense?

"The Holy Academy is the highest institution of learning in the Holy City, do you understand? Our Holy City is the highest institution and it is different from that of Faith God. We use the academic system to teach our younger generations. It is precisely because of this system that we are able to innately On the mainland, we have a fight with the God of Faith.”



To put it bluntly, it is nine years of compulsory education, right?

"Yeah, I understand."

Shall I wipe it?

Sheng Yin was annoyed by these words. He was just about to give Yunfei some popular science about what the academy-style education method is, but before he could say it, you said you understood?

Then wouldn’t the words that this old man had organized in his mind be in vain?

No, is this an expression of disdain?

I'm just saying, you definitely won't understand, you're just pretending.

Although Sheng Yin was grateful to Yunfei, he could not allow Yunfei to tarnish such a noble place as the academy, let alone let anyone misunderstand the academy.

"Okay, since you said you understand, then tell me what you understand."

What's there to say? But it’s okay to talk, but we have to have conditions.

"But, if what I said is right, then old man, you have to tell me everything you know about Sin Blood."

The mission of the Ancient Continent has been completed, but as for the sinful blood, all Yunfei knows is that it was obtained from Netherworld, and the progress is too slow.

"Okay, it's settled."

Sheng Yin agreed happily, because he had no intention of hiding anything from Yun Fei, so does it matter whether he loses or not?

After hearing Shengyin's promise, Yunfei casually talked about the nine-year compulsory education.

Sheng Yin was originally planning to educate Yun Fei, but after hearing what Yun Fei said, he was immediately stunned.

Of course what Yun Fei said was not entirely correct, but it was more than half correct, and there were some things that even Sheng Yin had not thought of.

Is it possible to teach in separate classes?

Yes, divided education can better educate talents and reduce the pressure on tutors.

Quick, quick, quick, grab a small notebook and write it down.

Yunfei looked at Shengyin with a smile.

Humph, if it weren't for the sin-blood intelligence, I wouldn't tell you such an advanced educational concept.

In the end, after a hearty chat, Sheng Yin benefited a lot. However, when Yunfei was waiting for Sheng Yin to tell him about his sinful and bloody past, Sheng Yin stopped talking.

"Sir, it's not that the old man won't tell you, but there are many things that I can't remember clearly. How can I deal with you? So I ask you to come with me to the Holy Courtyard. There is a book in the Holy Courtyard that records the blood of sins in detail. , I believe that book will definitely satisfy you.”

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Okay, then let's go to the Holy Court."

Sheng Yin smiled proudly in his heart, hehe, if you don't tell this old man everything, this old man will trick you like eating and drinking water?

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